• Stop the Blue Mountains Luxury Resort/Crocodile Park/Zoo
    Apart from the environmental impact of extra tourist traffic in precious bushland, the introduction of yet another tourist hotel/resort, as well as an artificial crocodile park and zoo, are the last things The Blue Mountains National Park needs. Zoos are mainly entertainment for humans, at the expense of animals’ peace and freedom. Being viewed by noisy human crowds imposes stress onto animals with no choice of escape. The Blue Mountains are rich with native fauna, despite numbers hit by 2020’s cataclysmic bushfires. We do not need to cage free animals for our selfish viewing pleasure! And another luxury resort for the rich? Please! 🙄 We need to stop this NOW!
    1,509 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Azura Justice
  • Save The Entrance Library and Council Services
    The Library is a community literacy service, a meeting place, a technology hub and a support to education.  The Library also provides Council Services on site: payment for rates water and sewerage services; animal registrations; internet and computer access for those who don’t have such luxury at home; viewing of Council plans and policies; lodging a general inquiry to Council; and book clubs, knitting groups and mindfulness groups. Please sign and share this petition! The Entrance community deserves a Library and Council Services venue. You can also show your support of The Entrance library by making sure you pop in and borrow the twenty items permitted, or making a Council request using the Council Services.
    1,080 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Austin
  • Keep Ballymore Green - Stop a major commercial development in our backyard
    QRU has a substantial proposal before the government to create a commercial precinct at Ballymore, in Herston, Brisbane. Formal consultation on the application closed 31 March 2021 but all signatures up until mid April 2021 will be forwarded to the Deputy Premier. A small part of the project (<10%) is for a National Rugby Training Centre, which is not of concern. This includes improvements to playing fields and internal circulation. What is of major concern are 7 buildings up to 5 storeys high, providing 33,800sqm of commercial offices (not shops or cafes). These buildings will: • change the character of the neighbourhood (5 storeys along main park frontage); • use most of the existing open space; • remove substantial vegetation; • cause traffic in local streets (bigger than two Newmarket Shopping Centres); and • create significant on-street parking in local streets (because on-site parking is sought to be relaxed by 893 spaces). This is a poor project and bad precedent for community open space. Please help us to stop this harmful proposal. Please share this petition with your local community. To see the proposal: https://planning.dsdmip.qld.gov.au/planning/better-development/infrastructure-designations?source=consultations&noScroll=true&id=52e80d97-7160-eb11-a99d-000d3ad10aaf
    892 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Marian Wheeler
  • Penders Park Traffic Management Plan
    - To ensure the safety of park users - The streets around the park are used as a 'rat run' to avoid High and other main streets - Vehicles often travel at high speed around the streets surrounding the park
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Norris
  • Stop the Overdevelopment - Pagewood/Eastgardens
    This development will place unprecedented pressure on the Southeastern suburbs of Sydney as the growth of our community outpaces the roll out of infrastructure and services. We face a future perfect storm of congestion and worsening socio-economic outcomes with the Eastgardens development. One thing is clear: Meriton is creating a city of have and have nots. We urge a halt to this development until the infrastructure and capacity issues are addressed. The community has previously raised concerns with the rezoning of this site including: • Excessive intensification of use of the site compared to existing planning controls; • Excessive building height; • Inadequate assessment of the transport impacts of the proposal; and • Ambiguous commitment to the delivery of public open space. With each planning approval we have seen significant modification from the original Pagewood Green master plan. The original proposal stated one-bed units would measure 65 sqm, two-bed 85 sqm and three-bed 110 sqm. However, Meriton reduced all three in size to 50 sqm, 75 sqm and 96 sqm respectively, even as they advertised the original sizes. Although technically in the Bayside Local Government area, due to the site’s close proximity to the Randwick Council Local Government area, residents are concerned about the significant increase in population, and the added demand this will place upon community facilities and services, open space and other physical and social assets within both Bayside and Randwick City, and the increased pressure on Sydney beaches. A lot of the earlier forecasts of traffic and the provision of car parking were based on assumptions about the "potential extension of the light rail to the site - when there is no evidence to suggest this will ever occur. The South East Sydney Transport Strategy released late last year showed no signs that there was any planning for Bunnerong Road. And plans to extend Metro West (from Parramatta to the CBD) to the east and deliver a Metro to Maroubra Junction now won’t happen until after 2041 if at all- more than 20 years away. We ask the Government to intervene and halt any further approvals until there is an integrated planning approach to this development.
    517 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Maria Poulos
  • Tweed Council: Build a Pedestrian Crossing on Dry Dock Road
    Many elderly people live along Dry Dock Road. Because of traffic movement, it's too dangerous for them to cross from the built-up side to the picnic facilities, public walking track and river view. The road needs a pedestrian light with sound to make the crossing safe for our elderly. We, the Blind and Vision Impaired Support Group request that a safe pedestrian crossing light be installed. The cost should be between $5000 and $10 000, a relatively insignificant amount for the degree of pleasure and independence it will offer these worthy people.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dede Callichy
  • Go FOGO Wanneroo!
    FOGO is the WA State Government and Waste Authority’s preferred best practice for waste management and the only system to meet State diversion from landfill targets of 65% by 2020 and material recovery targets of 70% by 2025. In 2019 the City of Wanneroo (COW) announced that households would be receiving a FOGO bin in 2021. However, COW was unable to find a waste management business willing or able to process the huge amount of organic waste the City produces. So FOGO is currently a No-go for Wanneroo despite the obvious environmental urgency for its implementation. COW must, therefore, take responsibility for establishing and operating a FOGO recycling plant itself. WA Councils that have adopted FOGO include Albany, Bayswater, Belmont, Bunbury, Fremantle, Kalamunda, Melville and Vincent and the towns of Bassendean and East Fremantle. The benefits of FOGO waste management to the community would be: * drastically reduce the amount of organic waste contaminating Tamala Park landfill site which is rapidly reaching capacity * reduce pollution and unpleasant odour caused by the harmful methane gas released by unprocessed organic matter that CONTRIBUTES TO GLOBAL WARMING * a reduction in processing and disposal costs (no additional cost to residents) By applying FOGO compost to debilitated soil, it will: * SAVE WATER by Improving soil water retention * counteract the widespread degradation of soil caused by extensive land clearing of the far northern suburbs for new residential and commercial developments * invigorate and sustain new plant growth, thereby increasing the survival rate of newly planted trees reaching maturity (it is estimated only 1 in 10 trees planted by Perth local councils reach maturity) * reduce the use of chemical fertilisers and weed killers * assist in the rehabilitation of landfill and open cut mine sites (eg, limestone quarries and sand quarries) and for use the City’s public open spaces, gardens, farms, and for use in landscaping new developments, roundabouts, roadsides, and the Mitchell Freeway extension Other potential benefits: * provide employment opportunities for disadvantaged jobseekers (eg, people with disabilities) * provide opportunities to develop partnerships with businesses and corporations wishing to enhance their corporate citizen profiles.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosalind Casey
  • Power for Broome
    The recent Horizon presentation offered nothing to our general population besides tea and scones at the yet to be completed customer experience centre. We need environmentally friendly power generation to reduce our carbon footprint for the future of our children, our Nation and our World. Let’s activate the local, State and Federal Government bodies to encourage Horizon Power to get the job done.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Kaupert
  • Studley Park Community Garden
    Sustainable communities and food sourcing is becoming increasingly important. So, too, is optimising the use of our community land. The small piece of land of interest is rarely used and would be a wonderful way for the community to connect and learn together about urban farming. Connecting us all to our food supply and nature brings harmony, togetherness and fabulous food!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Sexton
  • Renewable Sustainable Energy for WBHS
    This is important because it will allow the school to have a renewable energy source throughout the buildings.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noah Brown
  • Ban Plastic-turf in public parks
    Plastic-turf kills the biota beneath & leeches toxins into the soil, while also increasing the heat island effect for the surrounding community. We must phase out the use of plastics that pollute. The world is choking on our plastics. Wrapping the land in a plastic coating is nether sustainable nor in line with the spirit and principles of Moreland Council’s own “Plastic Wise Moreland”.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Mack
  • Give us a Pedestrian Footpath between Olinda and Sassafras
    Pedestrian traffic by residents and tourists between Olinda and Sassafras is currently challenging and unsafe, and will deteriorate further during the winter months. The growing tourism in the Dandenong Ranges would benefit from proper and safe access between these two popular destinations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Fitzpatrick