We need a Clean Recovery now!A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alison Matthews
1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Madeleine Lush
Cap Aged Homecare Provider FeesDepartment of Health figures show that 28,000 aged Australians died over the last two years while waiting for homecare despite the Prime Minister promising 10,000 extra packages in November last year and a further 6,000 new packages in July this year. The privatised system seems unable to deliver the care the Government has promised while at the same time it obtains huge financial gains from the taxpayer.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gavan. Bethke
De-privatisationDe-privatisation will provide government with an additional income stream from company dividends which can be used to offset the debt accumulated over the period of the COVID 19 crisis.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Staples
Remunerate our volunteer firefighters!Volunteers fight fires for the benefit of all levels of Government fundamentally. Without volunteers the country, states and municipalities burn equally without prejudice; building, human, beast and flora. My daughter cried yesterday when she saw the black sky and red sun over the Shoalhaven. At 16 she said "mum, is this what our future is going to look like?" Then I thought about the volunteers fighting! Then I thought about the Governments! Then I started this campaign. Please volunteer your voice, for volunteers to have a voice and acknowledgement from Governments, to help shift the balance of power for today into the future.275 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Czislowski
Stop Australian Government banning cash transactions in their stealthy legislationTrading cash is currently not illegal in Australia - because our cash is legal tender. Morrison government, and any collusion with labor opposition is detrimental to the well being and freedom of Australians to buy and sell with cash as legal tender without the need for banker intermediaries; who will Bill users for transactions whilst not offering incentives such as interest rates. This forces mandatory bank accounts, which Australians must reject. Many ordinary and older Australians keep cash accumulated outside banks because they do not have trust in banks. They should continue to be allowed to trade cash in any size transaction, as per their current rights. People should not be forced to pay to hold digital money in banks if there is no interest incentive to do so.222 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Seipelt-Don
Keep King Island Fish Farm FreeIf fish farms are established in King Island's pristine waters then there will be a massively negative impact environmentally, economically and socially. King Island's economy is based on its clean, green and unspoiled image. If the King Island Brand is tainted by its association with industrial fish farming, and the rapidly accelerating negative press and opposition it is generating, then our economy will be severely affected. The very reasons that attract visitors and residents to King Island are diametrically opposed to the industrialisation of our pristine marine environment. Our way of life and quality of life are under threat just so companies and shareholders can make even more money.2,712 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Alison Stubbs
Don't build a new airport! DO build high-speed rail instead!This petition against building a second airport at Badgery's Creek is urgent and important as to do so would contravene all the independent research findings which clearly demonstrate that societies and nature would suffer unduly. Conversely, building high-speed rail will address climate-change and revitalise many communities in regional NSW as well as connect to major centres like Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra, being 50% of current air traffic; and will provide for real local jobs. It will also empower people and ensure quality of life to all of us and Nature on whom we depend. This has to be seen as the only sane alternative in today's world.1,096 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Maureen Grant