• Block Mathias Corman's OECD post
    _'Trying to invert reality'_ Mathias Cormann's climate credentials are sadly lacking and has put big business before climate in almost every instance. Actually to the point of discounting all scientific evidence. Mathias Cormann talks up 'green recovery' in OECD pitch, pitching ‘zero net emissions as soon as possible’, which contradicts his record while in Australian government. Your own report "Australia needs to intensify efforts to meet its 2030 emissions goal" goes to the heart of the problem. Mathias has a record of deep climate skepticism having voted in favour of climate change mitigation in the Australian parliament. https://www.oecd.org/australia/australia-needs-to-intensify-efforts-to-meet-its-2030-emissions-goal.htm His economic policies as Minister of Finance has only enhanced the richest of Australians while penalizing the majority. His policies have significantly increased the inequity divide. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-12/household-income-and-wealth-abs-data-shows-rich-are-richer/11302696 Additionally, Mathias Cormann voted against creating a federal Anti-Corruption Commission to hold politicians to account. , Mathias is perfect for the OECD if it would like to swing towards: A supply-side agenda that will intensity class divisions, exacerbate secular stagnation and privilege corporate greed. Become more climate change skeptical and slow mitigation policy whenever and wherever possible. Harden its stance against refugee.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jmichael D'angleo
  • Asbestos free life
    Thousands of people in Australia are living with deadly asbestos material throughout there homes. Many of these homes are rented to unsuspecting tenants. 100s of thousands of lives are at risk of a slow death, from the affect of air born asbestos particles.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Stefanec
  • Fruit, vegetables & nut trees on Mornington Peninsula streets
    With the cost of living increasing and financial pressures growing this is a way to lower the cost of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts whilst delivering better nutritional outcomes and community engagement.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Murray
  • Preventative Health Screening - Group Bookings
    People tend to delay their own check ups because they don’t have others holding them accountable to make and attend appointments. If we were able to shift the focus from individualised health care to “get everyone together” and collectively book longer group sessions with friends, family and/or colleagues; and even combine the appointment with something fun and community-focused like a morning tea, a lot more people would probably make an effort to keep up to date with preventative/early diagnostic testing.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Rhynsburger
    Everybody deserves to be loved, and sport should not be a platform to support and spread misinformation and discrimination against anybody. Full recognition should be given to sportspeople who promote inclusion and love, such as Evonne Goolagong Cawley, and the arena should be renamed after her, or, at the least be called the Love All Arena. The supporters of this petition stand in solidarity with the people of Burundi, especially in the LGBTQ+ community, and people all over the world who have endured human rights abuses and persecution. COURT OUT! LOVE ALL!
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ant Benedyka
  • Get a financial discount on all EV's purchased provided by govt.
    We are way behind other countries in the uptake of EVs and the lack of such an incentive and lack of emission standards for vehicles stops manufacturers providing many of the EV's that exist to our shores. This needs to change as it would help the environment
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Chidgey
  • Exempt international students
    International students suffer terribly from the travel ban. High school students cannot go to school. University students struggle with online lessons with bad quality such as old videos which were shot years ago. We are forced to defer because of invalid internships and in-person courses. Students can learn nothing from zooming or videos. Besides, a huge portion of students do not have online classes and they have to be exempted to enter Australia and go to schools as soon as possible. Our human rights of attending school are being deprived and leads our family to horrible mental illness. We do not pay our family’s saving for video lessons or rent for house which we cannot even live in. International students contribute millions of dollars to Australia community and benefit Aussie society in various areas. We appeal exemptions for international students not only for student’s future and human right but also for the recovery of Australia economy. International students are willing to quarantine, obey any rules and pay all the fees. We are willing to quarantine in students apartments and will not take any stranded Australians’ places. Please allow international students who do not have online lessons and are at urgent to study enter Australia and continue their education on a voluntary basis.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Gao
  • Ban helium filled balloons Australia-wide
    * When helium filled balloons are released, either accidentally or deliberately, they come back to Earth as litter, sometimes hundreds of kilometres away, and threaten wildlife and farm animals. * Birds, whales, sea turtles and other animals, wild and domesticated, have been killed by balloons, mistakingly eating them as jellyfish or other food. * Death occurs slowly through starvation caused by a blocked intestinal tract when the balloon combines with stomach juices. * Plastic disks can cause choking or blockages. * Entanglement in attached streamers also occurs, causing death. * Balloons pose a threat if whole, burst or remnant. * With added chemicals for colour, longevity etc, latex balloons do not biodegrade, and Mylar balloons break up into microplastics. * Helium is a valuable and non-renewable gas, extracted from the Earth’s crust. * It is vital to many medical and scientific applications, such as cooling magnets in MRI machines. * Helium is needlessly wasted when used to inflate party, promotional or ceremonial balloons. * Accidental release occurs far more easily when balloons are inflated with helium. * Just one accidentally released balloon can kill or harm marine or land wildlife. Going without helium filled balloons is one small step we can take to protect wildlife and reduce the impact of human activity on the natural environment.
    1,005 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Joynes Picture
  • Legalise the recreational use of cannabis in Australia
    This unjust and immoral war on this plant has to end. Australians shouldn’t be criminalised for using a plant that is far less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. The waste of resources policing this unjust law as well as the targeting of minorities needs to end. The time has come for Australia to catch up with the rest of the world!
    238 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nikos Petropouleas
  • Eco-Friendly Periods 4 Vic Schools
    As a science teacher, I'm lucky to get to work with young people learning about the impact of pollution on our environment. My classes are shocked to learn about how plastic causes harm, especially to marine ecosystems, and while it's great that we're rolling out free pads and tampons statewide to end period poverty, we should make sure that we're also looking after the environment. Tampons have a polyester veil and are composed of approximately 6% plastic. Sanitary pads are made up of 90% plastic. Having plastic so close to such an intimate part of a young person's body is not good for their health and not good for the environment. As well as their contribution to plastic pollution, a year's worth of typical menstrual products impacts the climate too, with a carbon footprint of 5.3 kg CO2 equivalent per individual. The average person who menstruates throws away 200 kg of menstrual products in their life time. Unfortunately some period products enter the sewage system. Overtime their plastic content breaks down into smaller pieces, known as micro-plastics and fibres. This poses a further threat to vital eco-systems where they can enter the food chain from the bottom, up. This petition is about giving young people choice over how they manage their period. If given a choice, I argue that many young people will choose to manage their period in a sustainable way. I am asking that the Victorian Government provide Victorian students with the option of choosing eco-friendly period products; menstrual cups, period pants or washable pads. Young people should be able to make their own decision about how they wish to manage their period. Giving them this option will help encourage Victorian school aged children to manage their periods in a sustainable way and keep huge amounts of waste out of Victorian landfill. It will also help foster sustainable life habits and choices. A person needs to only have 7 menstrual cycles before the costs of a menstrual cup and one pair of period undies are re-couped. The alternative proposed, over the life time of this initiative, will save the public purse immensely and as well as save costs to landfill.
    1,879 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Paula McIntosh
  • Save Sellicks Beach
    So many South Australians remember Sellicks as a cute holiday destination, with sweeping views of the hills towards Myponga and miles of golden sands. It's quiet, peaceful, with quaint seaside houses and no commercialisation. If Government plans go ahead Sellicks will be destroyed by the building of hundreds of houses and a shopping centre, making it just like any other suburban development. It will lose its charm and appeal as a holiday destination, and destroy the area for local residents who call it home. We can't get back our beautiful areas once they are built on. We have seen this happen again and again, leaving us with fewer and fewer places to enjoy. Future generations are denied enjoyment for the sake of short term financial gain for a small number of people. Please support your support for Sellicks, one of our most beautiful rural seaside spots by signing this petition to stop the development.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex French
  • Urgent Special General Meeting of SWALSC members to discuss SWALSC role in AHRCL activities in 2020
    SWALSC members and NCT beneficiaries are concerned that over $18 million of our funds and the potential future income and benefits from these funds held in trust by our professional trustee EQT have been diminished as a result of misrepresentations made by SWALSC executives and the SWALSC Governing committee. We feel that persons, organisations and trustees should be held accountable for these activities conducted in 2019 and 2020
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Noel Morich