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To: Sussan Ley Federal Minister for the Environment

Protect Aboriginal Heritage and the Belubula River

Approve the Section 10 application to protect the Aboriginal Heritage and the Belubula River from the construction of the proposed McPhillamys Gold Mine

Why is this important?

"The Belubula Headwaters Protection Group is a not for profit group established to protect the natural waterways, ecosystems and heritage of the Belubula River Headwaters in Kings Plains, located in the Central West of NSW. The Group is currently opposing a Gold Mine application from Regis Resources Ltd (ASX: RRL).

The proposal is to develop an open cut gold mine with a life of just 10 years. The associated Tailings Dam will be 46,700ML, which is over 10,000ML larger than Carcoar Dam which it will destroy if the wall of the Tailings Dam were to breach, leak or collapse.

The Mine site is in Wiradjuri Country and will impact on the Belubula River “Bilabula” and its tributaries, this area is rich with artefacts, at least one known burial site, an ochre site and much more, that all evidence the extensive use of the area by the Wiradjuri people. Connection to the river for Wiradjuri people was related to their Kin groups and each person had a responsibility towards care and protection of a section of the river and waterways that related to their family ties. This area also played a role in first contact history with Europeans and forms part of the story of the Bathurst Wars. Destruction of this site will further impact on significant Aboriginal Cultural History that is consistently disregarded in Australia.

"To show your support to prevent the destruction of significant Aboriginal and European heritage for a short term project to access a purposeless resource; we strongly encourage you to sign our petition which we will present to the Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley to encourage them to save the area by approving the section 10 protection order application."
Kings Plains NSW 2799, Australia

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2021-06-11 17:41:31 +1000

100 signatures reached

2021-06-11 08:56:49 +1000

50 signatures reached

2021-06-10 23:41:35 +1000

25 signatures reached

2021-06-10 21:41:48 +1000

10 signatures reached