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To: Adelaide Football Club, Australian Football League and the Australian Football League Women

Stop Sponsorship Deals with BHP and RIOTINTO

Big Mining companies such as BHP and RIOTINTO have destroyed sacred land and connection to culture, disregarding local Indigenous people's wishes.

People whose land has not only been taken control of by the government but also stolen and dislodged by big business. These companies have brought off government parties and stolen land.

They have been openly destroying our beautiful country and poisoning the communities, funa and floura surrounding these sites of destruction for many many years.

We can not continue to allow these companies to destroy sacred land for profit.

We also have the responsibility to hold these companies accountable for their actions.

These detrimental companies partner with the AFL and AFLW offering corporate sponsership money with a side of dirty cash for programs to 'empower' indigenous players.

You can't have players wear gurnesey's celebrating 60,000 years of Indigenous culture plastered with logos of companies openly destroying sacred lands against the wishes of the traditional owners.

Both companies can't have it both ways.

You either do better and stand up against injustices or you are the problem.

Why is this important?

The exploitation of Indigenous people, their land and culture by big business has to stop.

The connection of the Indigenous people to this beautiful land has well been acknowledged by the AFL and AFLW, with indigenous rounds featuring indigenous designed guernsey's , acknowledgement of counties and programs to educate, empower and develop Indigenous players.

It has just started acknowledging the wrong doings to its past Indigenous players in regards to racism. JUST.. It is now time for the AFL and AFLW to stand up and take a stand for its Indigenous communities.

It's notable that the AFL and AFLW organisation's have definitely made strides to rectifying past wrong doings, however they can not rest on those morals.

The AFL and AFLW both have the platform to lead the way in social change.

To demonstrate to every individual person involved in its organisation and their supporters that it is truly committed to supporting its First Nations People.

In a time when we all need to stand up, do more, learn from our histories mistakes. To be better across all areas that effect our society and our planet.

I believe this is the time and opportunity for each individual within the AFL and AFLW to take a stand and continue to embrace the rich and strong Indigenous culture and people as well as their connection to country, that has provided so much for this great Australian game.

From the land the game is played on, to the thousands of Indigenous players to the hundreds of thousands of loyal supporters of clubs at every level of this great game they have a responsibility to immediately cut ties with BHP and RIO TINTO. To stop taking their dirty earth killing culture destroying money.

The Adelaide Crows, AFL and AFLW have a social responsibility to stand up to big business's who actively destroy sacred land. We all have this responsibility.

For the sake of our land, our culture, our game.

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2021-04-10 01:11:14 +1000

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