• Championing positive change or business as usual?
    On October 26th 2023, we the First Nations Advisory Group to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and a collective of supporters and allies, took a united stand in our dismissal of the outwardly racist ideology expressed by Queensland Police Union (QPU) President, in the Courier Mail on Wednesday 25th October 2023. On November 13 2023, we again collectively called on the Minister for Queensland Police and the Commissioner of Police to take action as a demonstration that racist and harmful behaviour would not be accepted as business as usual. Not only have our calls for action been met with silence, just over one month later on the 30th November 2023, the President of the QPU has been announced as a member of the Independent Ministerial Advisory Council (IMAC) to give victims a voice. The comments made by the QPU President remain negligent and outwardly harmful to the wellbeing and interests of our First Nations peoples and communities, including victims. It is beyond belief that the same individual who so recently made overtly racist and fearmongering public commentary about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples could be identified as an appropriate member of this Council. The President of the QPU has also repeatedly refused to acknowledge widespread problems in police responses to domestic and family violence in Queensland. This is despite numerous studies and reports to the contrary, including the 2022 “Call for Change” report from the Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Reponses to domestic and family violence that found “ample evidence that there are cultural issues within the Queensland Police Service which inhibit the policing of domestic and family violence.” The appointment of QPU President to the Victims Advisory Council represents a gross disservice to the “voice” of victims, and to the countless people and organisations working to change this in Queensland. The people most likely to be victims in Queensland are women, children and young people, too often Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and young people. These people have been let down by this decision. Queensland has been let down by this decision. We wish to express our deep disappointment at the Queensland Government’s implicit endorsement of the President of the QPU by giving him a position of influence over the very important and critical work of the council in its consideration of the needs of victims and vulnerable people, such as children, young people, women and First Nations peoples. We invite the Premier and Attorney General to meet with a representative body of this group to further discuss our concerns and to seek a positive resolution to the ongoing harm that is being felt. In good faith we await your response.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by First Nations Advisory Group, Supporters and Allies Picture
  • Overhaul Centrelink
    Everyone needs to support this petition for a more humane welfare system because anyone can lose their current financial status, need support due to illness or accident and everyone hopefully reaches retirement and through unforeseen circumstances requires a government funded pension. How we treat the less fortunate and diadvantage shows the character of our civilisation and should be a national trait Australia is proud to demonstrate. The slogan "a fair go for all" once characterised Aussies' beliefs, this is not he case anymore. Anyone who visits the website ' The Centrelink is broken' will see many examples of harrowing stories of people engaged with a not only uncaring response but abusive and threatening manner of communication. People are unable to contact Centrelink on the telephone when they cannot deal with the issue online through mygov or the Centrelink app. They either wait hours on the telephone or are cut off continuously before being answered and have to go through a process of demeaning verification of identity. For anyone with a disability,aged, English as a second language, regional and remote background or first nations people, or people unaware of their rights, dealing with Centrelink is traumatic. As welfare recipients, who through no fault of their own ( often working hard all their lives or being stripped of earning a decent income) find themselves dependent on benefits that don't cover basic cost of living are simply asking for respect and professional support in an uncondescending manner. I have found the staff at my local Centrelink office very helpful however to cancel an appointment made in case I was unable to use technology on line I had to revisit the centre to do this because I could not contact Centrelink. I was also threatened with having my and my partner's pension suspended if I didn't attend this meeting. For someone out of town or without transport this simple process becomes a nightmare. I cannot call my local Centrelink office to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Welfare recipients are a minority so there are no political point scoring for an overhaul of Centrelink. I need the people to come together and support this proposition because you don't know if this experience could be one you will encounter in the future. For those looking towards retirement on a government supported benefit you will be treated as an undeserving burden on the rest of society who should give up their rights and any savings or property ownership to receive welfare benefit no longer considered or called aged pension.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isobel BARKER
  • Make Centrelink a “trauma informed” service.
    There is a tendency to use the word victim as though it is a person's choice. People who find themselves on income support are generally in this unwilling position through various circumstances beyond their control, and in the main would rather be independent as opposed to a burden on society. If you ask yourself what story is really behind the person begging for change at your supermarket, what might come to mind? Do you consider Domestic Violence? Mental Health challenges? Childhood sexual assault? Are they a descendant of Australia's stolen generations? Marginalised due to ethnicity? A refugee? With all that we now understand regarding mental health and trauma, it's time to implement it where it can make the greatest impact. As an educated and privileged nation, we need to take responsibility for those most vulnerable and create genuine compassionate revisions to the services that are here to assist. As an example, NSW Health has available information on their website about Trauma Informed services detailing considerations and responsible processes for dealing with clients who have suffered trauma, along with the principles of Mental Health Human Rights. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/psychosocial/principles/Pages/trauma-informed.aspx Services Australia and Centrelink need to take a health based approach in their delivery of human services, to honour and properly reflect the Department of Social Services own Access & Equity policy. We need to remind ourselves we do not exist on a level playing field as far as our life experiences. The rhetoric of equal opportunity doesn't apply to those handicapped by misfortune of their circumstances.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renee Falez
  • Stop the further destruction of the off leash dog park in Lawson Blue Mountains NSW
    The park is not only enjoyed by dogs and their owners but families and children, on bikes, walking who enjoy a natural ramble through the trees... not concrete paths. The local Blue Mountains community are not happy with what has been destroyed... including a turtles nest and other habitat.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jude Warren
  • URGENT Kabi dreaming site Djaki Kundu is being demolished NOW against First Nation Peoples' consent.
    Djaki Kundu (Rocky Ridge in English), also referred to as 'the Gympie Pyramid' is being destroyed as we speak, for a highway upgrade carried out by the Department of Transport and Main roads Queensland. Djaki Kundu is an ancient and sacred healing site, connected to the Seven Sisters dreaming song-lines and stories, and a place to commune with the Star Ancestors.  Djaki Kundu is situated in Bunya Country near Gympie, in what is now called Queensland, Australia.  Kabi Elders and guardians of the site have inherited a religious and spiritual Djakurpa tribal Law responsibility to protect the sacred site, which was built thousands of years ago by Kabi Ancestors. Kabi tribal Elders are distressed that Queensland government authorities are destroying the site and it's ancient sacred relics in order to upgrade a highway, despite the fact Australian Laws make it illegal to destroy 'Aboriginal cultural heritage' or 'Aboriginal relics'. Human rights abuse will not be tolerated of Kabi Country. Urgent action needs to be taken, COME TO GYMPIE and follow posts by Kabi dreaming on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Kabi.Dreaming/ SIGN PETITION and show your support by messaging Department of Transport and Main Roads QLD, QLD environment minister, governing authorities, offering legal assistance and sharing this breach of human rights in person and online.
    1,352 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Eden
  • Stop Iron Gates! An unsuitable development for Evans Head
    G’day, I’m Ian Rankin, bringing you this petition on behalf of The Evans Head Residents for Sustainable Development Inc: A developer wants to profit from building a very large housing estate at a sensitive location on the Evans River Estuary. I am calling on like-minded residents and visitors to help protect Evans Head from this irresponsible development. My late Mum opposed a similar development at the same location in 1990’s. It is back again, with a new company name (GOLDCORAL Pty Ltd) but the same Director (Mr Graeme Ingles). I ask you to please sign this petition to help save our village. Evans Head is a tranquil coastal village, surrounded by National Parks and major Crown Land Reserves. It is a place that visitors love and outside of holiday times it has fewer than 3000 residents. It boasts wonderful natural landscapes, a safe, small-community atmosphere and a beautiful river. DA 2015/0096 seeks to build a satellite housing subdivision in a sensitive coastal environment which is a mix of native vegetation, wetlands and rainforest. There have been unsuccessful attempts to build a satellite housing development on the Evans River at this location since 1988. The Developer’s current company is using recently changed laws to try his luck again. He seeks to profit from a poorly designed, environmentally destructive, Gold Coast style housing project, which is completely unsuited to Evans Head. The Evans River, already under environmental pressure will suffer irreversible consequences if this development proceeds. There will be more pollution in the River. The beauty of the natural environment will be damaged. Endangered fish, habitat and fauna populations (including Koalas) will be threatened. NSW Fisheries advises there should be a 40 metre set back of housing from the River. The developer wants a 10 metre setback. The Iron Gates area is a precious and meaningful place of high cultural significance for traditional Bandjalang custodians and Aboriginal people of the wider Bundjalung Nation. It includes both ceremonial and massacre sites. The riverfront is subject to Federal Court Native Title Determinations recognising the rights of the Bandjalang people. The developer acknowledges the presence of middens within the project area. He has bulldozed sites of significance in the past. The Developer is currently relying on an inadequate consultation processes, to seek to silence the voices of the custodians of this land. Evans Head is very special. It truly is the ‘jewel’ of the Richmond Valley. If you enjoy fishing, kayaking, swimming, snorkelling or boating in our river, this could greatly impact you. Sign this petition to let the Northern Regional Planning Panel know that this development is unsuitable at this location. We would like to close the Iron Gates area to inappropriate development, once and for all. We wish to preserve the natural state of our river, protect our wildlife and respect the cultural heritage of the site. Thank you for your support, please sign the petition now and pass it on to others who have an interest in preserving this important site. Authorised by Evans Head Residents for Sustainable Development Inc. Inc No.: INC1401720 ABN: 26930583788. PO Box 19 EVANS HEAD NSW 2473
    905 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ian Rankin Picture
  • Save Rylstone Region from Coal Exploration
    The rural greenfields, pristine bushland and forests in the region borders the Wollemi National Park, part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. The region is home to endangered flora and fauna, prime agricultural lands, and precious water sources. These are all under threat, along with people’s homes, livelihoods, and the region’s tourism industry, which are impacted just by the uncertainty of a new coal mine. There are more than enough existing mines to meet the demand for coal. In fact, the demand is so low that these mines are operating well under capacity. Our major markets are decreasing their use of our coal. The NSW Government is projecting ever decreasing global demand for coal. There is no future for coal. This is the wrong time for new coal mines, and absolutely the wrong place.
    1,844 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rylstone Region Coal Free Community Picture
  • SAVE THE SLEEPING LIZARD (North Lismore Plateau)
    "If you take away our history,we have no future", says Uncle Mickey Ryan (Bundjalung Elders Council). There are Burials, Women Birthing sites, Scarred trees, artefacts, sacred water holes and spiritual Dreaming sites on the North Lismore Plateau. Threatened Species: A report prepared by David Milledge, well known qualified ecologist, on behalf of the Bundjalung Elders Council has identified a number of rare and endangered species currently observed on the North Lismore Plateau. The report concluded that the Rose Crowned Fruit Dove, Long eared Micro Bat, and the White eared Monarch bird are at risk of local extinction. Please sign to let Lismore Council know that this is important. We should look after our special places before we lose them.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Hughie Green Picture
  • Protect Aboriginal Heritage and the Belubula River
    "The Belubula Headwaters Protection Group is a not for profit group established to protect the natural waterways, ecosystems and heritage of the Belubula River Headwaters in Kings Plains, located in the Central West of NSW. The Group is currently opposing a Gold Mine application from Regis Resources Ltd (ASX: RRL). The proposal is to develop an open cut gold mine with a life of just 10 years. The associated Tailings Dam will be 46,700ML, which is over 10,000ML larger than Carcoar Dam which it will destroy if the wall of the Tailings Dam were to breach, leak or collapse. The Mine site is in Wiradjuri Country and will impact on the Belubula River “Bilabula” and its tributaries, this area is rich with artefacts, at least one known burial site, an ochre site and much more, that all evidence the extensive use of the area by the Wiradjuri people. Connection to the river for Wiradjuri people was related to their Kin groups and each person had a responsibility towards care and protection of a section of the river and waterways that related to their family ties. This area also played a role in first contact history with Europeans and forms part of the story of the Bathurst Wars. Destruction of this site will further impact on significant Aboriginal Cultural History that is consistently disregarded in Australia. "To show your support to prevent the destruction of significant Aboriginal and European heritage for a short term project to access a purposeless resource; we strongly encourage you to sign our petition which we will present to the Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley to encourage them to save the area by approving the section 10 protection order application."
    306 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Paton
  • The Gumma IPA Ranger Work
    This is important bush regeneration work for our Gumbaynggirr homelands for future generations maintaining & sustaining cultural connections. Our future is in the land.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tamikar Buchanan
  • Scrap Kurri Kurri Gas Plant
    The Kurri Kurri gas plant is a waste of public money. It’s expensive, climate polluting, and it fails to deliver the long-term jobs that were promised to the local community. Right now it’s planned to run on gas, a fossil fuel that contributes to worsening floods and fires caused by climate change. The new Labor Government promised to support the project on the condition that it ran on 30% hydrogen from the day it is operational and 100% by 2030. But energy experts are saying that this won't be possible. The Kurri Kurri gas plant fails to deliver the long-term jobs our community was promised. We need the new government to invest long term, in the technologies of the future and not waste a billion dollars of public money and instead invest it in the Hunter to keep our region as a powerhouse for generations. We know battery storage is a cheaper way to firm the electricity grid and bring down electricity prices for people doing it tough. It’s clear too that we need to move away from climate-wrecking fossil fuels like gas and coal, and towards cleaner, cheaper alternatives like solar, wind, and batteries. So all in all, a pretty shocking idea. But that didn’t stop the Morrison Government throwing public money at the project last year. It didn’t make sense then, but it makes even less sense now. The global price of gas and coal has shot up since the start of the year, meaning new power plants that run on fossil fuels won’t help bring your electricity bills down. It would be a backward step. Our country is lucky to have huge resources of sun and wind, and backed up by batteries these resources are going to power our houses and businesses into the future with cheap, clean electricity. We need our leaders and local MPs to see that this is the future we want for the Hunter, not expensive fossil-fuel powered plants that will soon be irrelevant. People in the Hunter deserve proper investment in jobs and industries that will be around for a long time.
    35,868 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Gas Free Hunter Alliance Picture
  • Save Great Keppel Island
    In the last two election campaigns by our local MP Brittany Lauga, she has promised $25 million towards improvements to public amenities on GKI. These included a cyclone rate jetty, improvements to walking tracks and amenities for the public. To date non of these promises have be fulfilled. Instead, money has been used for useless studies such as "Decarbonising GKI" and $millions on a study to bring water and power to to GKI from the mainland. Where is the jetty and other promises? In the meantime Altum want the money ($30 Million) to build a marina on the most shallow beach on GKI. If they need $30 million to start construction it would be obvious to anyone but the State Government they can't pass due diligence for their Financial Capability to deliver anything on the GKI. Currently the "Woppaburra Land Trust" have a claim of Native Title over a significant part of the development proposal.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Sjolund