100 signatures reached
To: Port Macquarie Hastings Council
Keep Washhouse Beach for Nature
Let Port Macquarie Hastings Council know you support Council's proposal in the draft Dogs in Public Open Space Policy to prohibit dogs on Washhouse Beach.
Why is this important?
Under Council's current policy, off-leash dog walking on Washhouse Beach is allowed only within the zone extending south from the breakwall to the boundary with Kattang Nature Reserve. Dogs are not permitted in nature reserves under NSW legislation. Unfortunately for those who use this area responsibly, dogs and dog prints are commonly found on Washhouse within the reserve. Despite approx. 10 years of improved signage and enforcement dogs are a continuing presence, impacting on wildlife regularly using the beach such as Pied and Sooty Oyster Catchers, Osprey and White-bellied Sea Eagle listed either as endangered or vulnerable.
How it will be delivered
The petition will be delivered via email.