50 signatures reached
To: Australian Government
Government Accountability - National Wage

I would like you to join me in my fight for the correct National Wage, Mr John Howard introduced a goods and services tax called GST in the year 2000.
Mr Howard gave no compensation to the low paid workers of Australia, an Anomaly is now occurring, which is placing Burdens on the people of Australia.
The minimum wage in 2000, needed an adjustment from minus 36% to 50%.
I would like to take you to Centrelink, after I was denied a modest claim by compulsory workers compensation scheme in the year 2002, forcing me on to a Disability Support Pension.
I wrote to State and Federal Minister concerning responsibility, Work Cover versus Centrelink.
Work Cover has the Sole responsibility to rehabilitate and compensate injured workers, whilst under return to work plans and obligations.
Centrelink as a low income earner, forced me to look for work under NewStart because my injury could not be rated as yet, NewStart had obligations of I must be looking for 8 hours of work.
I am not entitled to NewStart, I could not look for work as I was totally incapacitated and I was recovering under obligations of workers compensation, I couldn’t accept this, what other benefit fit my situation, that is a Disability Support Pension
Their was circumstances in my employment
situation, Employee/Contractor which was also in dispute, I received at first $100 per week then $160 and then the modest $280 from the insurer, 13 days prior I worked full time for over 3 years in which the scheme collected compulsory premiums and fees.
I now receive Work Cover payments and a Disability Support Pension, I don’t pay tax on the Pension and the amounts I received from the insurer basically meant I didn’t have to pay tax on Work Covers income.
The Evidence
2005 Under Chart C Income test for Pensions I could receive income up to $1422.75 per fortnight, on a weekly basis I could receive $711.37, but the astonishing thing was that if I minus 36% of $1422.75 you get $512.19.
The figure presented at $512.19 is the exact Minimum Wage at the time of my dispute.
I presented this dispute to government from 2002-2007/8, if Work Cover had the sole responsibility, I should not be on Centrelink, but what was it that I was entitled to.
The amounts I was able to receive whilst being denied was more commensurate with the National Wage of $711.37 and not the $512.19 which was the Minimum Wage.
State Government responded to my issues, by opening the first ever Minimum Wage case 4464/2005 in the establishment of the Minimum Wage, I not educated in Industrial Relations, but I stood next to 30-50 Unions including Representatives for the Industrial Relations Minister and Business SA
I represented the people in poverty under the Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act, and the Australian Constitution as a Citizen, I believed an increase to the standard from $512.19 to $711.37 was justified, In compensation for GST, and not only was it a dispute but the Solution
Work Cover collect premiums and fees to cover cost and liabilities and had a $694 Unfunded Liability, if minimum wage earners are receiving $200 per week less than are entitled then the scheme could not be receiving correct entitlements to fund the scheme.
2019 income test charts have increased under Chart C income test for Pensions the amount has risen the National Average Earnings to $2056.40 per fortnight, the National Wage $1028.20 and the Minimum Wage $740.16 weekly, the exact amount presented by the Australian Fair Pay Commission
Work Choices 2006 created the Australian Fair Pay Commission to provide One National Wage a chance to rectify its error without consequences as no body would know, but to my amazement at this time, the commission turned the Minimum Wage into the National Wage, no adjustment.
Pensions and Newstart are calling for increases of $75.00 to $100.00, but the problem here is rates for Pension and Newstart are formulated through percentages
If government provided the correct National Wage automatically increases to Pensions and Newstart providing correct entitlements
Warning for the Australian Fair Pay Commission the National and Minimum wages are automatically formulated, you are committing Fraud in presentation of a standard which is automatic, receiving your million dollar incomes for doing nothing.
Please if you would like to join me come to my Facebook pages on The Big Bang and the Big Bang in Economics the income charts are their, or Support me in my Go Fund me page and join in my future Class Action against this corruption.
Government need to be held to account the Australian Constitution says Parties Bound everybody is responsible for their actions, a Statuette must be construed according to its intent, The Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act, A Duty of Care is needed, Ignorance is not an excuse,
A call for Equal and Fair remuneration across the board,
Yours Truly
Robert Paturzo-Elliott
Mr Howard gave no compensation to the low paid workers of Australia, an Anomaly is now occurring, which is placing Burdens on the people of Australia.
The minimum wage in 2000, needed an adjustment from minus 36% to 50%.
I would like to take you to Centrelink, after I was denied a modest claim by compulsory workers compensation scheme in the year 2002, forcing me on to a Disability Support Pension.
I wrote to State and Federal Minister concerning responsibility, Work Cover versus Centrelink.
Work Cover has the Sole responsibility to rehabilitate and compensate injured workers, whilst under return to work plans and obligations.
Centrelink as a low income earner, forced me to look for work under NewStart because my injury could not be rated as yet, NewStart had obligations of I must be looking for 8 hours of work.
I am not entitled to NewStart, I could not look for work as I was totally incapacitated and I was recovering under obligations of workers compensation, I couldn’t accept this, what other benefit fit my situation, that is a Disability Support Pension
Their was circumstances in my employment
situation, Employee/Contractor which was also in dispute, I received at first $100 per week then $160 and then the modest $280 from the insurer, 13 days prior I worked full time for over 3 years in which the scheme collected compulsory premiums and fees.
I now receive Work Cover payments and a Disability Support Pension, I don’t pay tax on the Pension and the amounts I received from the insurer basically meant I didn’t have to pay tax on Work Covers income.
The Evidence
2005 Under Chart C Income test for Pensions I could receive income up to $1422.75 per fortnight, on a weekly basis I could receive $711.37, but the astonishing thing was that if I minus 36% of $1422.75 you get $512.19.
The figure presented at $512.19 is the exact Minimum Wage at the time of my dispute.
I presented this dispute to government from 2002-2007/8, if Work Cover had the sole responsibility, I should not be on Centrelink, but what was it that I was entitled to.
The amounts I was able to receive whilst being denied was more commensurate with the National Wage of $711.37 and not the $512.19 which was the Minimum Wage.
State Government responded to my issues, by opening the first ever Minimum Wage case 4464/2005 in the establishment of the Minimum Wage, I not educated in Industrial Relations, but I stood next to 30-50 Unions including Representatives for the Industrial Relations Minister and Business SA
I represented the people in poverty under the Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act, and the Australian Constitution as a Citizen, I believed an increase to the standard from $512.19 to $711.37 was justified, In compensation for GST, and not only was it a dispute but the Solution
Work Cover collect premiums and fees to cover cost and liabilities and had a $694 Unfunded Liability, if minimum wage earners are receiving $200 per week less than are entitled then the scheme could not be receiving correct entitlements to fund the scheme.
2019 income test charts have increased under Chart C income test for Pensions the amount has risen the National Average Earnings to $2056.40 per fortnight, the National Wage $1028.20 and the Minimum Wage $740.16 weekly, the exact amount presented by the Australian Fair Pay Commission
Work Choices 2006 created the Australian Fair Pay Commission to provide One National Wage a chance to rectify its error without consequences as no body would know, but to my amazement at this time, the commission turned the Minimum Wage into the National Wage, no adjustment.
Pensions and Newstart are calling for increases of $75.00 to $100.00, but the problem here is rates for Pension and Newstart are formulated through percentages
If government provided the correct National Wage automatically increases to Pensions and Newstart providing correct entitlements
Warning for the Australian Fair Pay Commission the National and Minimum wages are automatically formulated, you are committing Fraud in presentation of a standard which is automatic, receiving your million dollar incomes for doing nothing.
Please if you would like to join me come to my Facebook pages on The Big Bang and the Big Bang in Economics the income charts are their, or Support me in my Go Fund me page and join in my future Class Action against this corruption.
Government need to be held to account the Australian Constitution says Parties Bound everybody is responsible for their actions, a Statuette must be construed according to its intent, The Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act, A Duty of Care is needed, Ignorance is not an excuse,
A call for Equal and Fair remuneration across the board,
Yours Truly
Robert Paturzo-Elliott
Why is this important?
Government are attacking everything that made Australia Fair
You made me irrelevant in proceeding breaching my Human Rights, yet you are the ones who really are irrelevant.
Your attacks on Welfare, Pensions and the hard minimum wage earners whom make you successful is a disgrace
Unions who do you represent, I asked for your help, the correct National Wage was not a choice, Absolute Theory can not be wrong.
I represent you where no other would please sign my Petition, I’m here to keep them accountable they are destroying us
This is not just a dispute it’s the Solution
Thank You
Robert Paturzo-Elliott
You made me irrelevant in proceeding breaching my Human Rights, yet you are the ones who really are irrelevant.
Your attacks on Welfare, Pensions and the hard minimum wage earners whom make you successful is a disgrace
Unions who do you represent, I asked for your help, the correct National Wage was not a choice, Absolute Theory can not be wrong.
I represent you where no other would please sign my Petition, I’m here to keep them accountable they are destroying us
This is not just a dispute it’s the Solution
Thank You
Robert Paturzo-Elliott
How it will be delivered
In Person and if they don’t listen through a Class Action