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To: Federal Government of Australia

#changethedate to March 3rd Australia Day

Please Change the date of Australia Day from January 26 to March 3.

On March 3rd 1986 the Australia Act was enacted. Signed on March 2 by Queen Elizabeth II and PM Bob Hawke to be enacted simultaneously in Australia and the UK on March 3rd 1986.

This made Australia a sovereign, independent and federal nation. This was the first time Australia was declared independent! That's something we can all celebrate. January 26 was Invasion Day in 1788! Survival Day is an important day too, but not one for celebration of Australia Day!

Let's #changethedate. Please sign the petition

Why is this important?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and all Australians can't currently celebrate Australia Day on January 26. It's a date for white settlement and 'Invasion' from 1788. It has been a day of mourning formally since 1938. We must change the date! #changethedate to March 3rd



2017-02-21 23:37:20 +1100

2017-02-21 16:43:54 +1100

50 signatures reached

2017-02-15 14:04:09 +1100

25 signatures reached

2017-02-14 16:48:41 +1100

10 signatures reached

2017-02-14 16:32:18 +1100

Some people will ask about Labour Day. This is celebrated on different dates in each State of Australia, so let's unite on May 1st for Labour Day's across Australia to avoid possible conflict for some states.,3373