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To: Merri-bek City Council

Stop the removal of 6 residential car parking spaces on Glenlyon Road

This campaign has ended.

We, the undersigned, petition Merri-bek City Council to:

Not remove 6 residential on street car spaces from the north side of Glenylon Road at the intersection of Ewing Street.

Why is this important?

The proposed changes removes direct access for residents to their homes with no provision for additional car parking and will not improve safety concerns at the intersection.

The removal of car parking out the front of homes directly affects only a few residents but it does discriminate and will have a dramatic affect on liveability for these residents with an unreasonable expectation that people don't need car parking. It will also indirectly affect residents in the surrounds with reduced parking available and no provision for replacement spots.

The expectation that residents are expected to walk half a kilometre from their car to their home is unreasonable - a three trip grocery unload equates to 2.5kms of walking with heaving groceries.

Access to these properties by less able bodied visitors and residents is completely hindered.

The risk profile of harm also increases for these residents having no near and direct access to home when returning later at night.

These changes also devalue these properties by removing direct access and car parking.

In addition, removing these spaces will make no improvement to this intersection. The amount of money Merri-bek has spent on this intersection to only make it more difficult for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and residents to manoeuvre through. The changes most likely increase the risk profile as it will speed up traffic along this stretch of road making it more dangerous.
Glenlyon Rd & Ewing St, Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2024-05-10 16:06:38 +1000

Despite still not receiving any reasoning as to how safety will be improved when not addressing the core issues, the petition has been unsuccessful.

There was apparently a survey conducted in August of 2022 where it was found occupancy of available spaces at 69%. It clearly didn't take into consideration occupancy - 111 Glenlyon was vacant at the time - nor was there a margin for change which means that survey wasn't an accurate representation of requirement.

Thanks Lisa for your support and for fighting so hard and thanks to everyone for signing the petition and those that messaged council.

Ho hum.

2024-05-09 08:13:58 +1000

A copy of the email that doesn't appear to be sending:
I submitted the petition at the council meeting last night in person. I had two minutes to introduce the petition - a copy of my submission speech attached.

I'm still yet to receive an explanation as to how these changes will improve safety when the core issues of the intersection are not being addressed.
Please email the mayor and councillors who were present with a similar sentiment.

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

2024-05-08 20:19:16 +1000

Petition lodged and accepted at council meeting.

2024-03-05 18:18:46 +1100

50 signatures reached

2024-03-04 18:24:55 +1100

I’ve done a letterbox drop today to the surrounding houses so hopefully we’ll get more signatures.

Don’t forget to share with neighbours and those that visit you and the area.

2024-01-31 22:54:56 +1100

25 signatures reached

2024-01-31 20:02:48 +1100

We also need to continue emailing and calling Merrib-bek City Council with our objections.

If you could please email the following that would be super helpful.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

You can call 03 9240 2479

2024-01-31 18:18:19 +1100

10 signatures reached