• Exempt international students
    International students suffer terribly from the travel ban. High school students cannot go to school. University students struggle with online lessons with bad quality such as old videos which were shot years ago. We are forced to defer because of invalid internships and in-person courses. Students can learn nothing from zooming or videos. Besides, a huge portion of students do not have online classes and they have to be exempted to enter Australia and go to schools as soon as possible. Our human rights of attending school are being deprived and leads our family to horrible mental illness. We do not pay our family’s saving for video lessons or rent for house which we cannot even live in. International students contribute millions of dollars to Australia community and benefit Aussie society in various areas. We appeal exemptions for international students not only for student’s future and human right but also for the recovery of Australia economy. International students are willing to quarantine, obey any rules and pay all the fees. We are willing to quarantine in students apartments and will not take any stranded Australians’ places. Please allow international students who do not have online lessons and are at urgent to study enter Australia and continue their education on a voluntary basis.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Gao
  • Legalise the recreational use of cannabis in Australia
    This unjust and immoral war on this plant has to end. Australians shouldn’t be criminalised for using a plant that is far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. The waste of resources policing this unjust law as well as the targeting of minorities needs to end. The time has come for Australia to catch up with the rest of the world!
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nikos Petropouleas
  • A better alternative to the 2nd M1
    The Coomera Connector or 2nd M1 freeway is a nonsensical nightmare for the Gold Coast and much of S.E. Queensland. It offers no genuine benefits and will destroy several environmentally important and sensitive areas. In actual fact, this crazy construction idea will make traffic congestion worse. This approach to the problem of expanding populations and the use of cars is like the proverbial fly buzzing in a bottle. I belong to the “No Second M1” group, one of the organisations who oppose this monstrous freeway project, which is being rushed through by the QLD government without due process and proper information being provided to the community. An on/off ramp for this motorway is to be located directly opposite Helensvale High School, which I believe is the second largest school in the state. The construction of this six lane 100 kph motorway, with its on/off ramp would seriously impact the health of everybody there and once complete, its operation would impact both their health and safety along with all the residents living along its route. There is much more opposition to this road than the TMR claim. They decided on what they wanted and then began to consult. They cherry-picked the people who they consulted (initially they only accepted comments from people who used the M1 twice a week or more) and ignored the others. There was one survey of theirs that showed a majority of people against the freeway but they just shelved this. The Palaszczuk government and TMR have totally failed to consider the health and safety of all of the people living next to its path and to nearby school children. The TMR’s whole process resembles something out of the ABC’s satirical program, Utopia. My next-door neighbour is a senior executive at Transurban and he says that the entire project is nonsensical from an engineering and commercial viewpoint in addition to its other drastic flaws. The planned 45 km freeway will kill many koalas, kangaroos, brush turkeys and much other protected wildlife. There are many koalas in this corridor. The TMR are risking a legal class action on the part of the many thousands of people living right next to this corridor for the massive loss in value of their homes. The negative health aspects for these residents are overwhelming due to an intolerable noise and pollution level. In future years, more legal suits are likely due to premature death and chronic ill health on the part of these residents. The transport needs of the Gold Coast could be completely met by upgrading the on/off ramps of the M1 and widening it in several places. Studies, including a well-researched one from Strong Towns in the U.S., have shown that the ill-considered construction of motorways, far from solving traffic congestion, only makes it worse. To top it off this motorway is projected to cost over $2.4 billion of borrowed money. https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2017/10/12/how-to-tame-your-dragon-freeway-edition?rq=motorways Better use of existing infrastructure, including highways, cheaper and better public transport is a long-term solution. The link for our “No 2nd M1” group is https://www.facebook.com/NoSecondM1/ There seems to be a conspiracy of silence on the part of the QLD government, the Opposition and the TMR. Yours Sincerely, John Spencer
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Spencer
  • Pedestrian safety in Stanmore
    The footpath outside Stanmore station which is currently a shared path between pedestrians and cyclists is not an appropriate width to safely accomodate pedestrians needing to cross the path of oncoming cyclists (sometimes at speed), on their way to Stanmore station, one of the 4 local schools (or commuting to another school by train) and the local shops. The width of the path is constrained by the old railway buidling which blocks access and forces pedestrians into the path of oncoming cyclists as they cross or wait for the traffic lights. Our concern is that with the implementation of the planned Lewisham to Petersham pop up cycle lane and therefore an increase in cycling activity, that pedestrian safety will be further compromised along the route. The local area is comprised of school children, young families with prams and toddlers, the elderly and the less mobile. We are also concerned about the removal of healthy trees and the narrowing of Railway Road due to the new bicycle lane. Cars already swerve in front of each other in an attempt to avoid the speed bumps and this practice will only get more dangerous with less room to manouevre.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catriona Tuite
  • We need a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brigid Sundborn
  • Mum's and Bubs Against Sexual Child Abuse #annasvoice
    In October 2020 Annaliesse Ugle, an 11 year old child, took her own life when she found out her sexual abuser of 6 years, had been released on bail. Anna's Mum Sam did not want Anna to be forgotten, to become another statistic. So we have formed #annasvoice. Anna will be the driving force for change. It is a fact across the whole Australian community that children continue to be sexually molested and commit suicide or suffer in silence. At present they have no effective tools in which they can use, allowing them to determine what is inappropriate, if a person is a sexual predatorial or what grooming is. Deadly Guardians provides them with the tools, the means to reach out without fear and will detect if a child is at risk of self harm. It will also empower school age children to be protectors of their younger siblings. We need government to step up and fund Poche Centre for Indigenous Health so they can undertake the pilot and prove the program will:- Allow a child the means in which to reach out without fear of retribution or shame Give the child the tools in which to identify a sexual predator without demonising men or women. Provide the child with the understanding of what grooming looks like. Provide a framework that will allow strong Elders and leaders the ability to create change through the children in this challenging community issue. That it is easily adaptable to suit mainstream primary schools. That it will enable Kids Helpline the ability to determine if a child is at risk of self harm every morning. By providing a child with an online mentor, a famous athlete or singer who, as an avatar, they will be able to continually support the child emotionally, in academic achievement and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Provide a means by which a child can address emotional challenges as a child rather than as a traumatised teenager. Poche Centre for Indigenous Health is keen to work with me to complete the program development and then undertake the pilot. It has been 10 years since this program was originally developed. Until we all stand up and demand that something be done to protect our children then many will continue to either take their own lives or suffer in silence. Please sign the petition and also go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/416994042637214/ This is Deadly Guardians current landing page. https://www.deadlyguardians1.com/
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Keith Gregory
  • Mount Alexander wants Clean Recovery now!
    Implementing a Clean Recovery Plan will reduce energy cost and create twice as many secure jobs than polluting and expensive fossil gas and nurture a safe climate for our children and grandchildren. Delivering a Clean Recovery will need widespread support from key federal and state politicians and concerned local communities such as ours across the country. Mount Alexander Shire Council, last year declared a Climate Emergency and has committed to a roadmap to carbon neutrality for council operations by 2025, an example to federal and state governments of results achievable with strong community support and commitment to scientific evidence based climate policy. To show your support for a responsible government climate policy please sign our petition. Will you join the call for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs?
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Robins
  • We need a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greta Mula
  • Hume needs a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott McInnes
  • We need a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Stanley
  • We need a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more sustainable jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient. We can protect our native animals and restore the natural landscapes that attract so many visitors to our shores. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Fedoson
  • Geelong wants a Clean Recovery now!
    Aa a resident of the surfcoast, and a regular visitor to Victorian alpine forests, it has become clear to me lately that we are facing a climate crisis. Rising sea levels , global heating ,extreme weather events , massive bushfires, and other climate related events are sending us a clear message. We are facing an urgent, now or never crisis, and the Covid 19 pandemic presents ujs with a unique opportunity. A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner safer and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Serle