100 signatures reached
To: State MPs Don Brown, Kim Richards, Cameron Dick and Federal MPs Andrew Laming and Sussan Ley
Save Toondah's Wetlands

We the people would like State MPs Don Brown (Capalaba), Kim Richards (Redlands) and State Planning Minister Cameron Dick (Woodridge) and Federal MPs Andrew Laming (Bowman) and Environment Minister Sussan Ley (Farrer) to take the issue of saving Toondah Harbour seriously and for them to respect environmental assessment to protect the area rather than approve the building of 3600 units in the wetlands in support of proposals put forward by Walker Group. Most locals would rather see a plain and simple port upgrade for the ferry and barge terminals without the units being built that could negatively impact the environment in the area.
Why is this important?
Walker Group has proposed to build 3600 units in the Toondah wetlands in Moreton Bay (a RAMSAR site) which will devastate mangroves, and harm migratory shorebirds, dolphin, dugong, turtle, and koala populations in the area. The former QLD State Newman LNP Government had issued the area a PDA (Priority Development Area) but the current QLD State Labor Government has kept it in place, and the Federal Coalition Government has ignored the advice of its own environmental department on the issue. If built this could also devastate the local economy with increased congestion on our roads, the Cleveland CBD could receive less attention hurting local businesses, and placing more of a burden on the taxpayer to fund for this project despite the concerns of climate change and rising sea levels in an area that could be built on reclaimed wetlands. Local first nations groups have also received hardly any contact or input in the process, as this is an area sensitive to cultural heritage as well. Building such a development could also pose as a noise and potential health risk to nearby residents.
For more info please see attached link: (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-09/the-developer-the-whistleblower-and-the-minister-toondah-harbour/10487806)
For more info please see attached link: (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-09/the-developer-the-whistleblower-and-the-minister-toondah-harbour/10487806)
How it will be delivered
I will email the signatures to the MPs. I will also deliver the petition in person to local MPs in the South East QLD area if need be and will be happy to arrange communication with the media on this issue.