• Aboriginal Land and Fire management task force.
    The aboriginal community understand this land. While our fire and land management practices may be sufficient they could be better. For the sake of the community, our flora and fauna it would be of benefit to work with the first nation people to see if we could improve our practices.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Terri Ayliffe
  • RELEASE Australia's withheld water supplies NOW
    AUSTRALIA IS NOT RUNNING OUT OF WATER... IT IS BEING SOLD FOR PROFIT ! Let's stop arguing about whether climate change is real or a hoax, it really doesn't matter any more. Australia is in a catastrophic state of emergency and if these water mis-use practices are not immediately ceased, the situation will become even more disastrous.
    33,801 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Baba Lala
  • No more fireworks for Australia
    Change one small step at a time is what this country and world needs .We can no longer sustain out old practises and this seems to be a good place to start as we all work towards a brave new world ..
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Fitzsimmons
  • Stop the commercial mining and sale of Australia's Great Artesian water
    Selling The Great Artesian water supply for commercial profit while the country shrivels and dies is not in any way aligned with providing water resources for the benefit of the majority
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Lee
  • The RFS need support, it’s time to call in the army.
    This is a natural disaster. The Volunteers who have been battling the Australian bush fires are exhausted. They are in desperate need of man power. The flames of the fires burning in Gosper Mountain last night were over 60 metres high. Six people have passed and over 500 homes have been lost.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ceara Metlikovec
  • Petition: Increase Funding for Australian Native Wildlife Rehabilitation
    Koalas are now functionally extinct. We have wildlife hospitals over capacity and surviving almost entirely on donations, rescue organisations and carers trying to save animals often in their homes at their own expense. People from all over the world donating and stepping in to help. Yet our government pays next to nothing to support our wildlife hospitals and stand up to their responsibility. Too little too late for Queenslands fauna emblem and one of Australia's most recognisable native animals. What's going to be next?
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonny Clacy
  • No second M1 (or M2) motorway
    The Queensland government has recently announced that it plans to build a four-to-six lane freeway, from Nerang to Eagleby, parallel to the M1 at a cost of many millions. Initially, presumably for purely political reasons, they propose to start the work only through Helensvale and Monterey Keys. Their projected date of commencement was initially stated as July of this year. They have also talked of diverting trucks and other heavy vehicles to this new freeway to take the pressure off the M1. The Queensland government doesn’t even have the money to build new highways west of the MI, in the rapidly growing Logan area. Never mind that there are koalas living in the bushland that forms this corridor through Helensvale. Koalas are becoming rarer and rarer, especially after the terrible bush fires. Never mind that it would only remove 5 to 10 minutes of travel time for commuters between the Gold Coast and Brisbane and shift a bottleneck a bit further north. Never mind the fact that “Build it and they will come” might not apply to web sites but definitely applies to highways. This unfunded stupidity is beyond mere inanity. It belongs in the world of the surrealist insane. Naturally, it would be better for the environment and commuters to improve public transport rather than build roads to nowhere. However, if new roads need to be built they should be planned with a long term vision in mind rather than short term political expediency. The excessive immigration introduced to boost the economy has resulted in strains on infrastructure in various parts of the nation. That said, the commute on the M1 is not one of them. All that needs to be done is to upgrade the various exits (on ramps and off ramps) to reduce queuing traffic. In the event of an accident there are already parallel roads to the M1 for diversions. If, despite environmental concerns, massive highway works were warranted, surely it would be better to build two and three storey freeways as are evident in the US and other countries rather than destroying more and more natural land. Will Australia (especially QLD) become subject to proper governance rather than politically expedient decisions before it really cements itself amongst the rank of Third World nations?
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Spencer
  • No mobile phone tower in Sandown Park
    Sandown Park is a much loved Hobart recreational area. People come to wind down, walk their dogs, play some sport and to breathe the air. Telstra have decided to build a huge array of mobile phone antennae on an existing pole in the park relying on their own interpretation that this is low impact. They don’t want to ask the community what they think so the notice is buried in a small community newspaper. Please treat the community with respect, we care about the place we live in and the places we use to unwind in. Please don’t wreck our park. Note: No design or image of the proposed addition of 6 antennae on the pole has been provided so the third image is an example of a 6 antennae configuration. The image will be updated once provided by Telstra
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Kearon
  • Save Toondah's Wetlands
    Walker Group has proposed to build 3600 units in the Toondah wetlands in Moreton Bay (a RAMSAR site) which will devastate mangroves, and harm migratory shorebirds, dolphin, dugong, turtle, and koala populations in the area. The former QLD State Newman LNP Government had issued the area a PDA (Priority Development Area) but the current QLD State Labor Government has kept it in place, and the Federal Coalition Government has ignored the advice of its own environmental department on the issue. If built this could also devastate the local economy with increased congestion on our roads, the Cleveland CBD could receive less attention hurting local businesses, and placing more of a burden on the taxpayer to fund for this project despite the concerns of climate change and rising sea levels in an area that could be built on reclaimed wetlands. Local first nations groups have also received hardly any contact or input in the process, as this is an area sensitive to cultural heritage as well. Building such a development could also pose as a noise and potential health risk to nearby residents. For more info please see attached link: (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-12-09/the-developer-the-whistleblower-and-the-minister-toondah-harbour/10487806)
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Callen Sorensen Karklis
  • Stay Away! Equinor! Mirning Peoples SAY NO mining!
    This place ....the Great Australian Bight is very important to the Aboriginal Mirning Tribe in South Australia. Our dream time story comes from this wonderful coast! My grandmothers ancestors grew up along this wonderful untouched pristine coast! We have to give a voice to whales and many other wonderful sea creatures that inhabit along this coast! An oil spill will destroy the coast of Australia for many years to come! We can't risk our ocean!
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Morrison
  • Don't Frack the Outback - Let's Stop Fracking In Australia
    Much is being done to try to influence Australia’s leaders to transition out of coal. A lesser known source of greenhouse emissions is our gas industry. Government figures show that emissions from coal and gas are increasing. They explain the methane increase as being due to rising LNG exports. Yet they want to export even more. As one of the world’s largest gas exporters, we are on track to becoming one of the top contributors to global warming by 2030. Doctors for the Environment Australia believe that our gas industry has impacts for climate and health and is a threat to our food security. The Permanent People’s Tribunal has said that fracking is against human rights and should be banned worldwide. The latest Water Report for the Surat Basin says that in Qld alone 547 water bores will become unusable as the gas fields expand. How much water from WA, SA and the NT will be wasted too? Future generations need our Government to ban fracking now. Please add your signature and get as many others as possible to sign too.
    736 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Brummell
  • Don't Frack the Outback - Injune Qld
    When people visit the Outback they expect to see wildlife, trees and wide open spaces. Not gas wells. This project allows multinational companies to drill and frack 940 wells on farms, in State Forests, right near Carnarvon National Park. Fracking even one well is too many. Drilling more wells when the climate is in crisis and Australia faces no shortage of gas if it was reserved from exports is not necessary, economically wise, or morally sound. This acts as a submission opposing Australia Pacific LNG application to vary Environmental Authority EPPG00787513.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Leanne Brummell