Safe Streets to School Townhall Meeting (Online Meeting)

Please join us this Friday on Zoom. We have invited all Wollongong councillors to give us a snapshot of their position and we are excited that so many of them will join our event. For confirmed speaker see our event link.
Also we will give you an update about our Wollongong campaign and some exciting news about people taking the campaign to other LGAs in Australia.
Kelly Andrews from Healthy Cities Illawarra will give us an update on the Figtree project for Safe Routes to School. We will end this meeting with a Q&A session. The meeting will be recorded and might be published online.
Starts on
Friday, 9 July 2021 at 3:00 PM AEST
Ends on
Friday, 9 July 2021 at 4:00 PM AEST
