To: Federal Government
Say No to CSG in Australia

The livelihoods and wellbeing of communities and their environments are being directly affected by the exploration and extraction of Coal Seam Gas (CSG).
We ask for Federal Government action to take responsibility for our land, water and climate by banning CSG in Australia.
We ask for Federal Government action to take responsibility for our land, water and climate by banning CSG in Australia.
Why is this important?
Australia's CSG industry is a threat to our land, our water and our climate.
The rapid expansion of CSG in Australia has been marred by insufficient, unsatisfactory environmental assessment, putting our environment at risk.
Despite intense media scrutiny, government has failed to intervene. Not even a damning Four Corners report on the environmental assessment of two of Australia's biggest CSG projects was enough to prompt adequate action.
Without Government protection, giant CSG companies will continue to threaten our communities and farmers' rights over their own land.
People are banding together to provide the vital resistance government is failing to deliver. In communities across Australia, people are doing everything they can to protect their water, their land and and their livelihoods.
We need to bring these communities together to form a national movement and demand real action be taken.
To effect the change Australia desperately needs, we need to bring communities together and pressure government for real, legislative change.
The rapid expansion of CSG in Australia has been marred by insufficient, unsatisfactory environmental assessment, putting our environment at risk.
Despite intense media scrutiny, government has failed to intervene. Not even a damning Four Corners report on the environmental assessment of two of Australia's biggest CSG projects was enough to prompt adequate action.
Without Government protection, giant CSG companies will continue to threaten our communities and farmers' rights over their own land.
People are banding together to provide the vital resistance government is failing to deliver. In communities across Australia, people are doing everything they can to protect their water, their land and and their livelihoods.
We need to bring these communities together to form a national movement and demand real action be taken.
To effect the change Australia desperately needs, we need to bring communities together and pressure government for real, legislative change.