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To: The Hon. Ryan Park MP, Michael Kemp MP, Pat Conaghan MP, Stewart Dowrick, Mayor Stephen Allan

Save Bellingen Hospital - Again

The Hon Ryan Park MP - NSW Minister for Health, Minister for Regional Health ([email protected])
Mr Michael Peter Kemp, MP - Member for Oxley ([email protected])
Mr Pat Conaghan, MP - Member for Cowper ([email protected])
Stewart Dowrick - Mid North Coast Local Health District Chief Executive ([email protected])
Stephen Allan - Mayor, Bellingen Shire ([email protected])

* Hartley House Ward at Bellinger River Hospital was closed in December 2023 to facilitate installation of a new lift. The lift has now been installed however all funding for reopening has been withdrawn and reallocated elsewhere with the loss of 16 beds
* There are plans to downgrade the emergency department at Bellinger River Hospital from a 24 hours emergency department to a 10 hour per day Urgent Care centre.
We need an immediate halt to these proposed changes.

Why is this important?

This hospital is a massively important resource for our region. Any downgrade will have life-changing impacts. It needs to remain a functioning 24 hour emergency hospital.

The MNCLHD propose to close the ED for 14 hours each day - all ED presentations between those hours would be directed to go to Coffs Harbour Base Hospital (CHBH).

It also means there would be no Doctor present or on call at BRDH overnight. It is proposed to handle any deteriorating patients by phone contact with CHBH, and transfer them there as needed.

Any ambulance calls from Bellingen Shire residents would be transported to CHBH and not to BRDH. It was shown recently on a weekend where there was not a Dr on call at BRDH that ambulance transfers from BRDH to CHBH took up to 13 hours.

This would effectively reduce the BRDH to a sort of Multi-Purpose Service – though the MNCLHD maintains otherwise. It has been the experience of other hospitals where this has happened that the service capability of these hospitals has been markedly reduced, much to the detriment of the local community. 

Service reduction would affect ED after hours, inpatient Care and the ability of the local community to be admitted to BRDH in acute situations – as they are now able to do
The  community clearly and vocally opposed the MNCLHD Proposed Model.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be delivered to each of the contacts above

Bellingen NSW 2454, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2024-08-20 13:14:56 +1000

The original petition did not need to be presented as the proposed downgrade was withdrawn under community pressure. This time they are back - with pretty much the same changes *and* the closure of a 16 bed ward. Please share widely and urge everyone to sign the petition and contact everyone on the petition directly. Thank you!

2021-05-12 22:09:11 +1000

1,000 signatures reached

2021-05-12 18:40:05 +1000

500 signatures reached

2021-05-12 15:11:52 +1000

100 signatures reached

2021-05-12 14:32:32 +1000

50 signatures reached

2021-05-12 14:00:46 +1000

25 signatures reached

2021-05-12 13:34:49 +1000

10 signatures reached