• Campaign for the removal of all gambling ads from Australian media
    Remove gambling enticement from young people Reduce harm done by people becoming addicted to gambling Improve the community in general We simply don't NEED gambling advertising, the industry does... and failure to remove it shows that our government is complicit in driving gambling addiction for profit.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Troy Love
  • Stay Away! Equinor! Mirning Peoples SAY NO mining!
    This place ....the Great Australian Bight is very important to the Aboriginal Mirning Tribe in South Australia. Our dream time story comes from this wonderful coast! My grandmothers ancestors grew up along this wonderful untouched pristine coast! We have to give a voice to whales and many other wonderful sea creatures that inhabit along this coast! An oil spill will destroy the coast of Australia for many years to come! We can't risk our ocean!
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Morrison
  • Don't Frack the Outback - Let's Stop Fracking In Australia
    Much is being done to try to influence Australia’s leaders to transition out of coal. A lesser known source of greenhouse emissions is our gas industry. Government figures show that emissions from coal and gas are increasing. They explain the methane increase as being due to rising LNG exports. Yet they want to export even more. As one of the world’s largest gas exporters, we are on track to becoming one of the top contributors to global warming by 2030. Doctors for the Environment Australia believe that our gas industry has impacts for climate and health and is a threat to our food security. The Permanent People’s Tribunal has said that fracking is against human rights and should be banned worldwide. The latest Water Report for the Surat Basin says that in Qld alone 547 water bores will become unusable as the gas fields expand. How much water from WA, SA and the NT will be wasted too? Future generations need our Government to ban fracking now. Please add your signature and get as many others as possible to sign too.
    736 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Brummell
  • Don't Frack the Outback - Injune Qld
    When people visit the Outback they expect to see wildlife, trees and wide open spaces. Not gas wells. This project allows multinational companies to drill and frack 940 wells on farms, in State Forests, right near Carnarvon National Park. Fracking even one well is too many. Drilling more wells when the climate is in crisis and Australia faces no shortage of gas if it was reserved from exports is not necessary, economically wise, or morally sound. This acts as a submission opposing Australia Pacific LNG application to vary Environmental Authority EPPG00787513.
    242 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Brummell
  • Expand and backdate whistleblower protection
    In 2004 the Australian Security and Intelligence Service bugged the offices of the Timor-Leste president. There were negotiations taking place for access to the Timor Sea gas reserves, and Australia's negotiators used the bugs to gain an advantage and promote the interests of the company Woodside. Witness K saw this and tried to rectify this wrong, and eventually his efforts saw this becoming public knowledge. I think Witness K is a courageous, solid defender of a decent Australia. A hero of democracy, who the government has chosen to harass and prosecute. And now we have more of the same, with police raids on ABC and News Corp to catch whistleblowers in June 2019. We don't want to be like China!
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Whaite
  • Free West Papua
    Since Australia voted in 1962 to occupy West New Guinea with United Nations forces, in violation of our Commonwealth & international legal obligations hundreds of thousands of our Papuan neighbours have purportedly been wrongfully killed by the UN appointed administrators while untold $billions have been looted from their homelands. I believe the looting since 1962 of the United Nations occupied territory has created and is contributing to a reckless shift of wealth and authority from the Pacific to South East Asia which has introduced numerous biological problems and social handicaps to the Pacific which should be mitigated without further delay.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Johnson
  • Royal Commission into Mental Health must not include McGorry
    Deaths and maiming through forced and coerced Mental Health treatments must be counted, and the horror of these legislated abuses fully exposed to the Australian people: 1. If someone dies of a cardiac arrest after years of being forced on a neuroleptic, then the death must be marked up as a cardiac arrest potentially caused by the neuroleptic forced. And so forth, for every death – including suicide potentially induced by forced – coerced psychiatric drugs. 2. We want the maiming of our bodies to be counted. So for every person that attempts suicide due to the horrible effects of neuroleptics or other psychiatric drugs and procedures and injures themselves, everyone who gets a cardio condition, an allergy, diabetes… all the things listed on the drug’s website, that these psychiatric drugs that are forced on people are known to cause. 3. We want a count of how many people were put on forced orders in a year. 4. We want a count of how many people were utilised as data in human research as ‘emergency research’ without their knowledge, and through coercive means, due to the Mental Health legislation in Victoria. 5. We want to know how many people were threatened with forced psychiatry, if they did not undergo another kind of medical procedure, or treatment. 6. We want to know how many people were broken under torture of isolation, arbitrary detention, high dose drugs, mechanical holds, and other procedures, into obedience with the treating psychiatrist, and how many were verbally told, that they need to agree to treatment, and agree to the psychiatric label given if they are to be let free from arbitrary detention or mechanical ties, or have the dose of the drug lowered. 7. We want to know how many people have been suffering an emergency medical condition, that was ignored, and turned into a Mental Health issue. How many of those people have been maimed or killed due to not being listened to, and denied the access to assistance they need, and having their condition worsened by toxic psychiatric drugs, and damaging procedures, as well as the dehumanisation of forced psychiatry. 8. We want to know how many people were trying to speak out against the effects of electrical pollution, that were subjected to forced psychiatry. 9. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against chemicals in their environment or food, that were subjected to forced psychiatry. 10. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against organised crime, when they were subjected to forced psychiatry. 11. We want to know how many people were attempting to speak out against violence that they experienced, or were currently experiencing, and attempting to do so got them subjected to forced psychiatry. 12. How many compulsory patients were physically assaulted in a psychiatric ward, and how often. 13. How many people subjected to mental health treatments were subjected to lewd comments, racism, sexism, or had their spiritual, cultural, or individual beliefs vilified by staff members. 14. How many people subjected to forced psychiatry would consider themselves to be socially disenfranchised, financially disenfranchised, an oppressed people, and considered their diagnosis by psychiatrists to be discriminatory.
    604 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Initially NO
  • Utilize this government-owned land for disabled housing
    This would aid those who are on the Very High Needs waitlist for public housing, and may also need ongoing medical treatment at the nearby public Gold Coast University Hospital; also within short reach of two tram stations.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trudy Fox
  • Noongar Not For Sale
    “We as human beings deserve a decent life, but this is being denied to us by governments that deny us justice. We shouldn't have to sell our identity and our land to have opportunities that non-Aboriginal people have.” - Noongar Traditional Owner Uncle Rex Bellotti Snr Noongar land and waters are our lifeblood and form the basis of our culture and identity as a People. To us, land, water and Noongar people are one. Our connection to our ancestors and culture is powerful, it is thousands of generations old and intrinsically interwoven into our land and waters. In 2015, the West Australian government struck a deal with some Noongar people to extinguish Noongar Native Title rights forever, in return for over a billion dollars. The land subject to the South West Native Title Settlement extends over the entire south east corner of WA, over 200,000km2. The South-West Native Title Settlement has been coined by some as the biggest native title deal in Australian history, but we say that it is the biggest native title steal in Australian history. Successful registration of these Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) will mean that half of Western Australia’s Aboriginal population will no longer have native title rights and Noongar native title will be extinguished forever. This extinguishment by the West Australian Government would leave our mineral-rich Country vulnerable to mining and fracking. It removes our right to negotiate on any future development. It is our responsibility to protect this connection and to ensure that it is never broken. Surrendering our native title rights will diminish our responsibilities as Traditional Custodians and consequently erode our connection to our ancestors, culture and Country. Noongar Not For Sale is a campaign for land justice, led by respected Noongar Elders and supported by a groundswell of strong and passionate grassroots mob. We are following in the footsteps of our ancestors and fighting to protect and preserve Noongar land, waters and culture for our children, grandchildren and the many generations of Noongars to come. For the past decade, Noongar people have been pushing the boundaries of native title law despite the State and Federal Governments constantly shifting the goalposts. Last year, we won our case in the full bench of the Federal Court in a major win for land justice. The court recognised that not all Native Title Claimants agreed with the settlement, the ILUA’s were invalid and the West Australian Government could not extinguish our Native Title. In response to this win, mining companies and special interest groups lobbied the Federal Government hard and in the end, the Native Title Act was amended retrospectively. Our justice was taken away but we are unshaken. On Monday 19th November we have again launched legal action against the West Australian Government and the South-West Land and Sea Council. We will continue our fight to de-register the 6 ILUAs that form the South-West Native Title Settlement. In the spirit of our early Noongar resistance fighters we assert that we will not surrender our birthrights. We are not for sale.
    6,134 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Smith
  • Employ More Staff in Centrelink to Reduce Wait Times
    The KPI for a claim for any type of Pension is 6 weeks. Because of lack of staff and a huge back-log this has now blown out to as much as 12 weeks and sometimes longer. This is even before you know if your claim will be accepted or not. Some people have the resources to cover this long wait, but many don't, which is why they are claiming in the first place. It is better for a person to be cared for in their own home, by a loved one rather than be a burden in either the hospital or aged care system. Adding financial stress to a Carers burden can definitely lead to a depressed mental outlook. Please sign the petition now asking the Federal Minister to Increase Staff in Centrelink so they can address all wait time issues.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maryanne Watts
  • End Nauru Detention
    There are children and families in detention on Nauru by order of the Australian government. Some have been in captivity for years, and some children were even born on the island. Detention is a fancy word for prison. Except there was no court, no trial, no judge, no jury. It is not a Liberal or Labor issue. Both parties have been responsible for this. The world’s humanitarian organisations have condemned Australia’s action and yet it continues. These people have escaped from all kinds of appalling situations. Don’t be misled by claims that freeing these people will lead to more boat arrivals. That is a separate issue which our border controllers need to manage without making political pawns of the people seriously suffering on Nauru. Children are being psychologically and physically harmed.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phillip Sandercock
  • Shutdown neo-Nazi clubhouse at 9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham, Melbourne
    The Lads Society are at Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road, Cheltenham near the Waves leisure centre and their commercial warehouse is leased on their behalf by Mr Thomas Sewell through Nixon Industries. The Lad’s Society is a clubhouse, training facility, recruitment centre and safe space for neo-nazis and others on the far-right. The Lad’s Society poses itself as ‘...an organisation consisting of young, Australian men, committed to restoring the elements of our nation, starting at the individual, and community levels’, and offers a gym, a place to drink and meet people. Concerningly, because of the way they’ve structured themselves as a kind of ‘men’s club’ with a nationalist bent, insecure and otherwise unaligned young men in the neighbourhood could be at particular risk of being radicalised toward Nazi politics in this space. As well, these men operating out of Cheltenham is an immediate danger to the multicultural neighbourhood, due to their violent histories and politics, and the fact they gather on Fridays from 5PM, drink, lift weights and fight each other until late in the evening. To say these men are nazis is not an exaggeration. One of the founders of The Lad’s Society is Blair Cottrell, who has been documented suggesting pictures of Hitler should be hung in every classroom, and Mein Kampf should be handed out to every student every year (evidence of his ideas are readily available by google search). He has also been convicted and served time for stalking and burning down an ex-partner’s house. He is the founder of United Patriots Front, a group he was the chairman of that involved other found members of The Lad’s Society, including Thomas Sewell, pictured below with Blair Cottrell celebrating Hitler’s birthday and flashing the ‘white power’ hand gesture. There are also active associations within The Lad’s Society with an explicitly Nazi group called ‘Antipodean Resistance’, who Stuart Von Moger (pictured above) is affiliated with. This group is known to recruit as a resurgence of Germany’s ‘Hitler Youth’. They’ve attacked international students, jews and the LGBTQIA+ community on university campuses and abroad with extremely racist propaganda and can be seen unfurling banners with swastikas on them from overpasses.
    1,309 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by South East Community Action Picture