More beds for Odyssey House MolyullahAddiction is a disease that affects not only the addict but their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends etc. Without rehabilitation centres addicts will continue to die. At the moment there are 80-100 people waiting for a bed every week. Addicts walk beside us every day sometimes visibly struggling with life but on many occasions there are no visible signs of the struggle within. We can no longer put our head in the sand and pretend this isn't an issue. If this expansion saves one life it is worth it.337 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Joyce
Ban Nazi SymbolsNazism is based on the idealogy of white supremacy and endorses the ethnic cleansing of non-'Aryan' people a.k.a people who are not white Christians. Nazism is disgusting and dangerous, which is why the Government should do everything in their power to prevent the mimicking of symbols and slogans like the Swastika. In March 2021, a Victorian parliamentary inquiry recommended strengthening the laws against hate symbols. Currently in Germany, Nazi symbols are banned which is an appropriate response to the horrific history of the Holocaust and Nazi rule in the 1930s and 40s. Australia should follow Germany's lead and ban Nazi symbols, especially the Nazi swastika, as these symbols promote the horrendous acts carried out by white supremacists. Please sign this petition to encourage the government to ban Nazi symbols.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Caitlyn Boer
Launch of 150 days of action for people seeking refuge in our landThis year is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate and reflect on Joseph, described by Pope Francis in his apostolic letter, Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), as a beloved father, a father who is creatively courageous, a father in the shadows. Francis names Joseph specifically in his letter as “the special patron of all those forced to leave their native lands because of war, hatred, persecution and poverty.” To honour and acknowledge this, a coalition has come together to initiate 150 days of action across Australia, to engage with people of goodwill, and advocate to change our country’s attitude and policies towards those seeking protection in Australia.1,926 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Joelle Sassine
HSC for Connor Meldrum 2021Two years ago, Connor fell 25m onto rocks at the base of the cliff at Cosy Corner Miraculously, Connor’s life was saved but he suffered a severe traumatic brain injury. Connor had to learn to speak, read and write all over again and amazed his doctors and teachers with his recovery. Later that year, he was back at school and went on to complete Year 10, 11 and term 1 of Year 12. He worked incredibly hard over this time to catch up. In January this year, Connor had to undergo an unexpected emergency operation to remove his skull plate. This was a terrible setback after so much hard work and was very frightening for Connor, his family and friends. After weeks in hospital he re-joined Year 12 at school. Due to fatigue and frequent headaches, Connor is on a reduced work load managing 3 subjects out of the 5 needed to complete the HSC. He will also have to undergo two further surgeries this year in August / September. What we really want is for Connor to be able to complete his HSC in 2021. Connor has been denied any special considerations from NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) meaning he is unable to complete his HSC this year with his friends. Despite evidence of his academic record, the reports of his teachers and examples of other students with illnesses who have been given special considerations to complete their HSC, NESA simply ruled out any option for him to complete his HSC in 2021 “because it would be unfair on other students”. Connor has worked very hard to be able to complete his HSC this year. He has spoken about the effects that this setback has had on his mental health, and how it would affect him if he isn’t able to graduate with his cohort. This is where you can help. Sign this petition to send a message to NESA that his peers and supporters believe there should be special considerations for Connor to complete his HSC in 2021. Thank you for your support! Bronte, Ivy, Kai, Lily and Luka For a longer version of Connor's story click on the Campaign Website link below.10,974 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Kocass
Upgrade Oatley - Como pedestrian path.Safety. Someone is bound to be seriously injured if the path is not upgraded immediately.445 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Michael Tomalaris
Public Schools Should Receive More Funding than Private SchoolsSuch financial policies further exacerbate rising economic and social inequality, which is one of the greatest threats society faces. It sends the message to less advantaged young people that they don't matter as much as others. The Government wishes to spend $5 billion more per annum on those children who happen to be born into fortunate families. This is a kick in the guts to the working class, who also want the best for their families. This government once again wants to prop up incredibly wealthy institutions, at the expense of fairness and equality for the majority of the emerging generation. Let's show them we won't have it!22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Holly May
Save Great Keppel IslandIn the last two election campaigns by our local MP Brittany Lauga, she has promised $25 million towards improvements to public amenities on GKI. These included a cyclone rate jetty, improvements to walking tracks and amenities for the public. To date non of these promises have be fulfilled. Instead, money has been used for useless studies such as "Decarbonising GKI" and $millions on a study to bring water and power to to GKI from the mainland. Where is the jetty and other promises? In the meantime Altum want the money ($30 Million) to build a marina on the most shallow beach on GKI. If they need $30 million to start construction it would be obvious to anyone but the State Government they can't pass due diligence for their Financial Capability to deliver anything on the GKI. Currently the "Woppaburra Land Trust" have a claim of Native Title over a significant part of the development proposal.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tom Sjolund
Save the NDISThe National Disability Services Scheme has changed many peoples lives including that of my daughter who is 12 and has Down syndrome. The planning role needs to sit with the National Disability Insurance Agency in order to preserve transparency of services. Little is being said about the partner LAC’s but recently my daughters plan moved from NDIA to APM. I was not informed and I have no choice it seems. This is not transparent and these partners look and act like the NDIA but they are contacted but the govt. My details were sent to them without my consent. Here is some of what has been written in the past. I just want to have the plan sit with the NDIA and not a contractor and that seems to have been removed from our control. Not choice and not control and not what the NDIS is about. Professionals who know a person with a disability need to provide input into support needs not an assessor who has never met the person and is contracted by the government to meet KPI's. References: https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/thewest.com.au/politics/inquiry-into-ndis-independent-assessments-c-2693586.amp https://www.themandarin.com.au/92967-investing-in-administration-matters-ombudsman-links-capacity-of-ndia-to-backlog-of-complaints/37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane Ebert
Stop Mark Latham's Anti-Trans Education Bill!Young transgender people face enough hardship without the attacks of transphobic politicians. More than half of non-binary and transgender youth have considered suicide, according to studies [1] - and that's why it's vital that we ensure this harmful bill is voted down. The Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 would "prohibit schools, teachers, and training courses from teaching gender fluidity", which the bill defines as “a belief there is a difference between biological sex and human gender and that human gender is socially constructed.” This means that a teacher or counsellor would be sacked and disaccredited if they: a) used a students' preferred pronouns b) mentioned transgender issues in the classroom c) opposed transphobic bullying in the playground d) did not hide that they themselves were transgender Although Mark Latham may seem like a fringe crackpot, he is a powerful figure in state politics. Latham's anti-trans bill now has the open and uncritical support of the NSW Liberal parliamentary secretary for education. [2] In December 2020, he got his way with a "clean out" of 42,000 professional development courses for teachers based on whether they taught gender and sexuality content. [3] A second bill by Latham, which acts as a state version of the federal government's proposed "Religious Freedoms" bill, would give bigots in public positions immunity from consequences of spouting their anti-LGBTI, anti-abortion and anti-women bigotry. This bill has been supported by 11 of 14 members of a parliamentary committee, including 3 out of 4 ALP members on the body. [4] All of this shows that this is not a matter of letting the politicians stop him. If we do not challenge Latham publicly, his bills will only appear more and more safe for other MPs - especially the huge Liberal majority - to entertain them, and eventually pass them either in part or in whole. The community must come out publicly and in large numbers to defeat this bill, and put pressure on all politicians to back down from his discriminatory legislation. References: [1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2020/07/15/largest-survey-of-transgender-and-nonbinary-youth-says-more-than-half-seriously-considered-suicide/?sh=2444b33f3404 [2] https://alastairlawrie.net/2021/03/11/nsw-liberal-parliamentary-secretary-for-education-supports-bill-to-erase-trans-kids/ [3] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/20/is-mark-latham-running-education-policy-in-nsw-no-but-the-direction-is-concerning [4] https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/shield-not-a-sword-committee-backs-new-religious-freedom-laws-20210331-p57fni.html606 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Community Action for Rainbow Rights
Immediately Boot Andrew Laming to the CrossbenchAndrew Laming has admitted to the accusations levelled against him in regard to his treatment of women, taking inappropriate photographs and stalking. This type of behaviour is totally unacceptable, not only of people in general, but more so from the people who sit in our parliament and other elected places. The only reason that can be attributed to his remaining in the Liberal party is fear on the part of the government that they may lose power. This is about ethics and standards of behaviour which cannot be tolerated. This is an opportunity for the Prime Minister and to show leadership and send a clear message this behaviour is not acceptable in the Liberal Party. They set an exceptionally poor example to society as a whole as to what is acceptable. The standard you walk past is the one you are prepared to accept. Let us not walk past this one.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ric Raftis
Trash the racket bashLet them know that it’s not okay to smash your racket and secondly if you’re going to smash your racket then clean it up yourself, and not be waited on by a little ball girl to sweep It up. Taking several minutes out of the game of tennis and programming the minds of many Australians and tennis lovers worldwide that this is not okay. Years ago it used to be called racket violation and players like John McEnroe were penalised for smashing their rackets in public, Now the world number one Djokovic and other players create a longer break and rest while they have angry outbursts with their public display of violence. Secondly it is cleaned up by some young obedient Australian, who may look up to the player as a role model. Please help reinstate this important code of conduct, just as it was in the past may it be so for future generations. Let us model dignity, self control and resilience to the rest of the international tennis community.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Koko Williss
Govt algorithms must be independently regulatedI don't think people fully appreciate the extent to which things like welfare, who qualifies for medical assistance, who qualifies for public housing, are determined by algorithms now. And sometimes that works fine and some other times it doesn't. The failings of robodebt are a good example, but it's the tip of the iceberg. There are other kinds of bots and automation being used by governments around the world in the criminal justice system, for example, to predict whether a given defendant is likely to re-offend if you put them out on parole. These algorithms are not open and inspected by the public or have regulators, we don't really know how they work and there's not a lot of accountability for them. And so as a result, we end up with these mysterious machines making these decisions that affect millions of people's lives and we don't really understand what they're doing.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Austin