• Eco-Friendly Periods 4 Vic Schools
    As a science teacher, I'm lucky to get to work with young people learning about the impact of pollution on our environment. My classes are shocked to learn about how plastic causes harm, especially to marine ecosystems, and while it's great that we're rolling out free pads and tampons statewide to end period poverty, we should make sure that we're also looking after the environment. Tampons have a polyester veil and are composed of approximately 6% plastic. Sanitary pads are made up of 90% plastic. Having plastic so close to such an intimate part of a young person's body is not good for their health and not good for the environment. As well as their contribution to plastic pollution, a year's worth of typical menstrual products impacts the climate too, with a carbon footprint of 5.3 kg CO2 equivalent per individual. The average person who menstruates throws away 200 kg of menstrual products in their life time. Unfortunately some period products enter the sewage system. Overtime their plastic content breaks down into smaller pieces, known as micro-plastics and fibres. This poses a further threat to vital eco-systems where they can enter the food chain from the bottom, up. This petition is about giving young people choice over how they manage their period. If given a choice, I argue that many young people will choose to manage their period in a sustainable way. I am asking that the Victorian Government provide Victorian students with the option of choosing eco-friendly period products; menstrual cups, period pants or washable pads. Young people should be able to make their own decision about how they wish to manage their period. Giving them this option will help encourage Victorian school aged children to manage their periods in a sustainable way and keep huge amounts of waste out of Victorian landfill. It will also help foster sustainable life habits and choices. A person needs to only have 7 menstrual cycles before the costs of a menstrual cup and one pair of period undies are re-couped. The alternative proposed, over the life time of this initiative, will save the public purse immensely and as well as save costs to landfill.
    1,879 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paula McIntosh
  • Mum's and Bubs Against Sexual Child Abuse #annasvoice
    In October 2020 Annaliesse Ugle, an 11 year old child, took her own life when she found out her sexual abuser of 6 years, had been released on bail. Anna's Mum Sam did not want Anna to be forgotten, to become another statistic. So we have formed #annasvoice. Anna will be the driving force for change. It is a fact across the whole Australian community that children continue to be sexually molested and commit suicide or suffer in silence. At present they have no effective tools in which they can use, allowing them to determine what is inappropriate, if a person is a sexual predatorial or what grooming is. Deadly Guardians provides them with the tools, the means to reach out without fear and will detect if a child is at risk of self harm. It will also empower school age children to be protectors of their younger siblings. We need government to step up and fund Poche Centre for Indigenous Health so they can undertake the pilot and prove the program will:- Allow a child the means in which to reach out without fear of retribution or shame Give the child the tools in which to identify a sexual predator without demonising men or women. Provide the child with the understanding of what grooming looks like. Provide a framework that will allow strong Elders and leaders the ability to create change through the children in this challenging community issue. That it is easily adaptable to suit mainstream primary schools. That it will enable Kids Helpline the ability to determine if a child is at risk of self harm every morning. By providing a child with an online mentor, a famous athlete or singer who, as an avatar, they will be able to continually support the child emotionally, in academic achievement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Provide a means by which a child can address emotional challenges as a child rather than as a traumatised teenager. Poche Centre for Indigenous Health is keen to work with me to complete the program development and then undertake the pilot. It has been 10 years since this program was originally developed. Until we all stand up and demand that something be done to protect our children then many will continue to either take their own lives or suffer in silence. Please sign the petition and also go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/416994042637214/ This is Deadly Guardians current landing page. https://www.deadlyguardians1.com/
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Keith Gregory