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To: City of Wanneroo

Go FOGO Wanneroo!

Fast track the establishment of FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) Recycling plant.

Why is this important?

FOGO is the WA State Government and Waste Authority’s preferred best practice for waste management and the only system to meet State diversion from landfill targets of 65% by 2020 and material recovery targets of 70% by 2025.

In 2019 the City of Wanneroo (COW) announced that households would be receiving a FOGO bin in 2021. However, COW was unable to find a waste management business willing or able to process the huge amount of organic waste the City produces. So FOGO is currently a No-go for Wanneroo despite the obvious environmental urgency for its implementation. COW must, therefore, take responsibility for establishing and operating a FOGO recycling plant itself.

WA Councils that have adopted FOGO include Albany, Bayswater, Belmont, Bunbury, Fremantle, Kalamunda, Melville and Vincent and the towns of Bassendean and East Fremantle.

The benefits of FOGO waste management to the community would be:
* drastically reduce the amount of organic waste contaminating Tamala Park landfill site which is rapidly reaching capacity
* reduce pollution and unpleasant odour caused by the harmful methane gas released by unprocessed organic matter that CONTRIBUTES TO GLOBAL WARMING
* a reduction in processing and disposal costs (no additional cost to residents)
By applying FOGO compost to debilitated soil, it will:
* SAVE WATER by Improving soil water retention
* counteract the widespread degradation of soil caused by extensive land clearing of the far northern suburbs for new residential and commercial developments
* invigorate and sustain new plant growth, thereby increasing the survival rate of newly planted trees reaching maturity (it is estimated only 1 in 10 trees planted by Perth local councils reach maturity)
* reduce the use of chemical fertilisers and weed killers
* assist in the rehabilitation of landfill and open cut mine sites (eg, limestone quarries and sand quarries) and for use the City’s public open spaces, gardens, farms, and for use in landscaping new developments, roundabouts, roadsides, and the Mitchell Freeway extension
Other potential benefits:
* provide employment opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers (eg, people with disabilities)
* provide opportunities to develop partnerships with businesses and corporations wishing to enhance their corporate citizen profiles.
Northern Suburbs, WA, Australia

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2021-03-25 23:24:24 +1100

25 signatures reached

2021-03-16 16:21:00 +1100

10 signatures reached