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To: Mr Craig Mcaulay, Assessment Manager, Brisbane City Council


Dear Mr Craig Mcaulay,

Please find enclosed the details signed by concerned locals in reference to the proposed development on the corner of Latrobe and Given Terraces, Paddington (Application # A003678251), opposing the proposed development.

We, the signatories below, strongly oppose the development and call on you to stop it from going ahead as it currently stands.

Why is this important?

There's a proposed development to erect a 7 storey modern monstrosity on the corner of Latrobe & Given Terraces - which is not in keeping with the 'timber & tin' hillside character in which Paddington is renowned.
The application is for 45 units, 94 car parks (private), 20 motorbike parks (private), 10 lot shopping precinct, with a gross floor area of 6284m2 (New 4944m2)
The building will be 3.5 times higher than what is acceptable as outlined in the Brisbane City Council's Latrobe Given Tce Plan (link below)
A structure of that height will cast significant shadows east-west
The building itself is not in keeping with the character of the area and will be an eyesore. There has been no attempt to create a building which accentuates the character of the buildings around it. It is not a tasteful or sympathetic design
It will ruin OUR Paddington.
This development will allow other similar developments into Paddington. Those developments will be able to say "well there is a place down the road that is seven storeys high"...

Have your Say!!! Join us in telling the Brisbane City Council that you say NO to ruin our Paddington. Take just one minute of your time to have your say and together, we can ensure that Modern Monstrosity are not erected and our Paddington remains renowned for its character and charm.

Want to help by delivering letterbox drops and/or displaying a sign on your property? GET IN TOUCH [email protected]

For further info

Here is the plan to the monstrosity

Have your say by lodging a submission (by Friday 16th May 2014)

Here is the existing Latrobe Tce and Given Tce Plan



2014-06-05 17:04:29 +1000

500 signatures reached

2014-05-17 14:20:29 +1000

100 signatures reached

2014-05-16 08:50:06 +1000

50 signatures reached

2014-05-15 16:06:48 +1000

25 signatures reached

2014-05-15 12:39:28 +1000

10 signatures reached