• Residents for Safe Streets to School: Canada Bay
    Children deserve to walk or ride to school safely. Walking to school improves kids' fitness and independence. However, they are often driven over short distances to school by parents. Parents perceive that their child's journey to school is unsafe on part of or on their whole journey. As a result, our streets are subject to tens of thousands more car trips every year, making them even less safe and clogging up roads with unnecessary traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Streets without footpaths and crossings with speed limits higher than 30km/h are not considered safe by Australia's safe system approach. The Case for crossings: Research shows that children cannot judge gaps in traffic consistently when cars go faster than 30km/h to safely cross a street On streets where there are no footpaths and crossings, reducing the car speed to 30km/h would prevent most accidents: the stopping distance for a car traveling 30km/h is 13m. Stopping distance for a car traveling 50km/h is 37m. The risk of death or serious injury if hit at 30km/h is less than 10%; compared to 90% if hit at 50km/h. It is an unreasonable risk to place our children in harms way on their journey to school.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Martin
    Improve pedestrian safety and accessibility while crossing Raglan Parade to and from Emmanuel College. Reducing vehicle traffic speed during school times will calm traffic movement and encourage pedestrian movement.
    530 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Donna Monaghan
  • Make Moreton Bay Safe
    Within 2-3 months we have lost 4 lives in Moreton bay waters including my brother. My name is Shannon Riley and I lead the search for Trent my brother. We don't know what exactly happened to Trent. Whatever happened to him was quick. Unfortunately, a couple of the other souls that have left us went out in unsafe conditions. The bay can be very unpredictable at times, what looks calm can be very dangerous just around the corner. If they just saw a sign saying Do not go out Unsafe conditions they would have become aware and might be with us today. Just like the warnings signs on the highways. It's time for a change. I'm doing this in the name of my brother Trent Riley If we can save one life I'll know his death was for a greater purpose.
    1,677 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by shannon riley Picture
  • Open Letter: End Logging in Ourimbah State Forest
    We, the community surrounding Ourimbah State Forest (OSF), firmly reject Forestry Corporation NSW’s (FCNSW) harvesting operation plan 200001035 in compartments OUR008 and OUR009, and future logging plans in the area. We fundamentally oppose native forest logging in NSW. We are calling on you to protect OSF by halting the planned logging of this area and to notify you that we plan to take peaceful direct action to stop operations. The insistence of the NSW government to proceed with the destruction of our remaining bushland, along with the desecration of cultural heritage sites and crucial wildlife habitat is a crime against people and nature in the current climate crisis. It is an act of ecocide. The NSW government has consistently ignored the wishes of the people of NSW to protect our native forests, and have instead committed to sustaining an unprofitable extractive industry, with all its negative impacts. Logging of native forests such as OSF degrades the habitat of key threatened species, negatively affects soil quality and carbon sequestration and drastically increases bushfire risk in the harvested and surrounding areas (Bowd et al., 2019). The Central Coast has a growing population that narrowly avoided the disastrous fires of 2019/2020 and 1994 both of which were barely contained along George Downes Drive and the Pacific Motorway. Continuing to fuel an industry that increases fire-risk and decreases the health and resilience of native forests is deplorable, and clearly shows that the collective pain we felt after the Black Summer Bushfires has quickly escaped the psyche of the NSW government. Australia has the unenviable reputation as one of the worst developed nations globally for deforestation. The Liberal government clearly ignores its duty of care to Australian citizens and to the land. According to NSW Government data, land clearing of woody vegetation has increased year-upon-year in the last decade (NSW Government, 2019). We must reverse this trend if we are to have any chance of a sustainable future. OSF is a known koala habitat. It also has cultural heritage sites that have already been degraded. The government’s collusion with the FCNSW and misapplication of the State Environment Planning Policy 44 (SEPP 44) which utterly fails to protect koala habitat demonstrates total lack of leadership in protecting our history, an iconic species and our fragile environment. According to data, the profit from native forest logging in 2019/20 was $28.00 a hectare, which equates to less than 20 cents for each mature tree logged (David Shoebridge, 2020). When government grants to FCNSW are considered; which totalled $136 million over a 10-year period ending in 2015 (Australian Institute, 2016), the industry runs at a significant loss. It is a burden to the NSW economy and a threat to the ecology of the area. We therefore oppose the Liberal government’s financial and legislative support of the industry. The Central Coast has prime bushland that needs protecting as one of the state’s remaining strongholds of native forest after the Black Summer Bushfires. Wood from native forest harvesting in NSW is primarily processed in three ways; chipped, pulped, or turned into pellets to be burned in power stations. Biomass (wood burning for energy) releases far more CO2 per kW than coal, yet it is legally a renewable energy source, granting it the same subsidies and privileges as solar and wind (nefa.org, 2020). This is a negligent misrepresentation of the truth, burning our native forests for electricity is not a sustainable energy alternative. Redbank Power station, if reinstated, will release 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 annually, and increase FCNSW’s ability to extract more timber and utilise more components than they were previously able (Renew Economy, 2019). Biomass is not a sustainable alternative to coal and it makes no sense in a climate emergency. We demand that the government protect and replenish forests, not cut them down. We respect the need for wood products and jobs and call for the Premier to: a) facilitate a full transition to sustainable timber alternatives such as agroforestry, and b) to invest in other industries that not only protect our sacred lands, but create a sustainable job sector, such as ecotourism. These industries will be a wellspring of potential in times to come. Our forests are not bottomless pits for us to extract from, but places of natural beauty and delicate ecosystems. We call upon the government to see that our forests serve us most NOT when commodified, but when they are protected, nurtured and thriving. There is nothing positive about native forest logging, but the negative impacts are exponential, including loss of habitat and biodiversity leading to further species extinction, loss of international respect, loss of income in eco-tourism, loss of cultural heritage sites and greater bush fire risk. We, as a strong community, will peacefully take direct action if the government does not take our concerns seriously and cease operations in OSF immediately.
    1,034 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Camp Ourimbah
  • Residents for Safe Streets to School in Randwick Council
    Children deserve to walk or ride to school safely. Walking to school improves kids' fitness and independence. However, they are often driven over short distances to school by parents. Parents perceive that their child's journey to school is unsafe on part of or on their whole journey. As a result, our streets are subject to tens of thousands more car trips every year, making them even less safe and clogging up roads with unnecessary traffic during morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Streets without footpaths and crossings with speed limits higher than 30km/h are not considered safe by Australia's safe system approach. The case for crossings: Research shows that children cannot judge gaps in traffic consistently when cars go faster than 30km/h to safely cross a street On streets where there are no footpaths and crossings, reducing the car speed to 30km/h would prevent most accidents: the stopping distance for a car traveling 30km/h is 13m. Stopping distance for a car traveling 50km/h is 37m. The risk of death or serious injury if hit at 30km/h is less than 10%; compared to 90% if hit at 50km/h. It is an unreasonable risk to place our children in harms way on their journey to school.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Owen Shepherd
  • Stop the Destruction of Wildlife Habitat in Mittagong!
    To make way for the cabins, 4.2 hectares will be cleared and 249 trees will be cut down. Wombats are to be removed from the area and fenced out. Two new access roads, sufficient to carry fully-loaded fire trucks with 4 metres cleared on each side, are to be built. A new bridge strong enough to support the weight of loaded fire trucks will be constructed over water inhabited by platypus. Help us save this precious habitat corridor for Frensham's future students and the Southern Highlands community.
    3,023 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Gaye White Picture
  • SAVE THE SLEEPING LIZARD (North Lismore Plateau)
    "If you take away our history,we have no future", says Uncle Mickey Ryan (Bundjalung Elders Council). There are Burials, Women Birthing sites, Scarred trees, artefacts, sacred water holes and spiritual Dreaming sites on the North Lismore Plateau. Threatened Species: A report prepared by David Milledge, well known qualified ecologist, on behalf of the Bundjalung Elders Council has identified a number of rare and endangered species currently observed on the North Lismore Plateau. The report concluded that the Rose Crowned Fruit Dove, Long eared Micro Bat, and the White eared Monarch bird are at risk of local extinction. Please sign to let Lismore Council know that this is important. We should look after our special places before we lose them.
    513 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Hughie Green Picture
  • Support the GIMME Future Youth Bill! (South Australian Youth Parliament)
    Young people across South Australia, through YMCA SA Youth Parliament, have come together to develop a Bill split into three key parts accelerating our green industry: - The first part seeks to transition industry away from fossil fuels by providing incentives for renewable practices and creating disincentives for high-polluting practices. These reforms include quintupling funding towards Green Industries SA by 2030, offering free retraining for fossil fuel industry workers, electrifying public transport by 2035, raising fossil fuel royalties by 10% and implementing more transparency of emission records. - The second part focuses on a public implementation of the green industry through grants, loans and universal tendering that accelerates the desire for renewable practices. New grants and loans administered by Green Industries SA will be for products that reasonably produce or store renewable energy for applicants reasonably pursuing no fossil fuel emissions. - The final part strengthens protections for indigenous land rights to ensure new mining operations better respect First Nations peoples and Country. Please sign this petition to show your support for the Environment and Energy Committee's Green Industry Manufacturing, Mining and Energy Future Bill 2021!
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lazaras Panayiotou Picture
  • Save the Nicholas Building creative community!
    There is no building like the Nicholas left in Melbourne. In fact you would hard pressed to find anything like it in the southern hemisphere. Seriously. So many people have a story connected to the Nicholas Building. What's yours? We want to keep making more experiences for all Melbournians and guests to our amazing city. Here’s some facts*: • Total cultural tourism exports for Victoria – most of which are generated out of central Melbourne – amounted to more than $2.5 billion in 2019. • Every $1 million of investment in cultural programming and investment, including in creative spaces, in Melbourne, induces more than $4 million in additional tourism exports and supports 40 jobs. Cultural programming and investment does not just refer to the output of major companies. One of the major contributing factors is through the incubation and provision of creative spaces for small social enterprises, artist led initiatives, artisan studios, and bespoke flexible venues. Where else is the content you experience in theatres and on your smartphone developed? Not just at home that is for sure. We need more, not less creative spaces where a critical mass of energy and collaboration turns into productivity and more cultural experience. More facts*: • Each permanent creative space (e.g. studio) generates a net benefit to the Melbourne and Victorian communities of $247,000. This is the present value of a stream of benefits capitalised over an indefinite period. A quarter of a million dollars per creative studio. The Nicholas Building has over 100 such creative studios. DO the math! But beyond the economics, it is the feeling. Coming to a Night at the Nicholas event across 10 floors you will experience live music, art performance and installations, dance parties, palm and tarot readers, VR artists painting you into an artwork, tattoo shops, weaving workshops, choirs, drinks with jewellers, forums, Australia’s largest Joseph Beuys collection! The list goes on. The feeling that crowds report after these events is one of elation, ecstasy, joy and relief that the human impulse to create and share this creativity with others has a place right in the heart of the city. Where people can be immersed in the unique and diverse arts and culture. There is no other way you will get those offerings elsewhere in Melbourne. Without the Nicholas we lose our last Artist Run Initiative Galleries. These galleries have supported thousands of artists over the last couple of decades - your children, friends, parents. Most Melbournians know someone that has been supported or moved by the cultural community of the Nicholas Building. We cannot afford to lose it. And now, as we come out of the pains of the pandemic we must support a creative led recovery. Not just on words in policy documents and vision statements from well meaning institutions. But actual investment into those people and places that already make it happen! The Nicholas Building community have done this off their back for so long. But we can no longer afford to do it on our own. Without the support of those with the power and money to stave off the imminent exodus of another 100 creative souls from our city centre we may as well stay at home and let Netflix tell us the extent of our culture. No thanks! -- *Data gathered from SGS Public Sector Consulting
    13,637 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Building Association
  • Revitalise Yass
    The proximity of Yass results in tourists and tree-changers. Our town is tired and falling apart and hardly seems capable of facilitating further development when the infrastructure is falling into disrepair.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Power
  • More beds for Odyssey House Molyullah
    Addiction is a disease that affects not only the addict but their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends etc. Without rehabilitation centres addicts will continue to die. At the moment there are 80-100 people waiting for a bed every week. Addicts walk beside us every day sometimes visibly struggling with life but on many occasions there are no visible signs of the struggle within. We can no longer put our head in the sand and pretend this isn't an issue. If this expansion saves one life it is worth it.
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Joyce
  • Smart Drum Lines for Forster
    Forster's beautiful coastline is one of the major tourism draw cards to the area and a place where lots of locals have grown up being in the water. The Smart Drum Lines target specific species and will help restore a sense of security when using the beaches in the area especially after what occurred at Tuncurry Beach recently.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denis Pecnik