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To: The Board of Governors at Frensham Schools

Stop the Destruction of Wildlife Habitat in Mittagong!

The proposed location for the Frensham School's “Bush Cabins” is in a vital habitat corridor. The required clearing for the cabins, the bushfire Asset Protection Zone, and the two bushfire access roads and bridge will result in widespread destruction and death to many of the rescued wildlife that have been released into this area as well as the loss of hundred of trees.

Please amend this DA and build the cabins on land that is already cleared.

Why is this important?

To make way for the cabins, 4.2 hectares will be cleared and 249 trees will be cut down. Wombats are to be removed from the area and fenced out.

Two new access roads, sufficient to carry fully-loaded fire trucks with 4 metres cleared on each side, are to be built.

A new bridge strong enough to support the weight of loaded fire trucks will be constructed over water inhabited by platypus.

Help us save this precious habitat corridor for Frensham's future students and the Southern Highlands community.

How it will be delivered

We will email the signatures to the Board of Frensham Schools.

Range Rd, Mittagong NSW 2575, Australia

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2021-07-02 21:49:51 +1000

25 signatures reached

2021-07-02 20:49:04 +1000

10 signatures reached