• Save the landmark Burleigh Swimming Centre from redevelopment
    The Burleigh Swimming Centre is declared a landmark facility in the City of Gold Coast Council's document titled 'Burleigh Heads Heritage & Character Study'. The idea of a salt water 'ocean pool' was conceptualised in 1935 by the legendary Jim Cavill, (as in Cavill Avenue) who operated the Surfers Paradise Hotel and Zoo. It would be reasonable to assume the rock pool was based on the renowned Bondi Icebergs. The ocean rock pool was subsequently constructed in 1953 by another Gold Coast legend, Jack (Sharkey) Evans who went on to construct and operate the renowned Snapper Rocks Porpoise Pool. In 1983 the Burleigh Swimming Centre was redesigned and a pavilion erected above the swimming venue for a restaurant(s) to financially contribute to maintenance of the swimming centre. Protection of the swimming centre was contained in the term lease. The current lessee seeks to eliminate the swimming centre in favour of an entertainment venue, in contradiction of the term lease. Residents passionately insist the government uphold the lease, but most importantly respect and retain our city's small selection of historical landmark facilities by ensuring the swimming centre continues as our forefathers decreed.
    569 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Don Magin
  • Upgrade Oatley - Como pedestrian path.
    Safety. Someone is bound to be seriously injured if the path is not upgraded immediately.
    445 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Michael Tomalaris
  • Sydney Wants Julian Assange Freed
    The ability of the media to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial indicator of democracy. However this right to seek and disseminate information through an independent press is increasingly under attack. If Julian Assange, an Australian journalist can be prosecuted and imprisoned for espionage in the United States, then no media professional or citizen journalist anywhere, is safe to report information exposing government crimes. The United Nations Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, has called for Assange’s immediate release, asserting that “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonize and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law”. Recent reports show that the Trump administration and CIA were working on plans to either kidnap or kill Julian Assange when he was a political asylee in London's Ecuadorian embassy. If extradited to the US, Julian Assange does not stand a chance. The Australian government must advocate for one of its own citizens. The people of Sydney want to see justice for Julian Assange and call on our elected representative to do all that she can to help free Julian Assange and bring him home.
    967 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Wood
  • Wentworth Wants Julian Assange Home
    The ability of the media to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial indicator of democracy. However this right to seek and disseminate information through an independent press is increasingly under attack. If Julian Assange, an Australian journalist can be prosecuted and imprisoned for espionage in the United States, then no media professional or citizen journalist anywhere, is safe to report information exposing government crimes. The United Nations Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, has called for Assange’s immediate release, asserting that “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonize and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law.” Australia must advocate for one its own citizens, now. The people of Wentworth want to see justice for Julian Assange and call on our elected representative to do all that she can to help bring Julian home.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Wood
  • Real High Speed Rail Geelong-Melbourne
    The $4b project is projected to cut the time for a Geelong - Melbourne trip to 50 minutes. This is 5 minutes longer than the 2006 Regional Fast Rail express train trip of 45 minutes. For this sort of money we should be embarking on true High Speed Rail with an estimated Geelong - Melbourne trip of 17 minutes ( http://www.megarail.com.au/ ) The MegaRail proposal with stations at Avalon Airport and Werribee will greatly enhance the livability and and economic strength of Melbourne's west as well as Geelong and could be built with the $4b currently available as a privately co-funded Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) project. The State Government $50m Geelong Fast Rail Study announced in March 2018 promised train speeds of between 250kph and 300kph. This proposal using conventional V/Line Trains and a third track between Werribee and Laverton is a total cop-out and if Geelong lets it happen we will never get a decent High-Speed train service.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Moran
  • Keep NW Tasmania Fish Farm Free
    If fish farms are established in NW Tasmania's pristine waters then there will be a massive negative impact on our environment, economy and society. Wynyard, Burnie, Sisters Beach, Table Cape to Stanley's economies are based on a clean, green and unspoiled image. If the NW Brand is tainted by its association with industrial fish farming, and the rapidly accelerating negative press and opposition it is generating, then our economy will be severely impacted. The very reasons that attract visitors and residents to NW Tasmania are diametrically opposed to the industrialisation of our pristine marine environment. Our way of life and quality of life are under threat just so companies and shareholders can make even more money. We reject private corporations & the government making profits off the backs of pristine waters & residents
    1,463 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate Day
  • Save Great Keppel Island
    In the last two election campaigns by our local MP Brittany Lauga, she has promised $25 million towards improvements to public amenities on GKI. These included a cyclone rate jetty, improvements to walking tracks and amenities for the public. To date non of these promises have be fulfilled. Instead, money has been used for useless studies such as "Decarbonising GKI" and $millions on a study to bring water and power to to GKI from the mainland. Where is the jetty and other promises? In the meantime Altum want the money ($30 Million) to build a marina on the most shallow beach on GKI. If they need $30 million to start construction it would be obvious to anyone but the State Government they can't pass due diligence for their Financial Capability to deliver anything on the GKI. Currently the "Woppaburra Land Trust" have a claim of Native Title over a significant part of the development proposal.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Sjolund
  • No Beach Club on Bondi Beach
    The proposed Amalfi Beach Club would privatise part of Bondi Beach and significantly damage the character of the beach. Bondi Beach is loved by locals and visitors to the area. We can't allow the construction of a private club on this most cherished public land.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Keri Spooner
  • Conserve Public Places in Clarence City
    Community consultation is a long-standing issue within this City. Local people have concerns about rapid population increase, large developments and marked change to valued icons such as Kangaroo Bay, South Arm, Rosny Bowling Club, Bellerive Bluff, Rosny Golf Course and The Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area,among others.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Hoggan
  • Bringing the railways back to Wonthaggi
    The town, Wonthaggi and surrounding towns are all growing. The demographics include diverse age groups, not just the elderly. We have young families and people between ages 21 and 55 living in Wonthaggi who still commute between Wonthaggi and Melbourne. Currently, there is a bus service to and from Melbourne city, but the bus service is not viable in the long term, due to road congestion, longer travel times due to traffic, and limited bus services. A train will resolve these issues and cut down travel time by at least half hour. This is important as more people are moving to the country for a better life and due to housing price rises. International leaders are saying we need to reduce emissions, and a train can and will be part of resolving this issue, taking more cars off the road. Many people are now setting up home in Wonthaggi and still have to drive to the city as the buses are not always reliable, nor safe in covid times being buses are confined spaces - trains are not so confined. It does not make sense that the trains were cut in 1993 by Kennett who had shortsighted ideas. Had the train lines been kept in use, this would have benefitted the economy, bringing in money from everyday use. Governments peddal the excuse that it is too expensive to return railways to Wonthaggi. This is not true and no one should buy that excuse at all. The government has more than enough money and the railways being in use will pay for itself and keep paying into the economy. This NEEDS to be done now. We are not going to wait any longer. We would like to see Wonthaggi as a successful burgeoning town just like Traralgon is. For the last decade, locals in Wonthaggi and surrounds including Leongatha have fought and fought for this railway line to be brought back into use and it has been ignored for too long. No more. Just fund it and bring it back!
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chelle Destefano
  • Stop Mark Latham's Anti-Trans Education Bill!
    Young transgender people face enough hardship without the attacks of transphobic politicians. More than half of non-binary and transgender youth have considered suicide, according to studies [1] - and that's why it's vital that we ensure this harmful bill is voted down. The Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 would "prohibit schools, teachers, and training courses from teaching gender fluidity", which the bill defines as “a belief there is a difference between biological sex and human gender and that human gender is socially constructed.” This means that a teacher or counsellor would be sacked and disaccredited if they: a) used a students' preferred pronouns b) mentioned transgender issues in the classroom c) opposed transphobic bullying in the playground d) did not hide that they themselves were transgender Although Mark Latham may seem like a fringe crackpot, he is a powerful figure in state politics. Latham's anti-trans bill now has the open and uncritical support of the NSW Liberal parliamentary secretary for education. [2] In December 2020, he got his way with a "clean out" of 42,000 professional development courses for teachers based on whether they taught gender and sexuality content. [3] A second bill by Latham, which acts as a state version of the federal government's proposed "Religious Freedoms" bill, would give bigots in public positions immunity from consequences of spouting their anti-LGBTI, anti-abortion and anti-women bigotry. This bill has been supported by 11 of 14 members of a parliamentary committee, including 3 out of 4 ALP members on the body. [4] All of this shows that this is not a matter of letting the politicians stop him. If we do not challenge Latham publicly, his bills will only appear more and more safe for other MPs - especially the huge Liberal majority - to entertain them, and eventually pass them either in part or in whole. The community must come out publicly and in large numbers to defeat this bill, and put pressure on all politicians to back down from his discriminatory legislation. References: [1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2020/07/15/largest-survey-of-transgender-and-nonbinary-youth-says-more-than-half-seriously-considered-suicide/?sh=2444b33f3404 [2] https://alastairlawrie.net/2021/03/11/nsw-liberal-parliamentary-secretary-for-education-supports-bill-to-erase-trans-kids/ [3] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/20/is-mark-latham-running-education-policy-in-nsw-no-but-the-direction-is-concerning [4] https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/shield-not-a-sword-committee-backs-new-religious-freedom-laws-20210331-p57fni.html
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Community Action for Rainbow Rights
  • Fixed date Federal elections
    Elections are our right, and the date of them should not be a discretionary strategy tool of the sitting government. Picking and choosing an election date diminishes our elections, and diminishes our democracy.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Col Finnie