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To: Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Provide Free Flu Vaccines to People with Egg Allergies

Add vaccines to the National Immunisation Program that people with Egg Allergies can safely get. Make it affordable, fair and safe for people with Egg Allergies to access seasonal flu vaccinations.

Why is this important?

The Government funds vaccination against seasonal influenza for eligible Australians, including Australians over the age of 65. But one group of Australians miss out on this vital service – unless they pay for it themselves.
Australians with an egg allergy are simply not able to take the vaccines currently provided by the Government under the National Immunisation Program (NIP). If they do they may suffer serious allergic reactions.
In 2021, four vaccines are funded under this program. Other vaccines are available, but only on the private market. One of these is Flucelvax Quad. This is a new cell-based vaccine approved for use in Australia.
Flucelvax Quad is suitable for people with an egg allergy. However it is not covered by the NIP, despite requests for it to be included. This is unfair to the thousands of Australians who because of allergic reaction cannot take the vaccines presently covered. There has been no explanation from the Government as to why this vaccine is available on the private market, but not included in the NIP.
The Government needs to expand the coverage of the NIP as a matter of priority. All Australians need to have access to flu vaccination. Flu is a very serious illness and causes hundreds of fatalities every year. Some years are worse and the level of fatalities can be high. It is both dangerous to the individuals concerned, and to the wider community, if a considerable segment of the population may be prevented from flu vaccination because of financial cost involved. Good public health policy would ensure these people are covered under the NIP.
The Government needs to address this serious gap in our health system. The petition urges the Prime Minister and Government to expand the coverage of the NIP urgently. Please sign the attached petition and let’s get some positive action on protecting Australians with an egg allergy from the ravages of influenza.

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2021-08-10 10:44:34 +1000

10 signatures reached