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To: Hon Pru Car MP, Deputy Premier NSW

Support the Northern Rivers Rail Trail from Casino to Murwillumbah

Dear Minister,
Please support the Northern Rivers Rail Trail Inc. campaign to convert the disused railway corridor in the Northern Rivers Region between Casino and Murwillumbah, into a multi-use Rail Trail. It could be used by cyclists, walkers, horse riders as well as by small, electric vehicles in some areas. Many successful precedents have been set in neighbouring states and overseas Rail Trails have proven to be a major benefit to local communities providing infrastructure for health, recreation and connection. As a visitor attraction in itself, it also provides a backbone for a network of visitor products and services which stimulates much needed economic development and jobs to the region. The corridor is deteriorating quickly and becoming inaccessible, which is seen as a great loss of potential for many of us in the area.

Why is this important?

It is important to preserve the rail corridor as a community asset for any potential future commuter use such as solar/electric commuter vehicles, light rail, mono rail etc.
A rail trail will create a beautiful pathway between Casino and Murwillumbah, winding through world heritage areas and some of the most scenic country in Australia.
It will create numerous, sustainable jobs, new businesses can be created and existing businesses have the opportunity to grow.
The Northern Rivers Region attracts thousands of visitors a year and a rail trail would encourage healthy, outdoor activities into the smaller towns and villages of the area. Rail Trail surveys show that they attract higher yield and longer staying visitors.
The rail corridor could be turned into a place of beauty. It would create a wildlife corridor; noxious weeds could be removed and replaced by the planting of native shrubs and trees.
It will encourage sustainable transport, reducing the number of cars on the road and the need for more car parking spaces in the busy towns.
Locals will be able to use the rail trail to link up with neighbouring towns, without using their cars and children will be able to ride to school safely.
To do nothing would be a huge loss for the region.
Northern Rivers, NSW, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2018-03-01 12:02:20 +1100

We now have the funding for the first stage of the rail trail, from Murwillumbah to Crabbes Creek - a total of 24 kms.

2017-06-19 07:52:00 +1000

Dear Friends,

The Northern Rivers Rail Trail Project is moving forward! We have an opportunity to apply for a government grant of $300 million, but need your help to make it a good submission.

We would like to do a detailed plan of the corridor between Casino and Eltham which would involve employing an engineering company. If we have this plan, our submission will be considered more favourably.

We have reached the half way mark and already have $35000 but the next 2 weeks is crucial..

Please to your bit for the trail by supporting this crowd funding and help get this community path up and running!

2015-07-06 16:42:36 +1000

5,000 signatures reached

2013-06-19 15:37:54 +1000

1000 signatures reached