Save Mimburi from being sold by the Queensland GovernmentMimburi models and teaches Indigenous cultural understandings. It is a land that builds partnerships between humans and the natural world through traditional art and cultural practices. Mimburi is an Aboriginal learning and healing place; a place whose flow reflects the confluence of the rivers, traditional Indigenous crafts and agricultural practices, and cross-cultural exchange.3,278 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Marc Bytheway
Unconditional Basic IncomeUnder current systems, when someone becomes employed they lose most of their welfare payments. This means they can go from not working at all to working a full week, but not earn much more than they did previously, which acts as a disincentive to work. Under Unconditional Basic Income, when people become employed they would retain the same basic income payment, with their salary added to it, so this disincentive no longer exists. Remember this will not replace your wages, you will be able to earn your normal working pay on top of the the basic income. It is there simply as a safety net to ensure your basic human rights are fulfilled. Second, the Unconditional Basic Income support will help people adapt to the changing industrial structure and employment opportunities by assisting them to plan and develop their vocational training and career structure. Remember this won't just help the young, what about middle aged families with a mortgage and kids to feed and clothe? On the current system if you lose your job and you own a flash car or property, you are expected to sell those assets first, wait 12 months and then you can claim the dole. With my proposal of a Unconditional Basic Income for all, the anxiety and stress for these kinds of families would no longer exist as they will still have a means to survive and will not be forced to pack up their lives and move somewhere due to their budgets. Third, Unconditional Basic Income will provide people with a better opportunity to pursue training in cultural, recreation, and sporting activities in which they have special skills and aptitudes. Fourth, the financial support for people with special skills and aptitudes can have special benefits for rural towns and regional areas at present facing dwindling communities and a lack of career opportunities. - The greatest benefit to society as a whole will be the influence it has towards a more equal and egalitarian society. Please, prospective signers, take note - UBI can be many things to many people. It can be a - * stabilizer -it keeps the economy running and the dollar circulating * safety net - if you lose your job or incur a "shock expense" * liberator - frees you from domestic anguish and work exhaustion * chance giver - the time, money and opportunity to explore your goals. Added to campaign material August 8th, 2018 by David Upton *Please note members. I am now proposing the amount of $22,500/annum as a proposed basic income. Added September 8th, 2020 Hello again members. Please check out this table -. Observed UBI Effects From completed and ongoing trials ☺ Crime went down 42% ☺ Hospitalization rates decreased 8.5% ☺ Birth weights improved due to better maternal nutrition ☺ Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables went up ☺ Consumption of alcohol and other temptation goods went down ☺ Child personalities improved such that kids were more honest and worked better together ☺ School attendance increased and grades improved ☺ Teen pregnancy rates went down ☺ Frequency of people being personally offended by each other went down ☺ Savings went up and debt went down ☺ Entrepreneurship quadrupled in one place and was 3 times higher than control groups in another ☺ Recipients worked more hours and earned more additional income ☺ Disproportionately positive effects overall were seen among women, the elderly and the disabled680 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Justin Stankovic
Save ethnic community radio!The cuts suggested in the National Commission of Audit Report could mean the end of ethnic radio programs and the closure of community radio stations. Ethnic community broadcasting is a vital and cost-effective community service that harnesses the skills, expertise and time of over 4000 volunteers from 125 distinct cultural groups to produce over 2,118 hours of content on 130 stations every week. Government investment is crucial to sustaining and building the capacity of this volunteer-driven sector. Ethnic community broadcasting provides quality local content in over 100 languages and plays a critical and unique role in facilitating Australia's remarkable cultural diversity and social cohesion.1,065 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by NEMBC Secretariat
Don't deport Aussie born Ari and her mum Eunsil Park next weekPlease sign and share this petition as widely as you can to send a clear message to the Immigration Department that we don't support the mistreatment and blatant disregard for well being of five year old Ari (Aust. born) and her mum Eunsil (Chloe) Park. Recently the Minister of Immigration Scott Morrison stepped to delay Eunsil's deportation until June, but Mr Morrison is still refusing to grant Eunsil residency based on the grounds that it is 'not in the public's best interest'. Read media articles linked below. What could be more in the public's interest than a giving Ari - an Australian citizen - the right to live out her life happily in Australian with her mum? By signing and sharing this petition you can help change Mr Morrison's perception of what really is 'in the public's best interest' and persuade him to offer Eunsil residency. Eunsil has until until 6 June to pack her bags, say goodbye to her home in Australia and buy a one-way ticket out of country. Ari has no choice but to go with her mum or face gruelling and damaging separation. It is not an option for this family. If they don't leave, Eunsil will face detention. For the past 4 years, Eunsil has gone through all the processes to get permanent residency. The uncertainty has been tough, but she's struggled and persevered so that her daughter can grow up, go to high school and do all the other things kids are lucky enough to do in Australia. Nothing is more important for Eunsil than to stay in Australia with her daughter, Ari. In 2012 Eunsil was told to expect a positive decision on her permanent residency application - unfortunately the opposite has occurred. Eunsil is fearful of what will happen if her and Ari are deported back to South Korea - a country she hasn't known for 8 years. Chloe doesn't have a job or a home to go back to there and Ari would be entering a totally unfamiliar world. As a single parent family, Eunsil has fears she and Ari would be stigmatised, shamed or discriminated in South Korea. Mark Illingworth, Ari's loving granddad, can't believe his daughter-in-law and granddaughter will be forcibly deported. He desperately wants Chloe and Ari to stay in Australia so that their family can stay together. Mark has told the Immigration Department that he's prepared to support Eunsil and Ari in every way if that's what's required. Unfortunately, even a granddad's plea to see his granddaughter grow up has fallen on deaf ears. Please sign and share this petition as far and wide as you can. But please do it fast! If we act together now and share the petition as widely as we can, we can pressure the Immigration Minister to review their decision. Thank you! Ari celebrates her 5th birthday and the family continue to fight for her and her mum to remain in Australia (21 April) : http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/family-vows-to-fight-on-to-stop-deportation-of-fiveyearold-ari-illingworth-to-vietnam/story-fnihsrf2-1226890690221 Story in The Australian about the three month reprieve: (18 Mar) http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/south-korean-woman-eunsil-chloe-park-and-daughter-ari-allowed-to-stay-in-australian-three-more-months/story-e6frg6n6-1226857432764 Mark (grandfather) slams PM's resolve to deport family - the Australian 17 Mar http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/grandad-slams-pm-tony-abbotts-resolve-to-deport-family/story-e6frg6n6-1226856421822 A story in Courier Mail interviewing Mark and highlighting the abhorrent string of events putting Chloe and Ari in this incomprehensible position. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/former-immigration-minister-chris-bowen-was-set-to-use-discretionary-powers-to-let-south-korean-woman-and-daughter-4-stay-in-australia/story-fnihsrf2-1226855192127 Mark was interviewed on The Project last night (13 March), take a look: http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/the-project/video An interview with Mark by the ABC: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-03-13/deportation-may-split-family/5319760?section=qld An interview with Mark in the Courier Mail: http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/grandfathers-plea-to-immigration-minister-scott-morrison-let-my-little-angel-stay/story-fnihsrf2-1226853013658888 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Julie Coulthard
Stop Child Evictions from Public HousingSince 2011 there have been 2,000 Indigenous children forced into homelessness on the streets of Perth as a direct result of public housing evictions. Since the hardline policy was introduced, over 500 Aboriginal households have been evicted – more than the total of all other ethnic groups combined and almost double the number from the previous two years. We are creating a generation of hopelessness that must be averted. The evictions of children must be stopped until alternate accommodation is located.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne-Maree Ferguson
Wonthaggi Cemetery Save and PreserveWe want to be proud of the Wonthaggi Public Cemetery's historic grounds and the very special areas in which to honour and celebrate life. We need the grounds to be kept in pristine condition all year round for safe access to and from grave sites for all population groups including senior citizens and members of the public with a disability - even people with an injury or temporary disability.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Les Larke
Change 26 Jan to Commemoration Day and 1 Sep to Australia Day for all AustraliansYesterday I heard on the radio news that a highly regarded Indigenous Elder refused to accept his Australia Day Award. That was perfect timing for me as I have been trying to change Australia Day for the past 5 years. When I was in year 12 in 1971, my maths teacher invited me to a week long camp at Lane Cove National Park, Sydney. I did not realise what sort of camp it was initially. I soon learnt that it was the yearly camp to reunite Indigenous siblings who were still being separated and living with different White families. I made many friends there and reflected that had my cousins been born into a family with an Indigenous mother, they too would have been taken away to live with White families. I still live with the shock of what that week was about to this very day. It tore at my heart to try to comfort two precious sisters who were about to be separated again for another LONG year. That was something I have NEVER forgotten. The camp was pervaded with PANIC that last day. I feel that we all need a Commemorative Day on 26 January. There is still much healing to be allowed and this day will also include minority groups such as mine - complex trauma, people from war-torn countries, and even asylum seekers who are feeling political unrest and torture. We all carry traumatic memories that need time to heal and given the respect of the nation to give us this day each year on 26 January.We need a national, inclusive Commemoration Day on 26 January to be dedicated to the memories of all the events that brought/bring/will bring the original generations of the First Peoples in Australia, the invaders and their generations of offspring, more recent migrants and their families, and asylum seekers together to actively remember the actions of past others and to celebrate the survival of all minority groups against enormous odds. Then we need to bring everyone together into the present time with an all inclusive Australia Day on 1 September, the first day of Spring. Then and only then will Australians be able to start growing up emotionally.87 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lucy Adams
MAKE HOME OWNERSHIP POSSIBLE FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS: NOT JUST THE FORTUNATEBecause 83% of Australian's polled by Auspoll before the election thought it was more important than education, border protection and fast and affordable broadband, but they were ignored by the major parties 105,000 Australians face homelessness each night 173,000 Australians are on waiting lists for public housing 460,000 low income Australians in private rental are in housing stress 50% of home buyers are in mortgage stress Because if you don't have affordable shelter, your ability to provide other essentials for yourself such as food, utility costs, health, and your access to education and employment are seriously compromised AND The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25, states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services155 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Julie Wood
Support the Casino to Murwillumbah Rail Service(Background) The Casino to M'bah line was opened in 1894 and operated until the NSW government closed the service in 2004 despite widespread community opposition. The last service on the line was an XPT that only ran twice a day. REOPENING THE CASINO-MURWILLUMBAH RAIL LINE FOR COMMUTER SERVICES TO CREATE AN INTEGRATED PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE: •Significantly increasing population (Northern Rivers has the highest predicted population growth in NSW) •We have a high reliance on private cars. Rising petrol prices, climate change. Rail would be better for the environment by reducing our co2 emissions. •To reduce Traffic congestion at Byron Bay, Lismore, main highways, local markets and festivals. Rail would provide infrastructure to deal with Peak Tourism periods •Reduce Road maintenance (buses create more road damage than cars). •To reduce the Northern Rivers Road Toll, which is the highest in NSW. The Pacific Highway is the most dangerous road in NSW. and there is an accident on Bangalow-Lismore Rd on average once a week. We are losing far too many local lives on our roads, including accidents involving vehicles, hitch-hikers, cyclists or trucks. •Reduce the high rate of drink driving in the Byron Shire. •Many towns are currently not connected by public bus services. The Railway connects most towns to the regional centre Lismore, and to tourism hotspot Byron Bay. Connects residents to essential services. •Trains cater for elderly, disabled, wheelchairs, bicycles and surfboards •Support locals accessing Education, Housing and Employment, Community Health, Youth ,and Mental Health Services, eg. ‘Headspace' in Lismore •Will create jobs, reduce social isolation, addresses local social issues and disadvantage •Promote Northern Rivers Regional Tourism: Heritage Rail, access to recreational activities including local markets, beach, galleries, local produce, festivals, beautiful scenery, country towns, National Parks •A Rail Trail Study has been announced, but rail trails work much better when integrated with a train service, especially through our terrain and dispersed towns. •Freight HQ at Casino provides freight opportunities as the rail is adjacent to many mayor supermarkets and industrial areas, and the local area produces crops such as sugar, soybeans, nuts and coffee. Putting road freight onto rail will make local roads safer •If the High Speed Rail is built in the future between Sydney and Brisbane via Casino, rail travel times from the Northern Rivers to Brisbane will be reduced to 2hrs or less, and will be more efficient than road travel2,484 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Angela Burgler
HANGING ROCK FOR SALE - HAVE YOUR SAYHanging Rock is a local and international icon of immense cultural, social, environmental and economic significance. From the Bushranger "Mad-Dog" Morgan, the countless picnics (some more successful than others), Leonard Cohen, Rod Stewart and the Boss, the Rock continues to reinvent itself into our communities folklore. On a clear day visitors to the Rock can be heard calling gleefully for our eternally lost "MIRANDA". On the 28/8/2013 the Macedon Ranges Shire Council approved a motion (4 votes to 4 [on casting]), which was affirmed (5 to 4) on 4/9/2013 to invite private investment and development of 5.8 hectares of the Hanging Rock precinct, and to undertake additional related development and works. The Council’s resolution: (a) bypasses the Council's own Community Consultation Framework, denying residents and stakeholders the opportunity to have their say (b) directs the development to include (per the Hanging Rock Development and Investment Plan): - a conference and function centre - a 100 room accommodation facility - a well-being centre and day spa - an unspecified number of "Creek Apartments" - a permanent stage and event structure - yoga and adventure facilities on the Hanging Rock Reserve. We have in good faith engaged with Council for six months since the original motion asking for due and proper process and encouraging community consultation. We have presented a petition of over 5,000 local signatories; we have found numerous inconsistencies in Council’s data and serious issues with their business case, but our Council persists unabated. The scope and scale of development proposed is not in keeping with the cultural heritage and environmental significance of Hanging Rock. The social, environmental and economic impacts on the greater Macedon Ranges region do not seem to have been fully investigated. At the very least these issues deserve rigorous debate and the Macedon Ranges community, as well as all the patrons, visitors and supporters of Hanging Rock across the world deserve to be heard. Thank you, and please help us have our say!6,230 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Hanging Rock Action Group
Younger siblings must not be excluded after Public School boundary changes.Schools in the Inner West are experiencing increasing enrolment numbers. Catchment areas are being reduced for schools under enrolment pressure. Families finding themselves involuntarily placed out of catchment due to boundary change, are being told that their younger children are now not allowed to attend school with their older siblings. These measures are unreasonable and unjust. Families who have had long associations with the school, and children who have built friendships and trust with the school are being forced to leave by the exclusion of younger siblings. After boundary change, consideration is not being given to the younger siblings made out of zone. Only children yet to start school from within the new catchment are being guaranteed enrolment. More border changes are coming and the group of families finding themselves in this unwelcome position is going to grow. We support the changes that need to occur to control school numbers but solutions must take into account the welfare of existing pupils and their families. Please respect our children's and families need to be able to attend the same primary school. Respect our families' association with the school community. Don't force families into a position where they have to withdraw their children from the school they love in the middle of their schooling.1,076 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Catherine Sengupta
Prime Minister to urge U.N. & member countries to hold urgent summit on Refugees/Asylum Seekers*Current processes trap people in untenable circumstances, without hope, access to health, education, appropriate housing or physical and emotional safety. *Tragic loss of life occurs at sea or by self harm, or violence and incarceration without cause, because - WE - do nothing to provide intelligent, humane alternatives. *People in 1st world countries are wrongly encouraged to see refugees/asylum seekers as undesirable, dangerous, and a threat to our well-being, life-style and living standards, and to loose their ability to empathise, or to recognise that - there but for the grace of God, Buda, Allah, or even Hughie, go I -. *Asylum seekers all over the world, in every major country, are currently vilified, forced into illegal activity to survive, separated from families for very long periods of time, and incarcerated in appalling environments with no hope for the future.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Abbey