Residents for Safe Streets to School: Canada BayChildren deserve to walk or ride to school safely. Walking to school improves kids' fitness and independence. However, they are often driven over short distances to school by parents. Parents perceive that their child's journey to school is unsafe on part of or on their whole journey. As a result, our streets are subject to tens of thousands more car trips every year, making them even less safe and clogging up roads with unnecessary traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Streets without footpaths and crossings with speed limits higher than 30km/h are not considered safe by Australia's safe system approach. The Case for crossings: Research shows that children cannot judge gaps in traffic consistently when cars go faster than 30km/h to safely cross a street On streets where there are no footpaths and crossings, reducing the car speed to 30km/h would prevent most accidents: the stopping distance for a car traveling 30km/h is 13m. Stopping distance for a car traveling 50km/h is 37m. The risk of death or serious injury if hit at 30km/h is less than 10%; compared to 90% if hit at 50km/h. It is an unreasonable risk to place our children in harms way on their journey to school.77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Martin
Residents for Safe Streets to School in Randwick CouncilChildren deserve to walk or ride to school safely. Walking to school improves kids' fitness and independence. However, they are often driven over short distances to school by parents. Parents perceive that their child's journey to school is unsafe on part of or on their whole journey. As a result, our streets are subject to tens of thousands more car trips every year, making them even less safe and clogging up roads with unnecessary traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Streets without footpaths and crossings with speed limits higher than 30km/h are not considered safe by Australia's safe system approach. The case for crossings: Research shows that children cannot judge gaps in traffic consistently when cars go faster than 30km/h to safely cross a street On streets where there are no footpaths and crossings, reducing the car speed to 30km/h would prevent most accidents: the stopping distance for a car traveling 30km/h is 13m. Stopping distance for a car traveling 50km/h is 37m. The risk of death or serious injury if hit at 30km/h is less than 10%; compared to 90% if hit at 50km/h. It is an unreasonable risk to place our children in harms way on their journey to school.145 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Owen Shepherd
SAVE THE SLEEPING LIZARD (North Lismore Plateau)"If you take away our history,we have no future", says Uncle Mickey Ryan (Bundjalung Elders Council). There are Burials, Women Birthing sites, Scarred trees, artefacts, sacred water holes and spiritual Dreaming sites on the North Lismore Plateau. Threatened Species: A report prepared by David Milledge, well known qualified ecologist, on behalf of the Bundjalung Elders Council has identified a number of rare and endangered species currently observed on the North Lismore Plateau. The report concluded that the Rose Crowned Fruit Dove, Long eared Micro Bat, and the White eared Monarch bird are at risk of local extinction. Please sign to let Lismore Council know that this is important. We should look after our special places before we lose them.514 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Hughie Green
More beds for Odyssey House MolyullahAddiction is a disease that affects not only the addict but their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends etc. Without rehabilitation centres addicts will continue to die. At the moment there are 80-100 people waiting for a bed every week. Addicts walk beside us every day sometimes visibly struggling with life but on many occasions there are no visible signs of the struggle within. We can no longer put our head in the sand and pretend this isn't an issue. If this expansion saves one life it is worth it.337 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Joyce
Ban Nazi SymbolsNazism is based on the idealogy of white supremacy and endorses the ethnic cleansing of non-'Aryan' people a.k.a people who are not white Christians. Nazism is disgusting and dangerous, which is why the Government should do everything in their power to prevent the mimicking of symbols and slogans like the Swastika. In March 2021, a Victorian parliamentary inquiry recommended strengthening the laws against hate symbols. Currently in Germany, Nazi symbols are banned which is an appropriate response to the horrific history of the Holocaust and Nazi rule in the 1930s and 40s. Australia should follow Germany's lead and ban Nazi symbols, especially the Nazi swastika, as these symbols promote the horrendous acts carried out by white supremacists. Please sign this petition to encourage the government to ban Nazi symbols.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caitlyn Boer
Safer Level CrossingsTo prevent the unnecessary loss of life1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Calcutt
Launch of 150 days of action for people seeking refuge in our landThis year is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate and reflect on Joseph, described by Pope Francis in his apostolic letter, Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), as a beloved father, a father who is creatively courageous, a father in the shadows. Francis names Joseph specifically in his letter as “the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.” To honour and acknowledge this, a coalition has come together to initiate 150 days of action across Australia, to engage with people of goodwill, and advocate to change our country’s attitude and policies towards those seeking protection in Australia.1,926 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Joelle Sassine
Catherine King join the Bring Julian Assange Home Parliamentary GroupBoth the implications of Assange's case for democracy and the fact that his treatment has been classified as torture make this an issue of utmost importance. Assange's situation has been described by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer as "a huge scandal and represents the failure of Western rule of law. If Julian Assange is convicted, it will be a death sentence for freedom of the press." Melzer also "visited Assange in his cell in London in May 2019 together with two experienced, widely respected doctors who are specialized in the forensic and psychological examination of torture victims. The diagnosis arrived at by the two doctors was clear: Julian Assange displays the typical symptoms of psychological torture. If he doesn’t receive protection soon, a rapid deterioration of his health is likely, and death could be one outcome." Image: Metahaven, "Leaked" WikiLeaks posters, 201030 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eve Blayney
Waverton Dog Park Night LightsThis dog park is used by many people and canines every afternoon, most of whom all know each other and are good friends with each other and come down together for the enjoyment of socialisation with each other and exercise. This is even more precious to some during the current pandemic as its the only face to face contact they get all day. However due to the winter sun and day light savings by the time we get down there its pitch black which presents alot of safety issues for ourselves, passers by, cars and of course the pooches. Its safe to say the park is used by many at this time of night. The difference in the amount of dog owners that are down in summer arvos and winter arvos is very noticeable. Many people arent willing to risk it or deal with the anxiety of not being able to see the dogs and as such forfeit the experience which is harmful to the human and pooches socialisation and exercise. Also anyone walking through to balls head or to the lower park for sport cant see whats going on which can be scary and dangerous.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alastair Noble
Support the building of State Quarantine Hubs in AustraliaThe federal government needs to protect people and the economy. Hotel quarantine has proven flaws. We need quarantine hubs built with access to airports and hospitals. These hubs should be built based on the advice of scientists and what best prevents the spread of infectious diseases. We need our Federal Government to take action NOW!69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Anderson
Keep The Greens Bowling Club, The Entrance, on Community land.Community land and recreational space are important to the health and well being of The Entrance community. The land forms part of the green space so valued by The Entrance community. The Greens Bowling Club has been used by members for decades. The land upon which it sits is a community asset. It should not become an asset of a corporation. The land must continue to be used for recreation. Bowling on an outdoor green has been part of Australian culture for decades,and should be kept for future generations.76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacqueline Austin
Stop Australian military aid to the Philippines318 human rights workers and activists murdered. 27,000 lives lost to extrajudicial killings. 122 children caught in the crossfire. In the Philippines, a humanitarian crisis is raging out of control. Since President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office in June 2016, thousands have lost their lives in his administration’s confected “War Against Drugs” and bloody crackdown on civil society. Emboldened by Duterte’s encouragement to “go ahead and kill [suspected drug dealers and users] yourself”, the Philippine National Police, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, and armed vigilante groups have mercilessly gunned down “suspects” — some as young as 17 years old — on the basis of false or non-existent evidence. Only three police officers have ever been convicted for their role in the killings. Under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, Duterte has escalated his assault on activists, civil society, and the urban poor. While the Philippines braces for a third wave of the virus, police continue to harass and criminalise community pantries, murder Indigenous land rights activists, and “red-tag” (designate as a terrorist and place on a Government watch list) who dares speak out. As long-term supporters of the Philippine Military and Police Force, Australia has blood on its hands. Yet the Morrison Government refuses to condemn President Duterte and distance itself from his fascist regime. In February, The Sydney Morning Herald revealed that Australian security agencies provided “technical assistance” over 3 years to help draft the Filipino Anti-Terror Law that experts have dubbed a “‘human rights disaster”. The law provides legal basis for incorrectly labelling activists and humanitarian and civil society groups “terrorists” and allows their harassment, criminalisation, and murder. The Morrison Government does not publicly disclose the exact monetary value of military aid provided to the Philippines each year. However, the Australian Defence Force provides annual training for personnel from the Philippines Coast Guard and Department of National Defence. The Australian Government has also previously provided military personnel and equipment to the Philippines and trained over 10,000 Filipino army and marine personnel “in urban combat, air strike tactics in an urban environment” — the same tactics used to terrorise Filipinos and Filipino civil society. In solidarity with activists in the Philippines and the Filipino community in Australia, BAYAN Australia, Migrante Australia, and the Sydney and Melbourne chapters of Anakbayan call on Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne and Minister for Defence Peter Dutton to immediately cease all military aid to the Philippines. Will you join us in demanding the Australian Government end its role in the bloodshed in the Philippines by immediately ending all military aid to, and training operations in, the Philippines?349 of 400 SignaturesCreated by BAYAN Australia