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To: West Torrens council

How important is it for you that we have kaurna language as part of our community?

THANK YOU: Let's give an Aboriginal name to the newly created space at Admella Lane.
We have been granted certified rights to use the name "Inparri Wama by kaurna Warra Karrpanthi (KWK) Aboriginal department of SA.
"Inparri Wama" means "Meeting Park" which is fitting for the space we are creating with council.

Why is this important?

What park or space do you know of which has a Kaurna Name ??
The reason we have pursued this is because it simply makes sense, that our society just doesn’t fight for rights of First Nation people but begins to embed this lost history into our day to day life. Without surrounding ourselves with history and tradition in the physical sense we are simply passing words through the clouds of our social society, we all know that on the social scene things are easily forgotten.

Thebarton has always been an artistic ground for our independent arts community of South Australia and so it should be that the "meeting park" be the pathway that greets the locals and tourists. What better way to educate ourselves than by using a traditional name within our daily conversations.

We would like the kaurna Warra Karrpanthi (KWK) department to know is that we are the grateful ones for their patience and that as a modern society we do want to be a part of their culture and their community.

How it will be delivered

We will present the campaign to the West Torrens councillors and Liz Johnson
Management Lead - LG Reform and Integrity
City of West Torrens 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton SA 5033
Phone: 8416 6265
Email: [email protected]
as well as
Joe Ielasi Manager City Assets
Phone: 84166225
Email: [email protected]

Admella St, Thebarton SA 5031, Australia

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2022-04-06 21:03:14 +1000

500 signatures reached

2022-03-03 10:41:20 +1100

100 signatures reached

2022-03-02 20:58:47 +1100

50 signatures reached

2022-03-02 17:31:30 +1100

25 signatures reached

2022-03-02 13:33:48 +1100

The Park is near completion with three weeks to offially being complete, The park however will be open on the 9th March.. This is an exciting time but we need to get the voice to the council.... Please share ...

2022-02-14 11:12:32 +1100

10 signatures reached