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To: House of Representatives, Minister for Infrastructure

The Bradfield water redirection Scheme

Reignite the Bradfield Scheme This water redirection Scheme would drought proof most of western QLD & North west NSW.

Why is this important?

Scheme would drought proof most of western QLD & North west NSW.
Below are links to all the information I could find about The Bradfield Scheme, a proposed Australian water diversion scheme, To make Western QLD and Northern West NSW Drought free for ever.

How it will be delivered

Stage a press conference.
We need 2 million to sign this to make the Government take action.



2019-11-08 08:21:58 +1100

I need every person that has liked this page to SHARE this page 1000 times we need to get this moving as the media have started to pick up the story again.

2019-11-08 08:17:41 +1100

I NEED your help, FaceBook have stopped me from posting the same thing more than 5 times a day. So I am going to have to pay FB to get this message out to all Australians. $5 will get my message to about 2500 people through FB adverts in Australia so if you can spare $5 please make a tax-deductible donation to Helping Australian Farmers and Travellers Ltd. at the

Bank of Queensland
BSB:- 124149
Account:- 22536603
Please mark the reference as Bradfield.
Please help me to get this petition on every FB page in Australia.
This is the charities website:

2019-10-27 12:33:19 +1100

500 signatures reached

2018-08-05 09:13:58 +1000

OK people we have only reached the 200 mark and that is only 0.01% of what we need to make this Government build this project. This needs to be built to make this great land of ours even better for the next 200+ years. Tell all your friends and family about this Petition and if you belong to any type of FB group post the URL into that group and ask the members to sign it. We need to get this done.

2018-07-20 09:41:10 +1000

I NEED your help, FaceBook have stopped me from posting the same thing more than 5 times a day. So I am going to have to pay FB to get this out to all Australians. $5 will get my message to about 2500 people through FB adverts in Australia so if you can spare $5 please make a tax deductable donation to Helping Australian Farmers and Travellers Ltd. at the

Bank of Queensland
BSB:- 124149
Account:- 22536603
Please mark the reference as Bradfield.
Please help me to get this petition on every FB page in Australia.

2018-07-18 09:11:30 +1000

We are over the 100 mark keep up the good work. Every farmer in Australia no matter where they are from should sign this and get their family to also sign it right back to their 10th Cousin or more. All those that have signed please can I ask you to tell everyone you know about this. Go through your Email & FB contact list and send it to them. I have been doing so many posts on FB that FB Admin have stopped me from posting for 5 days So I need your help more than ever over the next 5 days please.

2018-07-17 20:45:51 +1000

100 signatures reached

2018-07-17 11:53:20 +1000

I thank everyone that have signed this so far. We are very close to the first 100. To be able to get the Australian Press to take this petition up as a story we need a lot more to sign. If we can get say 500,000 then it is a story that is NEWS worthy. Once this happens we should get the 2 million we need to make this happen. Please keep the good work up.

2018-07-17 08:50:56 +1000

50 signatures reached

2018-07-16 06:11:14 +1000

25 signatures reached

2018-07-15 13:17:37 +1000

10 signatures reached