• Public Schools Should Receive More Funding than Private Schools
    Such financial policies further exacerbate rising economic and social inequality, which is one of the greatest threats society faces. It sends the message to less advantaged young people that they don't matter as much as others. The Government wishes to spend $5 billion more per annum on those children who happen to be born into fortunate families. This is a kick in the guts to the working class, who also want the best for their families. This government once again wants to prop up incredibly wealthy institutions, at the expense of fairness and equality for the majority of the emerging generation. Let's show them we won't have it!
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly May
  • Real High Speed Rail Geelong-Melbourne
    The $4b project is projected to cut the time for a Geelong - Melbourne trip to 50 minutes. This is 5 minutes longer than the 2006 Regional Fast Rail express train trip of 45 minutes. For this sort of money we should be embarking on true High Speed Rail with an estimated Geelong - Melbourne trip of 17 minutes ( http://www.megarail.com.au/ ) The MegaRail proposal with stations at Avalon Airport and Werribee will greatly enhance the livability and and economic strength of Melbourne's west as well as Geelong and could be built with the $4b currently available as a privately co-funded Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) project. The State Government $50m Geelong Fast Rail Study announced in March 2018 promised train speeds of between 250kph and 300kph. This proposal using conventional V/Line Trains and a third track between Werribee and Laverton is a total cop-out and if Geelong lets it happen we will never get a decent High-Speed train service.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Moran
  • Keep NW Tasmania Fish Farm Free
    If fish farms are established in NW Tasmania's pristine waters then there will be a massive negative impact on our environment, economy and society. Wynyard, Burnie, Sisters Beach, Table Cape to Stanley's economies are based on a clean, green and unspoiled image. If the NW Brand is tainted by its association with industrial fish farming, and the rapidly accelerating negative press and opposition it is generating, then our economy will be severely impacted. The very reasons that attract visitors and residents to NW Tasmania are diametrically opposed to the industrialisation of our pristine marine environment. Our way of life and quality of life are under threat just so companies and shareholders can make even more money. We reject private corporations & the government making profits off the backs of pristine waters & residents
    1,463 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Day
  • No Beach Club on Bondi Beach
    The proposed Amalfi Beach Club would privatise part of Bondi Beach and significantly damage the character of the beach. Bondi Beach is loved by locals and visitors to the area. We can't allow the construction of a private club on this most cherished public land.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Keri Spooner
  • Save the NDIS
    The National Disability Services Scheme has changed many peoples lives including that of my daughter who is 12 and has Down syndrome. The planning role needs to sit with the National Disability Insurance Agency in order to preserve transparency of services. Little is being said about the partner LAC’s but recently my daughters plan moved from NDIA to APM. I was not informed and I have no choice it seems. This is not transparent and these partners look and act like the NDIA but they are contacted but the govt. My details were sent to them without my consent. Here is some of what has been written in the past. I just want to have the plan sit with the NDIA and not a contractor and that seems to have been removed from our control. Not choice and not control and not what the NDIS is about. Professionals who know a person with a disability need to provide input into support needs not an assessor who has never met the person and is contracted by the government to meet KPI's. References: https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/thewest.com.au/politics/inquiry-into-ndis-independent-assessments-c-2693586.amp https://www.themandarin.com.au/92967-investing-in-administration-matters-ombudsman-links-capacity-of-ndia-to-backlog-of-complaints/
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Ebert
  • Bringing the railways back to Wonthaggi
    The town, Wonthaggi and surrounding towns are all growing. The demographics include diverse age groups, not just the elderly. We have young families and people between ages 21 and 55 living in Wonthaggi who still commute between Wonthaggi and Melbourne. Currently, there is a bus service to and from Melbourne city, but the bus service is not viable in the long term, due to road congestion, longer travel times due to traffic, and limited bus services. A train will resolve these issues and cut down travel time by at least half hour. This is important as more people are moving to the country for a better life and due to housing price rises. International leaders are saying we need to reduce emissions, and a train can and will be part of resolving this issue, taking more cars off the road. Many people are now setting up home in Wonthaggi and still have to drive to the city as the buses are not always reliable, nor safe in covid times being buses are confined spaces - trains are not so confined. It does not make sense that the trains were cut in 1993 by Kennett who had shortsighted ideas. Had the train lines been kept in use, this would have benefitted the economy, bringing in money from everyday use. Governments peddal the excuse that it is too expensive to return railways to Wonthaggi. This is not true and no one should buy that excuse at all. The government has more than enough money and the railways being in use will pay for itself and keep paying into the economy. This NEEDS to be done now. We are not going to wait any longer. We would like to see Wonthaggi as a successful burgeoning town just like Traralgon is. For the last decade, locals in Wonthaggi and surrounds including Leongatha have fought and fought for this railway line to be brought back into use and it has been ignored for too long. No more. Just fund it and bring it back!
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chelle Destefano
  • Stop Sponsorship Deals with BHP and RIOTINTO
    The exploitation of Indigenous people, their land and culture by big business has to stop. The connection of the Indigenous people to this beautiful land has well been acknowledged by the AFL and AFLW, with indigenous rounds featuring indigenous designed guernsey's , acknowledgement of counties and programs to educate, empower and develop Indigenous players. It has just started acknowledging the wrong doings to its past Indigenous players in regards to racism. JUST.. It is now time for the AFL and AFLW to stand up and take a stand for its Indigenous communities. It's notable that the AFL and AFLW organisation's have definitely made strides to rectifying past wrong doings, however they can not rest on those morals. The AFL and AFLW both have the platform to lead the way in social change. To demonstrate to every individual person involved in its organisation and their supporters that it is truly committed to supporting its First Nations People. In a time when we all need to stand up, do more, learn from our histories mistakes. To be better across all areas that effect our society and our planet. I believe this is the time and opportunity for each individual within the AFL and AFLW to take a stand and continue to embrace the rich and strong Indigenous culture and people as well as their connection to country, that has provided so much for this great Australian game. From the land the game is played on, to the thousands of Indigenous players to the hundreds of thousands of loyal supporters of clubs at every level of this great game they have a responsibility to immediately cut ties with BHP and RIO TINTO. To stop taking their dirty earth killing culture destroying money. The Adelaide Crows, AFL and AFLW have a social responsibility to stand up to big business's who actively destroy sacred land. We all have this responsibility. For the sake of our land, our culture, our game.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Webb
  • Stop the Overdevelopment - Pagewood/Eastgardens
    This development will place unprecedented pressure on the Southeastern suburbs of Sydney as the growth of our community outpaces the roll out of infrastructure and services. We face a future perfect storm of congestion and worsening socio-economic outcomes with the Eastgardens development. One thing is clear: Meriton is creating a city of have and have nots. We urge a halt to this development until the infrastructure and capacity issues are addressed. The community has previously raised concerns with the rezoning of this site including: • Excessive intensification of use of the site compared to existing planning controls; • Excessive building height; • Inadequate assessment of the transport impacts of the proposal; and • Ambiguous commitment to the delivery of public open space. With each planning approval we have seen significant modification from the original Pagewood Green master plan. The original proposal stated one-bed units would measure 65 sqm, two-bed 85 sqm and three-bed 110 sqm. However, Meriton reduced all three in size to 50 sqm, 75 sqm and 96 sqm respectively, even as they advertised the original sizes. Although technically in the Bayside Local Government area, due to the site’s close proximity to the Randwick Council Local Government area, residents are concerned about the significant increase in population, and the added demand this will place upon community facilities and services, open space and other physical and social assets within both Bayside and Randwick City, and the increased pressure on Sydney beaches. A lot of the earlier forecasts of traffic and the provision of car parking were based on assumptions about the "potential extension of the light rail to the site - when there is no evidence to suggest this will ever occur. The South East Sydney Transport Strategy released late last year showed no signs that there was any planning for Bunnerong Road. And plans to extend Metro West (from Parramatta to the CBD) to the east and deliver a Metro to Maroubra Junction now won’t happen until after 2041 if at all- more than 20 years away. We ask the Government to intervene and halt any further approvals until there is an integrated planning approach to this development.
    517 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Maria Poulos
  • Govt algorithms must be independently regulated
    I don't think people fully appreciate the extent to which things like welfare, who qualifies for medical assistance, who qualifies for public housing, are determined by algorithms now. And sometimes that works fine and some other times it doesn't. The failings of robodebt are a good example, but it's the tip of the iceberg. There are other kinds of bots and automation being used by governments around the world in the criminal justice system, for example, to predict whether a given defendant is likely to re-offend if you put them out on parole. These algorithms are not open and inspected by the public or have regulators, we don't really know how they work and there's not a lot of accountability for them. And so as a result, we end up with these mysterious machines making these decisions that affect millions of people's lives and we don't really understand what they're doing.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Austin
  • Power for Broome
    The recent Horizon presentation offered nothing to our general population besides tea and scones at the yet to be completed customer experience centre. We need environmentally friendly power generation to reduce our carbon footprint for the future of our children, our Nation and our World. Let’s activate the local, State and Federal Government bodies to encourage Horizon Power to get the job done.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Kaupert
  • Down with DobSeeker: No hotline for dobbing in unemployed workers
    This proposed new hotline would put even more power in the hands of dodgy bosses, and create additional pressure on marginalised groups to accept bad jobs that won't work for us. There are a lot of good reasons to turn down a job - a creepy boss, having to spend hours on public transport, or even conflicts with parenting commitments like picking your kids up from school. I'm Imogen, I'm 22, and I was recently on JobSeeker. My job services provider would push jobs that were completely unsuitable to me with my disability. The idea that I could be left unable to pay rent because a dodgy boss dobbed me in for turning down a bad job really frightens me. This is the last thing unemployed people need in the midst of Australia's worst employment crisis in a century. The problem is there are not enough jobs out there - there are 2.3 million unemployed and underemployed people and only 250,000 jobs available. You can’t bully people into accepting jobs that don’t exist. Unemployment isn’t a choice – it’s an unavoidable reality for millions. This proposed new hotline hasn't been launched yet. With your help, we can make this petition big enough to show that the public won't stand for bullying unemployed people - and we can stop "DobSeeker" in its tracks. Can you sign this petition and share with your friends?
    3,215 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Imogen from Melbourne
  • Stand up to gambling bullies
    My name is Anna Bardsley. I'm a retired business woman, mother of five. I am a singer and a writer, a gardener, a grandmother — and I lost ten years of my life to the pokies. I learnt the hard way that gambling corporations will stop at nothing to extract as much money from people as possible. They ruthlessly prey on vulnerable people, destroying lives, tearing families apart, and harming our communities in the process. For decades, reforming the gambling industry has been close to impossible. But in March, the NSW Liberal Party is taking the first step by proposing a new law to reduce their harmful powers, and Labor might very well add their support too. But we need NSW MPs to stand strong against the huge lobbying power of the gambling industry, which will be putting enormous pressure on them to stop or water down this law. That’s why I’m asking you to sign my petition to show our MPs that the community is watching and demands they stand strong against big gambling bullies and vote to pass this law. *Anna Bardsley won a Victorian Senior of the Year Award for raising awareness of the impacts of gambling. She is a passionate advocate for gambling reform after battling with poker machines for ten years and has helped others as part of her work with the Alliance for Gambling Reform.
    6,914 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna Bardsley Picture