• Stop Toxic Waste being dumped at the Lyndhurst Landfill
    This will ensure alternative treatments to landfill for higher hazard waste are appropriately researched, monitored and implemented. This will also ensure that there are no (detrimental) health impacts to the residents in the surrounding area of Lyndhurst.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    There's a proposed development to erect a 7 storey modern monstrosity on the corner of Latrobe & Given Terraces - which is not in keeping with the 'timber & tin' hillside character in which Paddington is renowned. The application is for 45 units, 94 car parks (private), 20 motorbike parks (private), 10 lot shopping precinct, with a gross floor area of 6284m2 (New 4944m2) The building will be 3.5 times higher than what is acceptable as outlined in the Brisbane City Council's Latrobe Given Tce Plan (link below) A structure of that height will cast significant shadows east-west The building itself is not in keeping with the character of the area and will be an eyesore. There has been no attempt to create a building which accentuates the character of the buildings around it. It is not a tasteful or sympathetic design It will ruin OUR Paddington. This development will allow other similar developments into Paddington. Those developments will be able to say "well there is a place down the road that is seven storeys high"... Have your Say!!! Join us in telling the Brisbane City Council that you say NO to ruin our Paddington. Take just one minute of your time to have your say and together, we can ensure that Modern Monstrosity are not erected and our Paddington remains renowned for its character and charm. Want to help by delivering letterbox drops and/or displaying a sign on your property? GET IN TOUCH [email protected] For further info Here is the plan to the monstrosity https://pdonline.brisbane.qld.gov.au/MasterView/modules/documentmaster/viewdocumentftp.aspx?key=p4j9mRT%2fiFYX93LIgPtRuCyP%2bp7lHcw6x64%2fYMij3l1ssp%2bXPfzCxA%3d%3d Have your say by lodging a submission (by Friday 16th May 2014) https://sde.brisbane.qld.gov.au/services/startDASubmission.do?direct=true&daNumber=A003678251&sdeprop=301GIVEN%20TCE%20PADDINGTON%20QLD%204064 Here is the existing Latrobe Tce and Given Tce Plan http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/planning-building/planning-guidelines-tools/city-plan-zones-codes/performance-criteria-acceptable-solutions/chapter-4-local-plan-codes
    635 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Amy Simpson
  • Unconditional Basic Income
    Under current systems, when someone becomes employed they lose most of their welfare payments. This means they can go from not working at all to working a full week, but not earn much more than they did previously, which acts as a disincentive to work. Under Unconditional Basic Income, when people become employed they would retain the same basic income payment, with their salary added to it, so this disincentive no longer exists. Remember this will not replace your wages, you will be able to earn your normal working pay on top of the the basic income. It is there simply as a safety net to ensure your basic human rights are fulfilled. Second, the Unconditional Basic Income support will help people adapt to the changing industrial structure and employment opportunities by assisting them to plan and develop their vocational training and career structure. Remember this won't just help the young, what about middle aged families with a mortgage and kids to feed and clothe? On the current system if you lose your job and you own a flash car or property, you are expected to sell those assets first, wait 12 months and then you can claim the dole. With my proposal of a Unconditional Basic Income for all, the anxiety and stress for these kinds of families would no longer exist as they will still have a means to survive and will not be forced to pack up their lives and move somewhere due to their budgets. Third, Unconditional Basic Income will provide people with a better opportunity to pursue training in cultural, recreation, and sporting activities in which they have special skills and aptitudes. Fourth, the financial support for people with special skills and aptitudes can have special benefits for rural towns and regional areas at present facing dwindling communities and a lack of career opportunities. - The greatest benefit to society as a whole will be the influence it has towards a more equal and egalitarian society. Please, prospective signers, take note - UBI can be many things to many people. It can be a - * stabilizer -it keeps the economy running and the dollar circulating * safety net - if you lose your job or incur a "shock expense" * liberator - frees you from domestic anguish and work exhaustion * chance giver - the time, money and opportunity to explore your goals. Added to campaign material August 8th, 2018 by David Upton *Please note members. I am now proposing the amount of $22,500/annum as a proposed basic income. Added September 8th, 2020 Hello again members. Please check out this table -. Observed UBI Effects From completed and ongoing trials ☺ Crime went down 42% ☺ Hospitalization rates decreased 8.5% ☺ Birth weights improved due to better maternal nutrition ☺ Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables went up ☺ Consumption of alcohol and other temptation goods went down ☺ Child personalities improved such that kids were more honest and worked better together ☺ School attendance increased and grades improved ☺ Teen pregnancy rates went down ☺ Frequency of people being personally offended by each other went down ☺ Savings went up and debt went down ☺ Entrepreneurship quadrupled in one place and was 3 times higher than control groups in another ☺ Recipients worked more hours and earned more additional income ☺ Disproportionately positive effects overall were seen among women, the elderly and the disabled
    679 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Justin Stankovic
  • Allow Verge Gardens in Geelong
    Curb-side planting of low growing, edible and decorative plants enhances household sustainability, builds community and enriches both people and neighbourhoods. As Costa Georgiadis, the host of Gardening Australia says: “It is not just about food for humans, verge gardens grow habitat for birds and insects and provide a home for the pollinators and ecosystem supporters that look after us and our food plants as well. And above all else, they build and grow connections and community.”
    1,935 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Geelong Sustainability Group Picture
  • Save ethnic community radio!
    The cuts suggested in the National Commission of Audit Report could mean the end of ethnic radio programs and the closure of community radio stations. Ethnic community broadcasting is a vital and cost-effective community service that harnesses the skills, expertise and time of over 4000 volunteers from 125 distinct cultural groups to produce over 2,118 hours of content on 130 stations every week. Government investment is crucial to sustaining and building the capacity of this volunteer-driven sector. Ethnic community broadcasting provides quality local content in over 100 languages and plays a critical and unique role in facilitating Australia's remarkable cultural diversity and social cohesion.
    1,065 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NEMBC Secretariat Picture
  • Stop culling (shooting) of Brumbies
    We must prevent culling (shooting) of our Brumby in the Snowy Mountains. It is a method that results in extreme cruelty to an animal (remember Guy Fawke's National Park) who is an integral part of our history, heritage, and poetry. Our Brumby has been in the Snowy Mountains region for well over a century and should be admired rather than vilified as vermin to be destroyed. We do not want to be scratching our collective heads in 20 years time asking "what happened to our Brumbies, we can only see them in the museum now"
    690 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Justin MacIntosh
  • Preserve Western Port - Stop the Development of Port of Hastings
    The expansion to accommodate a projected 3000 ships per year will involve massive dredging, dumping of dredge spoil, land reclamation, risk of oil spills, air pollution, beach and cliff erosion associated with channel deepening, and loss of habitat. This has the potential to destroy the Western Port we know, love, and depend upon. Our beaches, fishing, wildlife, tourism economy, clean air, clean water. Western Port is a wetland of international significance, and Australia has obligations to look after it under the Ramsar treaty. Please take some time to learn about the proposed port expansion and its likely impacts. To stay up to date visit http://preservewesternport.org.au and http://www.wppcinc.org Thanks!
    796 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Johnson
  • Save this from happening to Carr St Coogee
    The southern end of the Coogee foreshore area is the quiet end of Coogee being residential in nature with only low impact commercial development next door and the Grand Pacific heritage building next to that. This proposal is for a two level concrete commercial podium at the base of the high rise block of units on the corner of Carr St and Kurrawa Ave. The unit block is currently set back at ground level from Carr St and from the east and west boundaries, giving it an open and low key feel at street level despite the high rise above. The proposed concrete structure with its bulky podium and the disproportionately large balconies on the 7 floors above would be a gross imposition on this special part of Coogee dominating the location, detracting from the much valued small scale qualites of the bay area and undermining the relaxed village atmosphere that makes Coogee Coogee.
    345 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Keep Coogee a Village
  • Don't deport Aussie born Ari and her mum Eunsil Park next week
    Please sign and share this petition as widely as you can to send a clear message to the Immigration Department that we don't support the mistreatment and blatant disregard for well being of five year old Ari (Aust. born) and her mum Eunsil (Chloe) Park. Recently the Minister of Immigration Scott Morrison stepped to delay Eunsil's deportation until June, but Mr Morrison is still refusing to grant Eunsil residency based on the grounds that it is 'not in the public's best interest'. Read media articles linked below. What could be more in the public's interest than a giving Ari - an Australian citizen - the right to live out her life happily in Australian with her mum? By signing and sharing this petition you can help change Mr Morrison's perception of what really is 'in the public's best interest' and persuade him to offer Eunsil residency. Eunsil has until until 6 June to pack her bags, say goodbye to her home in Australia and buy a one-way ticket out of country. Ari has no choice but to go with her mum or face gruelling and damaging separation. It is not an option for this family. If they don't leave, Eunsil will face detention. For the past 4 years, Eunsil has gone through all the processes to get permanent residency. The uncertainty has been tough, but she's struggled and persevered so that her daughter can grow up, go to high school and do all the other things kids are lucky enough to do in Australia. Nothing is more important for Eunsil than to stay in Australia with her daughter, Ari. In 2012 Eunsil was told to expect a positive decision on her permanent residency application - unfortunately the opposite has occurred. Eunsil is fearful of what will happen if her and Ari are deported back to South Korea - a country she hasn't known for 8 years. Chloe doesn't have a job or a home to go back to there and Ari would be entering a totally unfamiliar world. As a single parent family, Eunsil has fears she and Ari would be stigmatised, shamed or discriminated in South Korea. Mark Illingworth, Ari's loving granddad, can't believe his daughter-in-law and granddaughter will be forcibly deported. He desperately wants Chloe and Ari to stay in Australia so that their family can stay together. Mark has told the Immigration Department that he's prepared to support Eunsil and Ari in every way if that's what's required. Unfortunately, even a granddad's plea to see his granddaughter grow up has fallen on deaf ears. Please sign and share this petition as far and wide as you can. But please do it fast! If we act together now and share the petition as widely as we can, we can pressure the Immigration Minister to review their decision. Thank you! Ari celebrates her 5th birthday and the family continue to fight for her and her mum to remain in Australia (21 April) : http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/family-vows-to-fight-on-to-stop-deportation-of-fiveyearold-ari-illingworth-to-vietnam/story-fnihsrf2-1226890690221 Story in The Australian about the three month reprieve: (18 Mar) http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/south-korean-woman-eunsil-chloe-park-and-daughter-ari-allowed-to-stay-in-australian-three-more-months/story-e6frg6n6-1226857432764 Mark (grandfather) slams PM's resolve to deport family - the Australian 17 Mar http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/grandad-slams-pm-tony-abbotts-resolve-to-deport-family/story-e6frg6n6-1226856421822 A story in Courier Mail interviewing Mark and highlighting the abhorrent string of events putting Chloe and Ari in this incomprehensible position. http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/former-immigration-minister-chris-bowen-was-set-to-use-discretionary-powers-to-let-south-korean-woman-and-daughter-4-stay-in-australia/story-fnihsrf2-1226855192127 Mark was interviewed on The Project last night (13 March), take a look: http://tenplay.com.au/channel-ten/the-project/video An interview with Mark by the ABC: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-03-13/deportation-may-split-family/5319760?section=qld An interview with Mark in the Courier Mail: http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/grandfathers-plea-to-immigration-minister-scott-morrison-let-my-little-angel-stay/story-fnihsrf2-1226853013658
    888 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Julie Coulthard
  • Stop Child Evictions from Public Housing
    Since 2011 there have been 2,000 Indigenous children forced into homelessness on the streets of Perth as a direct result of public housing evictions. Since the hardline policy was introduced, over 500 Aboriginal households have been evicted – more than the total of all other ethnic groups combined and almost double the number from the previous two years. We are creating a generation of hopelessness that must be averted. The evictions of children must be stopped until alternate accommodation is located.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne-Maree Ferguson
  • Carbon Tax Repeal Laws to Lead to Job Losses
    The carbon tax legislation has lead to the development of new business opportunities in green industries and sustainable business models. Repealing the carbon tax will lead to job losses in the new green economy. We need to demonstrate to the government and the community the impact that repealing the carbon tax will have on new green businesses. Green business is just as important to the economy as dirty business.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Wurm
  • Save the heritage Cork Tree in Norwood, Adelaide, South Australia
    This tree was planted in 1892 by prominent industrialist Henry Buttery in his residential property adjacent to his furniture factory, which was the first in South Australia to use steam powered machinery, and the nearby row of Victorian shops from 158 to 166 The Parade, which still retain their distinctive parapets and facades and were also built by Henry Buttery. The tree and the shops represent the cultural history of late 19th Century Norwood. The cork tree (quercus suber) is significant with respect to its species, trunk size and its age. It is of exceptional form, with a good crown and contributes to the interpretation and understanding of the important history and built heritage of the site. It is registered by the National Trust of Australia (No. 34) on the Significant Tree Register.
    1,370 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Anne Chappel