• Stay Away! Equinor! Mirning Peoples SAY NO mining!
    This place ....the Great Australian Bight is very important to the Aboriginal Mirning Tribe in South Australia. Our dream time story comes from this wonderful coast! My grandmothers ancestors grew up along this wonderful untouched pristine coast! We have to give a voice to whales and many other wonderful sea creatures that inhabit along this coast! An oil spill will destroy the coast of Australia for many years to come! We can't risk our ocean!
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Morrison
  • Don't Frack the Outback - Let's Stop Fracking In Australia
    Much is being done to try to influence Australia’s leaders to transition out of coal. A lesser known source of greenhouse emissions is our gas industry. Government figures show that emissions from coal and gas are increasing. They explain the methane increase as being due to rising LNG exports. Yet they want to export even more. As one of the world’s largest gas exporters, we are on track to becoming one of the top contributors to global warming by 2030. Doctors for the Environment Australia believe that our gas industry has impacts for climate and health and is a threat to our food security. The Permanent People’s Tribunal has said that fracking is against human rights and should be banned worldwide. The latest Water Report for the Surat Basin says that in Qld alone 547 water bores will become unusable as the gas fields expand. How much water from WA, SA and the NT will be wasted too? Future generations need our Government to ban fracking now. Please add your signature and get as many others as possible to sign too.
    735 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Brummell
  • #changethedate to March 3rd Australia Day
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and all Australians can't currently celebrate Australia Day on January 26. It's a date for white settlement and 'Invasion' from 1788. It has been a day of mourning formally since 1938. We must change the date! #changethedate to March 3rd
    6,255 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Watson
  • Make a Custodians Celebration Public Holiday
    The current Australia Day public holiday celebrates a nation from the point of white settlement. It does not take into account the sovereign nations that lived here since the time immemorial. Australia is one of very countries that has a national public holiday to honour and pay respect the First Nations Peoples and cultures. It's time this changed. We can't change the past but we can change the future. Let's join together to create change so that we can all celebrate the ongoing custodianship role in caring for this country. We have a number of state and national public holidays to celebrate and/or commemorate religious traditions, British ties to the Monarchy, servicemen, pastoralist and sporting events. Arguably, Australia Day is meant to unite all Australians it is well recognised that this is not a day that is celebrated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Let's demonstrate our appreciation and privilege of having the longest living culture in the world.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Goodedulla Woppaburra Picture
  • Save Our Water
    Our community of Woorabinda is reliant on good quality water for our needs and having a mining company take what the want will severely deplete the Dawson River water supply.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wardingarri Lamalama
  • Save the Ashburton River
    Our spiritual beliefs and cultural connection is the river system.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trudy Hayes
  • Qantas - STOP broadcasting Sky News and Newscorp media in your aircraft, lounges and at your gates!
    Sky News and Newscorp publications are notorious for their racist, right-wing rhetoric. We know this type of media commentary has fuelled division and hate in our community, and after Christchurch we know that hate kills. When Qantas provides the platform for the broadcasting of Sky News and Newscorp publications in their aircraft, member lounges and at airport gates, it sends a message that our National airline is legitimising and endorsing those views. Those views are not in keeping with the "Spirit of Australia" - an inclusive, respectful and proud multicultural society. Tell Alan Joyce, CEO of Qantas, to show some corporate leadership and terminate Qantas' contractual arrangements with Sky News and Newscorp publications NOW.
    924 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by C Knox