• Championing positive change or business as usual?
    On October 26th 2023, we the First Nations Advisory Group to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and a collective of supporters and allies, took a united stand in our dismissal of the outwardly racist ideology expressed by Queensland Police Union (QPU) President, in the Courier Mail on Wednesday 25th October 2023. On November 13 2023, we again collectively called on the Minister for Queensland Police and the Commissioner of Police to take action as a demonstration that racist and harmful behaviour would not be accepted as business as usual. Not only have our calls for action been met with silence, just over one month later on the 30th November 2023, the President of the QPU has been announced as a member of the Independent Ministerial Advisory Council (IMAC) to give victims a voice. The comments made by the QPU President remain negligent and outwardly harmful to the wellbeing and interests of our First Nations peoples and communities, including victims. It is beyond belief that the same individual who so recently made overtly racist and fearmongering public commentary about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples could be identified as an appropriate member of this Council. The President of the QPU has also repeatedly refused to acknowledge widespread problems in police responses to domestic and family violence in Queensland. This is despite numerous studies and reports to the contrary, including the 2022 “Call for Change” report from the Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Reponses to domestic and family violence that found “ample evidence that there are cultural issues within the Queensland Police Service which inhibit the policing of domestic and family violence.” The appointment of QPU President to the Victims Advisory Council represents a gross disservice to the “voice” of victims, and to the countless people and organisations working to change this in Queensland. The people most likely to be victims in Queensland are women, children and young people, too often Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and young people. These people have been let down by this decision. Queensland has been let down by this decision. We wish to express our deep disappointment at the Queensland Government’s implicit endorsement of the President of the QPU by giving him a position of influence over the very important and critical work of the council in its consideration of the needs of victims and vulnerable people, such as children, young people, women and First Nations peoples. We invite the Premier and Attorney General to meet with a representative body of this group to further discuss our concerns and to seek a positive resolution to the ongoing harm that is being felt. In good faith we await your response.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by First Nations Advisory Group, Supporters and Allies Picture
  • Make Centrelink a “trauma informed” service.
    There is a tendency to use the word victim as though it is a person's choice. People who find themselves on income support are generally in this unwilling position through various circumstances beyond their control, and in the main would rather be independent as opposed to a burden on society. If you ask yourself what story is really behind the person begging for change at your supermarket, what might come to mind? Do you consider Domestic Violence? Mental Health challenges? Childhood sexual assault? Are they a descendant of Australia's stolen generations? Marginalised due to ethnicity? A refugee? With all that we now understand regarding mental health and trauma, it's time to implement it where it can make the greatest impact. As an educated and privileged nation, we need to take responsibility for those most vulnerable and create genuine compassionate revisions to the services that are here to assist. As an example, NSW Health has available information on their website about Trauma Informed services detailing considerations and responsible processes for dealing with clients who have suffered trauma, along with the principles of Mental Health Human Rights. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/psychosocial/principles/Pages/trauma-informed.aspx Services Australia and Centrelink need to take a health based approach in their delivery of human services, to honour and properly reflect the Department of Social Services own Access & Equity policy. We need to remind ourselves we do not exist on a level playing field as far as our life experiences. The rhetoric of equal opportunity doesn't apply to those handicapped by misfortune of their circumstances.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renee Falez
  • Jian Fang Lay for flag bearer
    Ariarne’s achievements have been amazing. What is also amazing is the country that supports a 48 year old immigrant and mother to represent her country, and that she has done well. Having Jian Fang Lay be a flag bearer is representation of who we are… yes, great swimmers, but also a diverse country of all walks.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Lee
  • SAVE THE SLEEPING LIZARD (North Lismore Plateau)
    "If you take away our history,we have no future", says Uncle Mickey Ryan (Bundjalung Elders Council). There are Burials, Women Birthing sites, Scarred trees, artefacts, sacred water holes and spiritual Dreaming sites on the North Lismore Plateau. Threatened Species: A report prepared by David Milledge, well known qualified ecologist, on behalf of the Bundjalung Elders Council has identified a number of rare and endangered species currently observed on the North Lismore Plateau. The report concluded that the Rose Crowned Fruit Dove, Long eared Micro Bat, and the White eared Monarch bird are at risk of local extinction. Please sign to let Lismore Council know that this is important. We should look after our special places before we lose them.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Hughie Green Picture
  • Ban Nazi Symbols
    Nazism is based on the idealogy of white supremacy and endorses the ethnic cleansing of non-'Aryan' people a.k.a people who are not white Christians. Nazism is disgusting and dangerous, which is why the Government should do everything in their power to prevent the mimicking of symbols and slogans like the Swastika. In March 2021, a Victorian parliamentary inquiry recommended strengthening the laws against hate symbols. Currently in Germany, Nazi symbols are banned which is an appropriate response to the horrific history of the Holocaust and Nazi rule in the 1930s and 40s. Australia should follow Germany's lead and ban Nazi symbols, especially the Nazi swastika, as these symbols promote the horrendous acts carried out by white supremacists. Please sign this petition to encourage the government to ban Nazi symbols.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caitlyn Boer
  • Stop Sponsorship Deals with BHP and RIOTINTO
    The exploitation of Indigenous people, their land and culture by big business has to stop. The connection of the Indigenous people to this beautiful land has well been acknowledged by the AFL and AFLW, with indigenous rounds featuring indigenous designed guernsey's , acknowledgement of counties and programs to educate, empower and develop Indigenous players. It has just started acknowledging the wrong doings to its past Indigenous players in regards to racism. JUST.. It is now time for the AFL and AFLW to stand up and take a stand for its Indigenous communities. It's notable that the AFL and AFLW organisation's have definitely made strides to rectifying past wrong doings, however they can not rest on those morals. The AFL and AFLW both have the platform to lead the way in social change. To demonstrate to every individual person involved in its organisation and their supporters that it is truly committed to supporting its First Nations People. In a time when we all need to stand up, do more, learn from our histories mistakes. To be better across all areas that effect our society and our planet. I believe this is the time and opportunity for each individual within the AFL and AFLW to take a stand and continue to embrace the rich and strong Indigenous culture and people as well as their connection to country, that has provided so much for this great Australian game. From the land the game is played on, to the thousands of Indigenous players to the hundreds of thousands of loyal supporters of clubs at every level of this great game they have a responsibility to immediately cut ties with BHP and RIO TINTO. To stop taking their dirty earth killing culture destroying money. The Adelaide Crows, AFL and AFLW have a social responsibility to stand up to big business's who actively destroy sacred land. We all have this responsibility. For the sake of our land, our culture, our game.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Webb
  • End the crisis in rural and remote health
    NSW rural and remote health and hospital services are in crisis due to a lack of engagement with rural and remote people in decision-making, the absence of a clear strategy for rural health and accountability for rural health outcomes, and poorly targeted investments in recruiting and retaining doctors, nurses, mental health and allied health staff by the NSW Government. Rural and remote communities need the help of the NSW Government to fundamentally reform our rural and remote health and hospital system so that it is responsive to the needs of individual communities and has the resources to address the causes and consequences of poor health. People who live in rural and remote NSW have a higher rate of chronic diseases compared to people living in regional and metropolitan cities, will die up to 11 years earlier and have inadequate access to primary health care and hospital services. The median age of death of rural and remote people is going backwards, while more than 3,000 rural and remote residents in NSW die unnecessarily every year from preventable causes. Rural and remote people need a health and hospital system that is designed around their unique needs and circumstances. Metropolitan approaches has failed to deliver the right care in the right place and at the right time for rural and remote communities. Building the right health system will help is to save more rural and remote residents from ill-health, and premature and avoidable death. Rural and remote residents produce the fresh food we eat and generate more than 65% of the nation's export wealth. Access to appropriate health care is not just a human right, it is critical for the future of jobs and economic development in our country.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Burdack
  • Free World Vision's Mohammed Al Halabi
    Australia suspended aid to Gaza after Israel jailed and tortured World Vision's Gaza director Mohammed Al Halabi, falsely accusing him of diverting millions of dollars to Hamas. World Vision and Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) conducted thorough audits finding no evidence to support Israel's outlandish claim. Nevertheless, Mohammed remains in jail despite 130 court appearances. Australia has a moral obligation to support Mohammed. DFAT cleared him of any wrong doing but Israel forced him to confess under torture. Mohammed has withdrawn that forced confession and insists he will not confess to what he has not done. Australia knows the facts and boasts a deep friendship with Israel so it can demand the release of this innocent man. This is a matter of justice in which Australia is complicit. Suspension of aid to Gaza undoubtedly caused more suffering for these besieged and impoverished people so aid needs to be reinstated as soon as possible..
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Smith
  • Exempt international students
    International students suffer terribly from the travel ban. High school students cannot go to school. University students struggle with online lessons with bad quality such as old videos which were shot years ago. We are forced to defer because of invalid internships and in-person courses. Students can learn nothing from zooming or videos. Besides, a huge portion of students do not have online classes and they have to be exempted to enter Australia and go to schools as soon as possible. Our human rights of attending school are being deprived and leads our family to horrible mental illness. We do not pay our family’s saving for video lessons or rent for house which we cannot even live in. International students contribute millions of dollars to Australia community and benefit Aussie society in various areas. We appeal exemptions for international students not only for student’s future and human right but also for the recovery of Australia economy. International students are willing to quarantine, obey any rules and pay all the fees. We are willing to quarantine in students apartments and will not take any stranded Australians’ places. Please allow international students who do not have online lessons and are at urgent to study enter Australia and continue their education on a voluntary basis.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Gao
  • Legalise the recreational use of cannabis in Australia
    This unjust and immoral war on this plant has to end. Australians shouldn’t be criminalised for using a plant that is far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. The waste of resources policing this unjust law as well as the targeting of minorities needs to end. The time has come for Australia to catch up with the rest of the world!
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nikos Petropouleas
  • Save the Ashburton River
    Our spiritual beliefs and cultural connection is the river system.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trudy Hayes
  • Stop Mineral Commodities (MRC) taking South African land and minerals
    Global capitalism needs a global opposition. Here, an Australian company is engaged with a corrupt government to violently oppress opposition to a mine that the company will profit from. This is shameful. Do Black Lives Matter?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Albert Zhou