• Dissolve recency of practise requirements for nurses
    There is obviously a massive need for more registered nurses in the healthcare system that is under an overwhelming strain. More nurses may return to their profession if given an opportunity. It does not make sense that 10 years should be a magic timeframe that you suddenly have no ability to perform your duties. If you can pass the re-entry program then surely that should enough to satisfy the Nurses board that they are safe to practise.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Klix
  • Redevelopment of the Bribie Island Aquatic Leisure Centre
    According to the WHO guidelines, 40% of Australians are classified as inactive. The costs to the health care system of inactivity related disease and illness is enormous. The burden of disease for Bribie Island and surrounding communities is already relatively high compared to neighbouring jurisdictions due an older population and people from low socio-economic backgrounds. Public pools can help reduce morbidity and mortality. Learn to swim, aquatherapy, aquarobics, lap or squad swimming, school carnivals and specifically tailored activities not only improves individual well-being, their provision can also contribute positively to the broader community socially and economically.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carole Rushton
  • Provide Free Flu Vaccines to People with Egg Allergies
    The Government funds vaccination against seasonal influenza for eligible Australians, including Australians over the age of 65. But one group of Australians miss out on this vital service – unless they pay for it themselves. Australians with an egg allergy are simply not able to take the vaccines currently provided by the Government under the National Immunisation Program (NIP). If they do they may suffer serious allergic reactions. In 2021, four vaccines are funded under this program. Other vaccines are available, but only on the private market. One of these is Flucelvax Quad. This is a new cell-based vaccine approved for use in Australia. Flucelvax Quad is suitable for people with an egg allergy. However it is not covered by the NIP, despite requests for it to be included. This is unfair to the thousands of Australians who because of allergic reaction cannot take the vaccines presently covered. There has been no explanation from the Government as to why this vaccine is available on the private market, but not included in the NIP. The Government needs to expand the coverage of the NIP as a matter of priority. All Australians need to have access to flu vaccination. Flu is a very serious illness and causes hundreds of fatalities every year. Some years are worse and the level of fatalities can be high. It is both dangerous to the individuals concerned, and to the wider community, if a considerable segment of the population may be prevented from flu vaccination because of financial cost involved. Good public health policy would ensure these people are covered under the NIP. The Government needs to address this serious gap in our health system. The petition urges the Prime Minister and Government to expand the coverage of the NIP urgently. Please sign the attached petition and let’s get some positive action on protecting Australians with an egg allergy from the ravages of influenza.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Gershon
  • Please Help a Family See their Extremely Sick Mother in ICU
    Everyone deserves a family member with them when they are going through something as traumatic as this, it’s inhumane not to let at least one family member in.
    462 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Herbst
  • Parks and Paths for Carlton/Dodges
    We have no local parks, reserves or footpaths, while council areas such as Clarence sets the standard. We need reserves and parks for children, parents and grandparents - a common area to value. We need footpaths for safety as mothers with strollers are forced to walk on the busy roads in the area.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Belbin
  • Path though the park at the end of Old Bass Point Road that Joins the Road to Shell Cove.
    It is important for the health and. wellbeing of the aged and disabled people who live in Old Bass Point Road who previously had a reasonable path to Harbour Boulevard. It is also a commonly used path by the residents of Shell Cove who come that way to access Shellharbour bus stops, village and beach. Walking and cycling groups use the path constantly.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Fowler
  • Save Our Water
    Our community of Woorabinda is reliant on good quality water for our needs and having a mining company take what the want will severely deplete the Dawson River water supply.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wardingarri Lamalama
  • Access for the Elderly
    Elderly residents with mobility impairment presently traverse roads, gutters, rough ground and parked & speeding vehicles to access the local bus stops from their homes
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Donoghue
  • Aged care reform
    There are already more than 3 million aged pensioners like me, I am a 91 yo, and some 400000 dementia cases and the rapid increase in aged with the boomers flowing through it is predicted that this number will increase to over 1.3 million in the future plus all the other health issues that affect the aged and the RC has documented the abuse and neglect this Morrison government has permitted for years must be held to account and it does not appear the Opposition has much interest in forcing the government on this issue without public pressure
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Ward. OAM
  • We need a Clean Recovery now!
    A Clean Recovery will make energy cleaner and cheaper, and create more jobs than dangerous fossil fuels like methane gas. Australia can be a clean energy superpower, proudly exporting energy from our wind, waves and sun. We can power our businesses and homes with solar, make our houses more affordable and energy efficient, and restore the natural landscapes we love. To make it a reality, we need widespread support from key politicians and community members across the country. Sign the petition for clean, affordable energy and climate-friendly jobs for people across the country.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Matthews
  • Cap Aged Homecare Provider Fees
    Department of Health figures show that 28,000 aged Australians died over the last two years while waiting for homecare despite the Prime Minister promising 10,000 extra packages in November last year and a further 6,000 new packages in July this year. The privatised system seems unable to deliver the care the Government has promised while at the same time it obtains huge financial gains from the taxpayer.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavan. Bethke
  • None of us are equal until all of us are equal
    For a long time, people with disability a have been treated as less humans, especially women with disability, their rights to make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health are always taken away,most of them are sterilised involuntarily without acknowledging or listening to their opinion on child birth and marriage. Hence, this petition is to advocate against against such inhumane practices, so we want this petition to get to the government bodies, health practitioners, families and carers of PWD and together we can make the dreams of these women come true.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Seith