• Upgrade Oatley - Como pedestrian path.
    Safety. Someone is bound to be seriously injured if the path is not upgraded immediately.
    445 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Michael Tomalaris
  • Keep The Greens Bowling Club, The Entrance, on Community land.
    Community land and recreational space are important to the health and well being of The Entrance community. The land forms part of the green space so valued by The Entrance community. The Greens Bowling Club has been used by members for decades. The land upon which it sits is a community asset. It should not become an asset of a corporation. The land must continue to be used for recreation. Bowling on an outdoor green has been part of Australian culture for decades,and should be kept for future generations.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Austin
  • Save Bellingen Hospital
    This hospital is a massively important resource for our region. Any downgrade will have life-changing impacts. It needs to remain a functioning 24 hour emergency hospital. The MNCLHD propose to close the ED from 8pm to 8am, and all ED presentations between those hours would be directed to go to Coffs Harbour Base Hospital (CHBH). It also means there would be no Doctor present or on call at BRDH overnight. It is proposed to handle any deteriorating patients by phone contact with CHBH, and transfer them there as needed. Any ambulance calls from Bellingen Shire residents would be transported to CHBH and not to BRDH. This would include home calls and Nursing Home calls. It was shown recently on a weekend where there was not a Dr on call at BRDH that ambulance transfers from BRDH to CHBH took up to 13 hours. This would effectively reduce the BRDH to a sort of Multi-Purpose Service – though the MNCLHD maintains otherwise. It has been the experience of other hospitals where this has happened that the service capability of these hospitals has been markedly reduced, much to the detriment of the local community. It has also led to no local GP’s fulfilling VMO roles. Not because they did not want to but because they were eventually shut out by the LHD. Service reduction would affect ED after hours, inpatient Care and the ability of the local community to be admitted to BRDH in acute situations – as they are now able to do The VMO’s and community clearly and vocally opposed the MNCLHD Proposed Model.
    3,997 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Kev Doye
  • Public Schools Should Receive More Funding than Private Schools
    Such financial policies further exacerbate rising economic and social inequality, which is one of the greatest threats society faces. It sends the message to less advantaged young people that they don't matter as much as others. The Government wishes to spend $5 billion more per annum on those children who happen to be born into fortunate families. This is a kick in the guts to the working class, who also want the best for their families. This government once again wants to prop up incredibly wealthy institutions, at the expense of fairness and equality for the majority of the emerging generation. Let's show them we won't have it!
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Holly May
  • We Support the Switch to Renewables!
    Gas is bad for our planet - it’s a dirty and dangerous fossil fuel that fossil fuel corporations need to stop burning as soon as possible to give us any chance of avoiding a catastrophic climate future. The past two years have shown us that we are already living with the dangerous effects of a heating planet - with bushfires and floods raging across the country. Not only that, gas is bad for our health. As a retired GP I saw firsthand how many of my patients suffered from asthma. And according to the Asthma Council, burning gas inside produces nitrogen dioxide, which can exacerbate asthma and other respiratory illnesses. Why wouldn’t we clean up our homes with clean electricity instead? Canterbury-Bankstown Council have developed a country-leading plan to ban new gas connections and cut emissions. As many of us as possible need to get behind it! Sign my petition today.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rod Anderson Picture
  • Stop the salmon catastrophe
    Tassal salmon is responsible for a growing number of environmental catastrophes in Tasmanian waterways from to the Derwent estuary to Huin river and with their planned expansion in Storm bay, Bruny Island and several undisclosed sites around the Tasmanian coast. The cost to the environment and the local communities is seen through the impacts to clean drinking water, algae blooms, continuous industrial activity 24/7 and annihilation of marine life and entire marine ecosystems under and surrounding the salmon farms. Rather than managing Hobart’s drinking water for public risk, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) – Tasmania’s environmental regulator – gives the appearance of existing only to enable the expansion of the salmon industry. Rather than improving hatchery standards to an acceptable level, it sanctions more and larger hatcheries on Hobart’s water catchment. Basic measures such as drum filters do not address the vast amount of dissolved nutrients – ammonia, nitrate, phosphorus – which hatchery fish release through their gills, along with decayed faeces and food, into the source of drinking water for half Tasmania’s population.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pascal Bosshard
  • Extend Quirindi’s walking/cycling paths to the Heritage Village
    The Village is the town’s premier attraction but currently locals can only get their by driving; extending the walking/cycling track to the village would not cost much but would greatly improve the exercise options of local residents.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lyle Passfield
  • Stop Australian military aid to the Philippines
    318 human rights workers and activists murdered. 27,000 lives lost to extrajudicial killings. 122 children caught in the crossfire. In the Philippines, a humanitarian crisis is raging out of control. Since President Rodrigo Duterte assumed office in June 2016, thousands have lost their lives in his administration’s confected “War Against Drugs” and bloody crackdown on civil society. Emboldened by Duterte’s encouragement to “go ahead and kill [suspected drug dealers and users] yourself”, the Philippine National Police, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, and armed vigilante groups have mercilessly gunned down “suspects” — some as young as 17 years old — on the basis of false or non-existent evidence. Only three police officers have ever been convicted for their role in the killings. Under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, Duterte has escalated his assault on activists, civil society, and the urban poor. While the Philippines braces for a third wave of the virus, police continue to harass and criminalise community pantries, murder Indigenous land rights activists, and “red-tag” (designate as a terrorist and place on a Government watch list) who dares speak out. As long-term supporters of the Philippine Military and Police Force, Australia has blood on its hands. Yet the Morrison Government refuses to condemn President Duterte and distance itself from his fascist regime. In February, The Sydney Morning Herald revealed that Australian security agencies provided “technical assistance” over 3 years to help draft the Filipino Anti-Terror Law that experts have dubbed a “‘human rights disaster”. The law provides legal basis for incorrectly labelling activists and humanitarian and civil society groups “terrorists” and allows their harassment, criminalisation, and murder. The Morrison Government does not publicly disclose the exact monetary value of military aid provided to the Philippines each year. However, the Australian Defence Force provides annual training for personnel from the Philippines Coast Guard and Department of National Defence. The Australian Government has also previously provided military personnel and equipment to the Philippines and trained over 10,000 Filipino army and marine personnel “in urban combat, air strike tactics in an urban environment” — the same tactics used to terrorise Filipinos and Filipino civil society. In solidarity with activists in the Philippines and the Filipino community in Australia, BAYAN Australia, Migrante Australia, and the Sydney and Melbourne chapters of Anakbayan call on Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne and Minister for Defence Peter Dutton to immediately cease all military aid to the Philippines. Will you join us in demanding the Australian Government end its role in the bloodshed in the Philippines by immediately ending all military aid to, and training operations in, the Philippines?
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by BAYAN Australia Picture
  • Sydney Wants Julian Assange Freed
    The ability of the media to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial indicator of democracy. However this right to seek and disseminate information through an independent press is increasingly under attack. If Julian Assange, an Australian journalist can be prosecuted and imprisoned for espionage in the United States, then no media professional or citizen journalist anywhere, is safe to report information exposing government crimes. The United Nations Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, has called for Assange’s immediate release, asserting that “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonize and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law”. Recent reports show that the Trump administration and CIA were working on plans to either kidnap or kill Julian Assange when he was a political asylee in London's Ecuadorian embassy. If extradited to the US, Julian Assange does not stand a chance. The Australian government must advocate for one of its own citizens. The people of Sydney want to see justice for Julian Assange and call on our elected representative to do all that she can to help free Julian Assange and bring him home.
    967 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Wood
  • Wentworth Wants Julian Assange Home
    The ability of the media to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial indicator of democracy. However this right to seek and disseminate information through an independent press is increasingly under attack. If Julian Assange, an Australian journalist can be prosecuted and imprisoned for espionage in the United States, then no media professional or citizen journalist anywhere, is safe to report information exposing government crimes. The United Nations Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, has called for Assange’s immediate release, asserting that “In 20 years of work with victims of war, violence and political persecution I have never seen a group of democratic States ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonize and abuse a single individual for such a long time and with so little regard for human dignity and the rule of law.” Australia must advocate for one its own citizens, now. The people of Wentworth want to see justice for Julian Assange and call on our elected representative to do all that she can to help bring Julian home.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Wood
  • Real High Speed Rail Geelong-Melbourne
    The $4b project is projected to cut the time for a Geelong - Melbourne trip to 50 minutes. This is 5 minutes longer than the 2006 Regional Fast Rail express train trip of 45 minutes. For this sort of money we should be embarking on true High Speed Rail with an estimated Geelong - Melbourne trip of 17 minutes ( http://www.megarail.com.au/ ) The MegaRail proposal with stations at Avalon Airport and Werribee will greatly enhance the livability and and economic strength of Melbourne's west as well as Geelong and could be built with the $4b currently available as a privately co-funded Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) project. The State Government $50m Geelong Fast Rail Study announced in March 2018 promised train speeds of between 250kph and 300kph. This proposal using conventional V/Line Trains and a third track between Werribee and Laverton is a total cop-out and if Geelong lets it happen we will never get a decent High-Speed train service.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Moran
  • Warwick's Walkability
    To get to the shops from the cinema and vis versa you have to cross multiple roads. the paths are uneven and unsuitable for scooters, wheelchairs, bikes or hoverboards. My dad is in a wheelchair and has to travel on road and through the busy carpark to get from the cinema to the shops.
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Bell