• Legalise medicinal Cannabis Oil use within Australia
    I have a few friends with cancer, of varying types, and I really want to give them another option than Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, which is very invasive and damaging to the body. I have done a bit of study around cancer and what it really is (a mutation of healthy cells within the body) and there has to be other ways of treating it other than killing off everything.
    311 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adrienne Gaha-Morris
  • Support Tasmanian proposal for voluntary assisted dying legislation
    Consultation is underway until 15 March on the detailed proposal for voluntary assisted dying legislation in Tasmania put forward by the Premier, Lara Giddings, and the Leader of the Greens, Nick McKim. The proposal is based on the important value of compassion for those dying with prolonged suffering that cannot be relieved adequately by current options, and the important principle of respect for people's right to make choices about the end of their lives according to their own beliefs and values. The proposal is backed up by extensive quality evidence and by soundly based and well-reasoned arguments that demonstrate their approach is safe and responsible. It is also consistent with the views of the vast majority of the Tasmanian and broader Australian population. Detailed consultation papers and information on how to express your support can be accessed at www.premier.tas.gov.au or mps.tas.greens.au.
    895 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Sing