10,000 signatures reached
To: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) reporting to NSW Minister for Education
HSC for Connor Meldrum 2021

Give special considerations for Connor to do his HSC in 2021
Why is this important?
Two years ago, Connor fell 25m onto rocks at the base of the cliff at Cosy Corner
Miraculously, Connor’s life was saved but he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. Connor had to learn to speak, read and write all over again and amazed his doctors and teachers with his recovery. Later that year, he was back at school and went on to complete Year 10, 11 and term 1 of Year 12. He worked incredibly hard over this time to catch up.
In January this year, Connor had to undergo an unexpected emergency operation to remove his skull plate. This was a terrible setback after so much hard work and was very frightening for Connor, his family and friends. After weeks in hospital he re-joined Year 12 at school.
Due to fatigue and frequent headaches, Connor is on a reduced work load managing 3 subjects out of the 5 needed to complete the HSC. He will also have to undergo two further surgeries this year in August / September.
What we really want is for Connor to be able to complete his HSC in 2021.
Connor has been denied any special considerations from NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) meaning he is unable to complete his HSC this year with his friends.
Despite evidence of his academic record, the reports of his teachers and examples of other students with illnesses who have been given special considerations to complete their HSC, NESA simply ruled out any option for him to complete his HSC in 2021 “because it would be unfair on other students”.
Connor has worked very hard to be able to complete his HSC this year. He has spoken about the effects that this setback has had on his mental health, and how it would affect him if he isn’t able to graduate with his cohort.
This is where you can help. Sign this petition to send a message to NESA that his peers and supporters believe there should be special considerations for Connor to complete his HSC in 2021.
Thank you for your support!
Bronte, Ivy, Kai, Lily and Luka
For a longer version of Connor's story click on the Campaign Website link below.
Miraculously, Connor’s life was saved but he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. Connor had to learn to speak, read and write all over again and amazed his doctors and teachers with his recovery. Later that year, he was back at school and went on to complete Year 10, 11 and term 1 of Year 12. He worked incredibly hard over this time to catch up.
In January this year, Connor had to undergo an unexpected emergency operation to remove his skull plate. This was a terrible setback after so much hard work and was very frightening for Connor, his family and friends. After weeks in hospital he re-joined Year 12 at school.
Due to fatigue and frequent headaches, Connor is on a reduced work load managing 3 subjects out of the 5 needed to complete the HSC. He will also have to undergo two further surgeries this year in August / September.
What we really want is for Connor to be able to complete his HSC in 2021.
Connor has been denied any special considerations from NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) meaning he is unable to complete his HSC this year with his friends.
Despite evidence of his academic record, the reports of his teachers and examples of other students with illnesses who have been given special considerations to complete their HSC, NESA simply ruled out any option for him to complete his HSC in 2021 “because it would be unfair on other students”.
Connor has worked very hard to be able to complete his HSC this year. He has spoken about the effects that this setback has had on his mental health, and how it would affect him if he isn’t able to graduate with his cohort.
This is where you can help. Sign this petition to send a message to NESA that his peers and supporters believe there should be special considerations for Connor to complete his HSC in 2021.
Thank you for your support!
Bronte, Ivy, Kai, Lily and Luka
For a longer version of Connor's story click on the Campaign Website link below.