1,000 signatures reached
To: Minister of Education- Adrian Piccoli, Director of NSW Public Schools - Sylvia Corish
Younger siblings must not be excluded after Public School boundary changes.

Ensure that siblings from families made "out of catchment area" by recent boundary change are allowed to enrol at the same school as their older siblings, so families are not forced into the position of either having to send very young children to different schools, or moving all their children to a new school.
Why is this important?
Schools in the Inner West are experiencing increasing enrolment numbers. Catchment areas are being reduced for schools under enrolment pressure. Families finding themselves involuntarily placed out of catchment due to boundary change, are being told that their younger children are now not allowed to attend school with their older siblings. These measures are unreasonable and unjust.
Families who have had long associations with the school, and children who have built friendships and trust with the school are being forced to leave by the exclusion of younger siblings. After boundary change, consideration is not being given to the younger siblings made out of zone. Only children yet to start school from within the new catchment are being guaranteed enrolment.
More border changes are coming and the group of families finding themselves in this unwelcome position is going to grow.
We support the changes that need to occur to control school numbers but solutions must take into account the welfare of existing pupils and their families.
Please respect our children's and families need to be able to attend the same primary school.
Respect our families' association with the school community.
Don't force families into a position where they have to withdraw their children from the school they love in the middle of their schooling.
Families who have had long associations with the school, and children who have built friendships and trust with the school are being forced to leave by the exclusion of younger siblings. After boundary change, consideration is not being given to the younger siblings made out of zone. Only children yet to start school from within the new catchment are being guaranteed enrolment.
More border changes are coming and the group of families finding themselves in this unwelcome position is going to grow.
We support the changes that need to occur to control school numbers but solutions must take into account the welfare of existing pupils and their families.
Please respect our children's and families need to be able to attend the same primary school.
Respect our families' association with the school community.
Don't force families into a position where they have to withdraw their children from the school they love in the middle of their schooling.
How it will be delivered
Hand delivered to Minister of Education- Adrian Piccoli, and Director of NSW Public Schools - Sylvia Corish.