To: Sunshine Coast Council, Councillor Peter Cox, Community Land Permits

Help Support Currimundi Local Musicians - Busking at Currimundi Lake Park

Performing artists seek to entertain the Currimundi community in a place that attracts an audience to stay, watch, listen and enjoy their art.

Why is this important?

Busking at Currimundi Lake is currently financially nonviable due to the specific location being away from the majority of the community gatherings, and times of the approved busking zone being too limiting finishing before the majority of the community gathers (5pm). Busking does not happen in the current approved zone because buskers do not get enough of an audience.

The lead petitioners are musicians, performers and Currimundi local residents who want to showcase art where the community want to gather to see it.

We want the Council to amend the current location and times for approved street performances at Currimundi Lake. We want the approved zone moved to the lawn adjacent to the public gazebo; where people mostly gather and where the Currimundi Twilight Markets also have their entertainers.

We want the times to be amended to include the hours between 12pm and 30 minutes after sunset (seasonal).

This change will directly affect and assist the income of dozens of local musicians who have enjoyed entertaining at this location until the recent Council changes.

It will encourage the cohesion and connection of local community where the community chooses to gather and socialise. This alternative busking zone will help with exposure to a larger audience for existing local performers, and nurture and encourage young local performers to also showcase their art to their friends, family and the public that gather there.

How it will be delivered

Via email and as a letter to local counselors.

1 Watson St, Currimundi QLD 4551, Australia

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